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Review, Guide and tips from a 2+ year F2P pro

BACKGROUND: I started playing DR almost right after it came out of beta and was blown away by the graphics, amount of cosmetic customization (both upon char creation and amount of costumes/styles/color dyes) as well as the gameplay (particularly PVP) w/ blocks, evades, timing of skills, etc. for a phone game.
Over the years, I have waxed and waned on the game, sometimes bored and not playing for a couple weeks, sometimes going back to it and playing 5+ hours a day for several days at a time....
All in all, for an action based RPG, I have yet to find a better one (e.g., Hundred Souls, BDM, and several others all fell short for various reasons, though of course there are aspects of those games that are done better than DR (nothing is perfect after all)....
At the very bottom of this post, I will list out several areas that Nexon could easily improve on (the "cons" of the game), just so I don't come off as too much of a nuthugger...
But first given my 2+ years of playing experience, I wanted to give a few observations and pointers (some of which I already wrote, mostly in replies to questions on other posts here):
1) everything is possible via F2P. It may not seem like it, but there is always to grind your way to a certain item or attribute or pet or costume or whatever--even super rare stuff like gilded pirate costumes or S rank att unicorns or BOTH PVE and PVP unknown weapons, and IF you strategize it right, it often won't take nearly as much time or as many RNG rolls as initially appears...
Everything can and w/ enough persistence will be grinded out and eventually won via their Gatcha RNG casino system... The newly designed/layout Crafting system which got a completely rehaul about 5 or 6 updates ago, is a perfect example. Everyone bitched about it cause it was new and more complicated but actually it allowed for MUCH easier ways to craft stuff like refine stones, pet tickets etc.
I won't go into details here (too long and too many things to talk about) about probabilities or RNG optimization strategies, but if there is a specific thing you want to ask, go ahead in the comments...
But one example I'll give is that on my main toon it took me forever to get a decent S rank att pet. I never put a lot of thought into it... and also just figured it was a lost cause.... Ended up using a good S rank HP pet, figured my main toon was kind of a tank build anyways. But in late stages of PVE, att becomes critical (you can always dodge n avoid getting hit, but doing damage becomes harder and harder in PVE Endgame)... Anyways, I even had TWO S -rank attack unicorns on my other toons but not even a single S rank att pet (of any kind, let alone unicorn or owl or pixie) on my main.
So what did I do? one day when i had the excess gold and excess time, I just spent 15 minutes crafting pet tickets, dissembling useless pets, using the dissembled materials to craft more tix, rinse wash and repeat several dozen times: and after 200+ (i shit you not, it took 200 tickets) tries I finally got my S rank att pet. It was a 46,000+ att one, not a unicorn or owl, but if I spent another 15 to 30 minutes, grinding in the same way, I'm sure I would have eventually gotten a unicorn (probability for the win). It then took around 75 mill gold to upgarde and transcend that pet, but anyways....
Morale of story: something I thought was impossible and had given up on, only took 15 minutes (and a ton of gold) when I finally put my mind to it.
2) And there are MULTIPLE ways to power (both in F2P and presumably in P2W). I dont pay any $ both out of principle but also as a challenge to myself (see point 1 above). Most things you want to accomplish in terms of upping CP or beating a specific boss can be figured out (w/o spending rl dollars) if you think about it long enough, and there is usually more than 1 way. I've seen other (more skilled) players beat Kong (guild raid) or even the Dwarf King when they are millions of CP underpowered because they figured out and executed a great strategy...
There are so many different ways to grind for example....
Need polish? Auto grind GoD (or "gate of grind" as some players call it) overnight... In the morning you will have plenty of polish.... Or grind DD for polish and gold (you can also sell DD chests for tons of gold too and sell (or use for dissemble materials) the B-A+ armor and weap chests from DD....
Need gold? spend 12k gems for 40 mill, or spend 1k gems at a time on the lobby shop gift (the one they keep tucking into different categories with each update, and changing the name of...). Or sell essence (after 350 attribute level max, essence from auto clearing adven stages is basically useless). Or sell something else that is high value in your inventory that you don't need/want (emotes pieces, lower gear chests, etc. etc. etc.).
There are almost always several different ways to solve one CP plateau. Be creative.
Speaking of which, even though they have NERFED the lobby gem bags at least TWICE that I can recall, it's still a tremendous value. Certainly more efficient than spending 2,500 on the Refine stone gem bundles in the shop or buying breakthru or pet upgrades or weap/armoaccessory upgrades in the shop. The only thing you can't get in these gem bags are transfer fossils. They are also excellent for replenishing gold and clear tix. Altho if you are REALLY starved for gold, you could also go the 12k gem for 40mm gold in shop route as already mentioned.
3) Nexon does a good job of making adjustments as well to game mechanics, RNG odds, and gameplay difficulties.
In my 2 years, there have been hundreds of tweaks to drop rates, skill damage for certain classes (best example is the mage who was underpowered compared to archer and most other classes for almost a year, then in latest update they made her basic attack roid up after certain skills, now making her on par or perhaps even better than most other classes), and gameplay difficulty (they have adjusted stage numbesr and difficulties for Raid, DuoD, GoD, Gold mine, and added new adventure levels (more difficult) at least 3-4 times EACH for all of those.
The point is, they understand their own game well, listen to player feedback, and are constantly looking for ways to make: 1) things more balanced, 2) players happier, and 3) address loopholes (see above re: nerfing the lobby gem bags, when those suckers first were introduced, you could get 50+ S refines and even morph crystals in just a few bags (at 1k gems per bag), super super super good deal); and kick hackers etc.
Of course they are not perfect, there are always going to be Chinese bots and Russian hackers exploiting stuff like auto running Sod level 1 or Infitinty Tower (the 2 more recent hacking issues I can think of), but Nexon did recently ban a whole bunch of people for the Infinity tower hack. They do their best and listen to player complaints, for the most part.
4) Even for F2P, it's super easy to up CP SUPER FUCKING QUICK. See Xerxanna's posts on here for details and also great advice to do so...
That brings me to my next point: CONVERGENCE THEORY: this is a concept from Economics that basically says it's easier for poor countries to "catch up" to rich ones than it is for rich ones to stay ahead (e.g., 1st world countries spend billions on research for breakthrus while 3rd world ones can just piggyback off the inventions of the 1st world, e.g. Korea went directly to cell phones, they didn't have a vast network of phone towers and landlines like the U.S. did, so they just jumped to the next level with less friction/cost).
DR Example: when they introduced Witch, and 2 years later the Guardian, I saw some players get these new toons to 20 mill CP within 2-3 day or less. This is because the other 5 or 6 toons (your "main" toons) will accumulate lots of loot that becomes obsolete to them but which can be used / donated to the new toons. Also, because your experience leveling up the prior toons provide a roadmap for the new one... (not to mention people hoarding EXP, gold, skill chests etc. because they knew there would be a new toon soon). That segues to my next point:
5) play all toons. Just my 2 cents.
The higher CP all your toons are, the better output from farming, even if you only consider 1 or 2 of those toons to be your "mains" and spend 90% playing those 2.
Example: 6 of my toons (not guardian yet) are platinum or above in Duel PVP... That means every week I get 900 to 1,400+ gems per toon for the Duel season award. Every WEEK. Just from pvp season awards, I get over 25k+ gems each week (weekly season awards, not counting win awards or dailies).
Add guild season awards and daily ranked match gems, daily quest gems, and weekly quests (but tbh I don't always have time to complete the dailies or weeklies) and you'll end up easily netting anywhere from 50k to 80k+ gems a week.
6) Always contribute max amount to camp gem mine. ALWAYS.
You can always change your mind and take it out before the interest accrues... But remember, as you get higher lvl in the game, gems become easier to acquire (see PVP season awards above), and 100k gems in the mine = 10k gems every 2 weeks at a 10% interest rate (more if you care to invest gems upfront to increase the interest % above 10% like I did). It's also a way I use to justify spending. For example if I throw 90k gems in the gem mine, then I feel like I can just spend the 50k or 60k I have left on things like costume chests or lobby gem bags.
7) Don't neglect any part of the game. Everything will become relevant at some point. E.g. when I was around midgame (around 15 mill CP per toon), I suddenly had more gold then I knew what to do with.... But then in endgame (20 to 25 mill CP) I discovered I almost never had enough gold. So don't forget/neglect things like gold mine just cause you got plenty gold this week. Plan ahead.
Same for camp. For the longest time, I just stopped using camp and village. They seemed useless and there were more efficient (and more fun) things to spend time on... But now that acc S+ fusion is 90% (instead of 50%) all of a sudden the Jade Acc parts you can buy in the Camp shop suddenly seem super fucking valuable. Now I can't accumulate enough apples in the camp to buy Jade Acc parts (for more S+ acc fusion fodder)... Seems like quickest path to get lvl 10 transcend on my main toons' accessories to me (chime in if you found a more efficient way) .
Again, this goes to Nexon tweaking stuff constantly. if there is a feature of the game that people neglect, they will try to find a way to make it slightly more fun and more rewarding (in terms of loot) so that people take a new interest in it.
8) when you have dumbass questions, your first source for answers (assuming your guildmates don't know or don't care to answer) is to check the Hall of Power and see what the top 10 to 50 players do. Just copy them. Convergence Theory again, Ta Da!!!!
Example: every top player has for 1 of their 3 pages: two S (at top) wolfang and two A (at bottom) wolffang, with both the S ones having TWO gold boost traits. also a helm with two gold boost traits. That's just super obvious if you want to max gold farming when clearing advens. (but I'm sure most of you already do this)
That's all I can think of for now.... Again questions are welcome.
Now for some complaints and suggestions on how the game can be improved:
  1. the Story is pretty terrible (par for course for a phone game made by a foreign company) although it is coherent and the English voice acting is top notch for an Asian game, they could do a lot to spice up adventures / Story in general. For instance, make different routes in adventures stages so that you don't have to just follow one grind stage after another. (more "choose your adventure" style and face different bosses, get different rewards in the Story depending on your pathway choices).
They also seemingly completely gave up on the Story aspect when they released the hugely OPed and difficult Dwarven adven stages (there was no corresponding Story hahahah). Just... here are some new levels and some cool monsters, but no story to explain why or continuation of the Main Quest storyline... I'm sure at some point they'll get more of a budget to rehire the voice actors and mediocre writers to craft the next part of the Story for those dwarven levels tho..
2) this is my big one: ALLOW fking TOONS / ACCOUNTS TO BE TRASNFFERED ACROSS SERVERS GODDAMITEAH3898234Y98*(*@#$y&it()q^.
i used to play on the Asia server, then I moved back to U.S. And now..... I still play on the Asia server (meaning more lag and time difference (e.g., for guild pvp), harder to find PVP matchups cuz time diff, etc.) cause I'll be goddamned if I'm going to start from scratch after 2 years just cause I'm in a different region. I see no reason they should not do this. After all, even the Hall of Power now includes ALL servers (U.S., Europe, Korea, Asia).
3) make Brawl and Camp battles more meaningful. they're IMO the funnest forms of PVP, yet yield the lowest rewards (altho arguably Brawl is somewhat useful for getting S++ crescents). Simply grant some gem awards or season awards for these to make them more rewarding to play and so that enough people play so it's easy to get a game/match going.
Same for Four Guardians. Who even plays those? They could be fun as hell and a great new form of PVE if the rewards were better and the rip off of tower defense system less convoluted.... Get on it Nexon!!!!
4) make it easier to communicate among guild mates and during PVP battles and Coop raids. typing during battle is too difficult. Easily solved with some hotkeys etc.
*although as an aside it is fun as hell to taunt people with Emotes during PVP :)
5) Less focus on costumes, and more on gear... Been too long (many months) before any new gear (last update was either the Unknown sets or the Glorious acc's) meanwhile there is a new costume set every fucking update... I know for some, cosmetics/beauty/fashion IS the Endgame, but come on....
6), this is my 2nd biggest gripe: less autoplay in PVP.
When fighting others who have autoplay on, it's both boring and also not fair (e.g, if I'm lagging and the CPU is able to perfectly time evades and counters despite the lag). Mostly it's boring cause auto PVP opponents are pretty easy to kill if you use the right strategies. When I'm in a team PVP and more than half the players are either bots (to fill the game) or on auto play, it is far less fun than if I'm playing w/ real people who are using their own controls instead of a computer. I've ranted about this particular gripe elsewhere so I'll stop....
Thoughts? Comments? Questions? Hope this was worth reading (kudos to those who got to end). Be well.
PS I play on Asia server. Guild: Venom8 (we have 3-4 open slots at moment if anyone needs a guild)
Toons: CrazyCarl, CheekyCher, SlySylvia, SaucySue, TimidTim, DeadlyDee and TardyTyler
submitted by Mordukan to NexonDarknessRises [link] [comments]

55 of some of the best quotes from the series ranked, with episode marked

No. 55: Scott's Tots - Season 6, Episode 12
"I've made some empty promises in my life, but hands down, that was the most generous." – Michael
No. 54: The Incentive - Season 8, Episode 2
"Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick." - Kevin
No. 53: Initiation - Season 3, Episode 3
"I wake up every morning in a bed that's too small, drive my daughter to a school that's too expensive, and then I go to work to a job for which I get paid too little, but on Pretzel Day? Well, I like Pretzel Day." - Stanley
No. 52: Viewing Party - Season 7, Episode 8
"I’ll raise it all I want. I’ll raise the roof!" - Erin
No. 51: Turf War - Season 8, Episode 23
"Well, I will not be blackmailed by some ineffectual, privileged, effete, soft-penis'd, debutante. You want to start a street fight with me bring it on but you're gonna be surprised by how ugly it gets, you don't even know my real name- I'm the fucking lizard king!" - Robert
No. 50: Pilot - Season 1, Episode 1
"Am I going to tell them? No, I am not going to tell them. I don't see the point of that. As a doctor, you would not tell a patient if they had cancer." - Michael
No. 49: New Guys - Season 9, Episode 1
"There are two things that I am passionate about. Recycling and revenge." - Andy
No. 48: Branch Closing - Season 3, Episode 7
"I don't want to blame anyone in particular. I think everyone's to blame." - Angela
No. 47: The List - Season 8, Episode 1
"When I was a salesman I could just be like “Not my job, not my prob. I’m going to the warehouse to polish my knob.” Metaphorically, of course. But now, it is my job and my prob." - Andy
No. 46: Company Picnic - Season 6, Episode 28 (actually an exchange)
"Damn it, Michael, I told you that in confidence. Now I have to go over and deal with these employees and their families. A little boy just walked up to me and said, "is my daddy gonna have a job by Christmas?" - David
No. 45: Vandalism - Season 9, Episode 14
"Normally, I find Pam to be a comforting, if unarousing, presence around the office. Like a well-watered fern. But, today, she has tapped into this vengeful, violent side. And I'm like, wow, Pam has kind of a good butt." - Dwight
No. 44: Happy Hour - Season 6, Episode 19
"Yeah, I love going to bars with Bob. I tend to wear something low-cut, get men to flirt with me, and Bob beats 'em up. What?" - Phyllis
No. 43: Inner Circle - Season 7, Episode 23
"No matter how many times I reach out to Dwight, he doesn't seem to want anything to do with me. It reminds me of my relationship with my son. Except there, I'm the Dwight." - Deangelo
No. 42: The Carpet - Season 2, Episode 14
"You know what? I am beginning to think that what happened to my carpet was an act of terrorism against the office. The only thing that makes any sense." - Michael
No. 41: Classy Christmas - Season 7, Episodes 11 & 12
"In the end, the greatest snowball isn't a snowball at all. It's fear. Merry Christmas." - Dwight
No. 40: Business Trip - Season 5, Episode 8
"Why have I stayed at Dunder Mifflin for so long? Certainly not because of the paycheck. 'Cause I could be making more money as a doctor or a professional athlete. I think it's because they respect me. A boss that will not fire you, even though you just tell him off. Rright to his face. Over the phone. That's respect." - Michael
No. 39: Trivia - Season 8, Episode 11
"Corporate says to me, “Gabe, we need you in Scranton.” Scranton says, “Gabe, go back down to Florida. You're needed there.” So, Tuesdays and Thursdays, I'm up there. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, I'm down here. I can think of no better way to confront my deathly fear of flying." - Gabe
No. 38: The Search - Season 7, Episode 15
"Holly is ruining Michael's life. He thinks she is so special. And she's so not. Her personality is like a 3. Her sense of humor is a 2. Her ears are like a 7and a 4. Add it all up and what do you get? 16. And he treats her like she's a perfect 40. It's nuts." - Erin
No. 37: Christmas Party - Season 2, Episode 10
"Unbelievable. I do the nicest thing that anyone has ever done for these people and they freak out. Well, happy birthday, Jesus. Sorry your party's so lame." - Michael
No. 36: The Client - Season 2, Episode 7
"Yes, I have acted before. I was in a production of "Oklahoma" in the seventh grade. I played the part of Mutey the Mailman. They had too many kids, so they made up roles like that. I was good." - Dwight
No. 35: A.A.R.M - Season 9, Episode 22
"Not enough for me? You are everything." - Jim
No. 34: Frame Toby - Season 5, Episode 9
"NOOOO!!!! GOD! No, God, please no! No! No! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" - Michael
No. 33: Counseling - Season 7, Episode 2
"This is the worst! You are the worst! I hate looking at your face! I wanna smash it!" - Michael
No. 32: Murder - Season 7, Episode 10
"Co-managing is a give and take. You have to pick your battles. One of the battles that I picked was to stop Michael from running plastic tubes all over the office and placing hamsters inside of them. He was going to call it Tube City. So, yes, I do owe him one." - Jim
No. 31: Sex Ed - Season 7, Episode 4
"No, I'm no doctor, but it seems to me that we all have an obligation to the public health to track down anyone who gives us a disease, inform them of it, and take overwhelming revenge on that person. Again, I'm no doctor. I'm just a normal guy who enjoys revenge." - Dwight
No. 30: The Coup - Season 3, Episode 3
"Ever since Michael dumped Jan for Carol, Jan's been bitching out on him. Reject a woman and she will never let it go. One of the many defects of their kind. Also weak arms." - Dwight
No. 29: Michael's Last Dundies - Season 7, Episode 21
"The Dundies are my baby, and they need to go on. When Larry King died they didn't just cancel his show. They got Pierce Morgan to come in, and do his show, and, that way, Larry lives on." - Michael
No. 28: Night Out - Season 4, Episode 11
"There is a master key and a spare key for the office. Dwight has them both. When I asked, "What if you die Dwight, how will we get into the office?" He said, "If I'm dead, you guys have been dead for weeks." - Pam
No. 27: The Fight - Season 2, Episode 6
"Would I rather be feared or loved? Um, easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me." - Michael
No. 26: Beach Games - Season 3, Episode 22
"If either of these guys are put in charge of the office I will transfer to Albany. Gil can come if he wants. I'm kinda looking for a way out of that relationship anyway. I think I might try girls for a while. Angela thinks I can cross over. We'll see." - Oscar
No. 25: Product Recall - Season 3, Episode 20
"Check out this sunshine, man. Global warming, right?" - Andy
No. 24: Launch Party - Season 4, Episode 3
"If you tell me, that I have to drive back to Scranton, to the satellite party, I am going to throw up! Okay I'm going to throw up. I'm throwing up. You're making me throw up, Ryan." - Michael
No.23: Sexual Harassment - Season 2, Episode 2
"That's what she said!" - Michael
No. 22: Money - Season 4, Episode 4
"I declare, BANKRUPTCY!!!" - Michael
No. 21: Email Surveillance - Season 2, Episode 9
"I think one of the greatest things about modern America is the computerization of medical records. As a volunteer sheriff, I can look up anyone's psychiatric records or surgical histories. Yeast infections. There are a huge number of yeast infections in this county. Probably because we are down river from that old bread factory." - Dwight
No. 20: Weight Loss - Season 5, Episodes 1 & 2
"What is wrong with these people? They have no willpower. I went -- I once went 28 years without having sex. And then again for seven years." - Michael
No. 19: A Benihana Christmas - Season 3, Episode 10
"Once I brought in a duck. To prepare for lunch. And people got upset. Apparently, they got attached to the duck and didn't want to see it killed." - Dwight
No. 18: The Dundies - Season 2, Episode 1
"No, no. because the ice melts and then it's like second drink!" - Pam
No. 17: Garage Sale - Season 7, Episode 19
"No. I am not going to be proposed to in the break room. That is not going to be our story. Mhm hm. Should have burned this place down when I had the chance." - Michael
No. 16: Goodbye Toby - Season 4, Episode 14
"Today is Toby Flenderson's last day. I couldn't sleep last night. I came extra-early. So much energy... There are certain days you know you know you will remember for the rest of your life, and I just have a feeling that today is one of those days." - Michael
No. 15: Threat Level Midnight - Season 7, Episode 17
"I gave up a lot of weekends because I thought it'd be good for my daughter to see a black man as president. Even in a silly home movie. What a stupid waste of time." - Daryl
No. 14: The Injury - Season 2, Episode 12
"I want to clamp Michael's face in a George Foreman grill."- Jim
No. 13: The Duel - Season 5, Episode 12
"Rule 17: don't turn your back on bears, men you have wronged, or the dominant turkey during mating season. There are forty rules all Schrute boys must learn before the age of five. Learn your rules. You better learn your rules. If you don't, you'll be eaten in your sleep." - Dwight
No 12: The Negotiation - Season 3, Episode 18
"When I heard Jim and Pam had kissed, my reaction was to have lots of long talks with Jim about our feelings. Roy just attacked him. I'm not sure which one Jim hated more." - Karen
No.11: Diversity Day - Season 1, Episode 2
"How come Chris Rock can do a routine and everybody finds it hilarious and ground-breaking and then I go and do the exact same routine, same comedic timing, and people file a complaint to Corporate? Is it because I'm white and Chris is black?" - Michael
No. 10: Niagara - Season 6, Episodes 4&5
"For a really long time that's all I had. I just had little moments with a girl who saw me as friend. And a lot of people told me I was crazy to wait this long for a date with a girl who I worked with, but I think even then I knew that... I was waiting for my wife." - Jim
No. 9: The Convict - Season 3, Episode 9
"The worst thing about prison was the... was the Dementors. They... were flying all over the place, and they were scary. And they'd come down, and they'd suck the soul out of your body, and it hurt!" - Prison Mike
No. 8: Stress Relief - Season 5, Episodes 13 & 14
"Well, ya know, Michael is a great delegator. He never does any work himself. Ever. And one time, I walked in on him naked, and his thing is so small. If it were an iPod it would be a shuffle!" - Pam
No. 7: Casino Night - Season 2, Episode 22
"I don't really play cards, but I’m not gonna lie to you. It felt really good to take money from Michael. Gonna chase that feeling." - Toby
No. 6: Safety Training - Season 3, Episode 19
No. 5: Goodbye Michael - Season 7, Episode 22
"Well, I'm moving to Colorado to start my new life with Holly. Just up here, getting used to the altitude." - Michael
No. 4: Gay Witch Hunt - Season 3, Episode 1
"I'm not offended by homosexuality. In the '60s I made love to many, many women, often outdoors, in the mud and the rain... and it's possible a man slipped in. There'd be no way of knowing." - Creed
No. 3: Fun Run - Season 4, Episode 1
"Guess what, I have flaws. What are they? Oh, I don't know. I sing in the shower. Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I'll hit somebody with my car. So sue me... No, don't sue me. That is the opposite of the point that I'm trying to make." - Michael
No. 2: Dinner Party - Season 4, Episode 9
"Kind of an oaky afterbirth" - Michael
Finale - Season 9, Episode 23
"The weird thing is now I'm exactly where I want to be. I've got my dream job at Cornell, and I'm still just thinking about my old pals. Only now they're the ones I made here. I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days, before you've actually left them. Someone should write a song about that." - Andy
submitted by DraftDraw to DunderMifflin [link] [comments]

Sega Saturn USA region is really close to be preserved... Can you give us some help?

Hi everyone Sega Saturn reddit! My name is Diego and i come from a platform called VideoGaming Preservation Collective.
You may have seen me opening across Reddit different posts asking for help for gaming preservation:
Our platform works as a nexus for lot of different videogaming preservation groups and different people from the community. Main reason im opening this post is because we are trying to finally finish the USA region for Sega Saturn fullset on, the group dedicated to optical media preservation (A.K.A. all kind of discs!)
In case you dont want to read too much, TL, DR
- Redump has been preserving Sega Saturn discs- For the moment, PAL Region was finised, but some game revisions and demos are needed
- JP region still lacks lot of demos and different rereleases/alternative reprints, but most of the game retail titles were dumped. Still, a few remain to make this set finished.- Main reason to open this post is to find any collector or anyone able to give us help with the last 10 remaining games missing from USA in order to end the whole fullset from this region.
- Lost & Found Vol.3 AKA Deep Fear USA Unreleased, needs a new dump in order to confirm the one we have datted is ok. The other discs from this collection are needed too.
- One of our USA mates wants to sell his Daytona USA Netlink Edition. In case you are interested, go the end of the post
In the last year, strong efforts were made by the members from this community in order to preserve the full set of games from Sega Saturn. This made possible to finally set the complete Sega Saturn PAL game retail fullset finished.
There's still some demos and posible game revisions needed to be found, but at least the main PAL fullset core is finished.
In the case of Japan, there's still some work to do, but most of the remaining retail games were added, most of the missing stuff comes from dozens of Taikenbans and different rereleases/alternative reprints... This situation is not unique to Saturn, most platforms on Redump suffers from this syndrome, and still, our partners have collected over the last 10 years a great amount of those.
The main reason im here is this:
[T-9505H] Bottom of the Ninth
[T-5025H] FIFA World Cup Soccer '98
[T-7905H] Incredible Hulk, The: The Pantheon Saga
[T-5005H] Shockwave Assault
[T-13204 H] Skeleton Warriors
[T-15911H] Solar Eclipse[T-8135H] Star Fighter
[T-2303 H] Valora Valley Golf
[T-31102H] Virtual Casino
These 10 titles are the last USA retail games to complete the USA Saturn fullset in Redump (game revisions and demos aside). There's another last disc: Lost & Found Vol. 3 AKA Deep Fear USA Unreleased. Both discs are already dumped and added on Redump, but Disc 1 showed some strange errors that should be related to the disc and not the backup process, so a new dump for verification is needed at least for Disc 1 (Disc 2 seemed to be ok, but still, would be nice to have both verified). [Note: Mind that the other Lost & Found discs are needed too, but this one is the most valuable one in gaming terms).
We have been waiting for months to someone to finally throw the wall down, but, no luck.
What can be done to help?
We would like to find a collector able to give us help with these. Ofc, if anyone is able to offer any rare/alternative missing disc, we will be happy to check it too. The main problem with Redump is that we use specific hardware to extract data from CD-Roms. And with specific hardware, we mean this:
In the last years, Redump has established a concrete method to make sure we were able to extract data and audio in the best possible way. Explanation is longer, but in resume, we only use specific Plextor writers models in order to extract these backups (with the exception of "only Data Track/no Audio Tracks" discs, which can be dumped and added to Redump without needing a Plextor writer).
We know this is a pain in the ass, but allow us to make sure the backup we are doing is 100% clean and 1:1 to the original format. And, this process allow us to detect any single reading error, so, it not only allow us to know if the disc is 100% ok, but blocks adding damaged disc backups to the database.
For this reason, we have two options: Helping someone willing to dump these games to find a compatible Plextor writer or else, ask temporaly to borrow the games to one of our most trusted dumpers in order to dump them and return them back with extreme caution and carinh.
For more info, you can join us at the VGPC Discord (note: in this Discord, rom sharing is totally forbbiden, this is a place to work actively for gaming preservation, and we take this serious).
Our community is totally friendly with every single user interested in helping. Along the last year since this community was created, we have managed to build a really serious network of profesional partners, and not just a bunch of casual mates that could scam anyone.
So please, if you are not interested or you think this could be a scam, we will respect your opinions, and even answer to your complains, but try to be educated.

I don't have these games, but I have money and i can donate:
We need more donations of $ (redump does not have an official donation setup, but they promote donating to the VGPC fund ). We are *seriously* underfunded compared to other preservation groups, despite us actually being ones that publicly dat games.
I don't understand the purpose of
A dat / database is key to cataloging rom data, which is used as a smart checklist to ensure all dumps are accounted for within one's collection. Dats for the backbone to video game preservation like a library card catalog accounts for all books in a library. Without it, we would be unsure what is actually preserved, what variants exist, and roms would get lost much, much easier.
Google is your friend. Redump would be shut down in a week if it allowed ISO/Roms downloads. We do NOT share roms at Redump, but they usually seem to manage to find their way out... So before complaining, be smart and think, maybe that content is not hidden and locked, so ask around and i can assure you will find the data you are looking for.
What about newer discs for actual videogame systems?
Newer disc systems are not publicly viewable due to a fear of overzealous lawyers who mistake for a romsite. We'd rather not take the risk of a single, unresearched lawyer sending a legal letter, causing our underfunded project to topple due to financial stress. If you dump/submit metadata for newer systems, you will get access to newer dats. If not, this is not about keeping them hidden forever, but about making them free once the videoconsole's cicle is over. Still, this is the Redump's administration policy, which their users and volunteers can share or not, so please, dont throw your complaints or your garbage to the people that is working and spending their money everyday for you.
Redump's dumps are almost entirely funded by a volunteer community, buying games they'll often never play, to work towards fullsets of preserved data. We need more selfless warriors in the pursuit of gaming preservation.
Thanks so much for you atention! Please, if you have any questions or want more info, just ask!

EDIT: One last thing. One of our USA mates is interested in selling a Daytona USA Netlink Edition copy:
Discs is completely clean. Just in case you are interested.
submitted by diegorbb93 to SegaSaturn [link] [comments]

The story of BS and corruption... Long post / may give you cancer -

TL;DR :–
· Me and why I was banned
· CCP Security
· Tinfoil
· Shit Spelling

Dear Fellow Space Nerds,

For months I have been debating if I should write this piece and I warn you now it is long, I have written this and discarded it several times on the basis that it will just come across as a bitch or a whine. But as you may now tell I have left it long enough for many to not care, so this story will just be that, a story of bad spelling, bad punctuation and the worst grammar you have ever seen. But it is my story and I have decided to just tell it as the question “I thought you was banned” needed a point of reference I could send people to. Now I get you will be suspicious but I am telling it as I see it, and if you read all of this then bravo indeed! :)

Before we begin let me just say that the whole banning of gambling mechanisms from a video game I do support and that is my stance on it. It may just be for fun but does it hold a place in a sandbox from an external point of view, the answer is no and should be every time. However it can be incredibly innocent for the 99% that participate, it is however the 1% who may have been personally affected by the ability to gamble using IRL money via the forms of plex codes. My issue which you will read here, is how it was handled and how I was treated rather than the morals of gambling.

This story begins at the start of 2016. Between the dates of the 6th and 9th of January, approx 14 Bankers in IWISK was banned for suspected RMT. This was only several days after CCP Peligro (who will be referenced allot in this piece) had announced on Twitter that he was back to work. CCP Peligro has been a subject much recently on reddit and other channels (discord / IRC etc) and I figured I would give my experience with him and CCP as a whole. Now some devs from CCP are reading this and those who I have linked this too will agree with much that is written here.

Now the claims that the banning of IWISK bankers was due to SMA etc informing CCP Security of the 1 Dollar to 1 Billion isk that IWISK was selling, these were called Batts or batteries.. I know what you are thinking, why would CCP believe such an incredible story that 1 Billion equated to 1 USD... Now CCP Peligro was off on Christmas break when these emails were sent to [email protected] mailbox.

Well the simple truth is that they actually did! Team Security took this as an opportunity to jump on the IWISK RMT train which they failed to execute back in mid 2015 with the whole iwisk URL blacklisting from the in game browser. Now why would Team security hate IWISK? The answer is really simple and can be summed in a few bullet points :

So the complaints speak for themselves however the bankers who had actually been caught prior to this are simply the reaction of an individual acting alone. Some CCP Security caught and some we had emailed CCP Security of suspicious activity who had later been perma banned.

And lastly the blind spot... This for any organisation regardless of being a gaming company, this is just an almost impossible scenario to police and should never have been allowed to operate. But the fact is that it was and as such this was their own creation of a black zone. This black zone had existed for almost 7 years+ with 3rd partying websites. The actual Blackzone has technically always existed since the API was allowed for public use.

Now keep in mind this is not just IWISK related as ANY other gambling or website that allowed transactions to take place "legitimately" through a 3rd party site is a risk. The reason IWISK was such a risk was because literally hundreds of trillions flowed through it. IWISK could easily transact up to or approx 50 to an incredible 100 Trillion a month just by the master wallet alone! (may have been less but at its peak it really hit these numbers)

So IWISK was a massive risk to Security from an RMT perspective, and anyone could claim RMT, and to be fair to those who did, we could not prove that it was not happening. And I will explain why this is the case…

IWISK had a quick deposit method that allowed bankers to process isk by copying the transaction from the wallet into a field on the bankers backend. This allowed said banker to give the customer their virtual isk on the site within 8 seconds of sending the isk to IWISK Corp. This made us very popular as there was very limited wait times to gamble with your iskies.

However this system could be abused right? I simply could just copy a transaction from the wallet and wallah, I have given myself 1 bajjilion isk right... Yes this indeed is the scenario... IWISK or EEP mitigated this risk by adding a collateral to the bankers account. So if a bankers collateral was 10 billion, he could only quick deposit for players up to 10 billion isk. When the API ran after 30 minutes, these would be matched against the players transaction from the master wallet and the banker would be given his collateral back on the site.

So what the hell does that all mean.. well it means that a banker could amass profits as a banker and they could use those profits to RMT with. So If the banker had 20 Billion in his collateral wallet, the banker could sell 10 Billion to a player by just tweaking the transaction to their name, thus creating a fake wallet deposit in the database. The API runs and it will not match the in game wallet, and thus the banker is now down 10 Billion but you have "gifted" a player 10 billion isk to do what they want with.

So yes there was a loop hole in IWISK that allowed people to do this, but it was policed when discovered and this was one of the ways we caught people who thought they were smarter than the admins running IWISK or CCP security. I genuinely believed these bankers thought we could not catch them and that we would not shop them to CCP --- They were wrong.. --- I would often receive emails from players stating they just bought isk from xyz site and they got a iwisk email saying they had funds. So my response which can be verified by Security was always to inform CCP and if I catch who it was I would do the same.

So this is where it got a bit hard to navigate, I would often look at the person delivering the isk and be like "really this fucking guy is RMT'ing....". So when probed the banker denied it and I could not help but believe him. However I now had the issue of trying to work out who and how.. So this is really how the above loophole was discovered and the watching began to see who and how.. I never said or told people that we were watching them, simply just mailed everyone saying, if you are RMT’ing and using IWISK as a front we can identify you and you will be caught. Again this can be verified by CCP or a banker who kept these mails… We caught several bankers and details were sent to CCP and policing of that was now a task.

So back on track to the banning of the Bankers Jan 2016. After a month or so CCP un-banned all those involved. Except for one person “R00gle” who was in MC at the time. Now R00gle to this day denies any involvement in RMT and even went to FanFest to hang out with his buddies from MC. CCP Spoke to him and said they would look back into it, but they never did get in touch with him. Having now known R00gle for many years, If asked the question did he? I would say no every time and he was a scape goat for CCP Security to claim they got "their" guy from the ban wave in Jan.

Remember that CCP Security only answers to very few people in CCP and that would be Hilmar, and maybe Andie or Ned? IDK exactly who but this would be a reasonable assumption and really just speculation from other posts and channels I have poked around in. So on that basis, any communication directed at CCP Security is never going to give you a response, because CCP Security do not discuss with end client or in very rare cases they may, but not to the value add of the end user, and simply close your ticket with a no response. This you can find on Reddit hundreds of times and this is how they operate. This should come to many of you as no surprise regardless how shit the service is.

The so what to all that is, CCP Security hated IWISK from day one. Not just for the reasons above but also because they got told to let it go the first time around (mid 2015) and the second time around (Jan 2016). Most reading this will know about where CCP Burgtarist was open at FanFest and said he was over ruled and if he had his way everyone would have remained banned.

Now some numbers, because we all love numbers and spreadsheets! But sadly I do not have graphs... I could make one but then I would be just trying to buy the super nerds approval using graph pron!

This is the contribution of IWISK over 12 months to the RMT issue. So you can speculate that CCP Security spent hundreds of hours of no doubt, evidence gathering and data analysis which I know CCP Quant had to do. I am sure trying to map all that isk was a nightmare and the promo codes must have made it impossible to determine isk in vs isk out..

CCP released a figure stating that on average every day they ban 50 accounts for RMT or other activities etc... Now this same figure I have seen across reddit on a few occasions and I have used this number on occasion to make a point, and I believe it has comes from the 2014 FF video archive. If the figure is wrong let me know and I will recount my abbicus and update appropriately. But I think when you see the result the amount they ban per day will not change the outcome too much.

EDIT: Some facts for you... 2012 to 2013 30,202 Account banned total.

So 50 Accounts banned daily over 1 year


Not suggesting that RMT is justified and belittling the issue at all, but numbers speak for themselves and the issue was tiny by comparison to what actually takes place in Eve if at all IWISK was RMT'ing. Now if you check these websites that are selling ISK and have feedback sections, you will see that they are still selling and moving the same amounts of isk. Soooo no sudden dip in ISK being RMT'd to the "black market"??? Think about that just for a minute and ponder if IWISK was such a massive RMT operation why has banning it had no effect on the 3rd party ISK Black Market? Smells like bullshit right...

So before I even get to what happened in Octoer 2016.. Several more points on RMT in Eve. It happens all the time and it is happening in alliances or inter corp constantly. Supers & Titans are being sold for RL $$'s all the time and accounts. CCP Tickets to FF / Vegas are being sold for isk along with Plane tickets / hotels and beer money.. Yes those going to Fanfest this year, there will be a few who have paid corp mates isk to fund their trip and hotel stays because they have soo much isk and some people have swag amounts of RL $$’s. I know many that have done this and even many CCP dev's know who these people are. This was discussed at a player meet on several occasions late last year. However this is not challenged or tackled because literally who gives a F, certainly the Devs attending did not give a F.

Hell I tried to buy a nice duder at FF but he refused to take my money and insisted he bought me the beer. So instead I said jokingly how about a plex as I will end up owing you? He said that is one cheap plex, but no you do not have to do that... Now some would have said hey, I buy beer and you gib plex K?... Little did he know that because he refused me spending my own money and just wanted to buy me a beer out of principle and in his own words "you have done a lot for many", when I got back to the UK @ home I sent him 20 plex's! Made me warm and fuzzy just for his reaction as he was gobsmacked. ♥ So If I am guilty here it is accepting a beer and paying 20 plex’s for the pleasure \0/ then yesh I deserve the banning. kek

So now we spin on to September 2016. Me and Eep had a few disagreements over several years and now looking back it was over trivial stuff and I decided that If I had stayed in IWISK our relationship would have devolved further. This being our friendship of 3 years was coming to an end and it genuinely made me sad and disappointed with myself. Regardless of what you may think of Eep or the way he reacts from time to time, he is a good guy and he takes way more flak than is deserved. He is down on his luck most of the time. He struggled with money and lived on very little, despite what you all thought, he was not rolling around in RL money living the dream, but sadly living month to month on most occasions and having to borrow money (which he repaid back to people). And I hope Gonz does not mind me saying that, but I just wanted to put it into context and disperse any ideas that he was rivalling yacht sizes with Mittens… If you really knew Gonz, you would know he had no money and if he had been RMT'ing then he would have been rich by comparison.

So I decided one day that enough was enough and if I stayed in IWISK one more day I would flip my sheet and my relationship with Gonz would be perma damaged. So I left to join Eve Casino who welcomed me along for their launch of a new casino that worked completely different to any of the others currently open. Now I did act badly here and I do regret my abuse of the in game mailing list IWISK had, I advertised me leaving IWISK and promoting a new Casino. As the Face of IWISK (streaming and Media) I tried to justify it as a bit of tongue and cheek on my way out, but it was a douche move. I figured Eep would take it two ways, badly or a challenge to step up IWISK 2.0 asap. Not one that I am proud of... But even after all that me and Eep have remained friends and we still talk from time to time. Some things are more important than space pixels, and I am happy to report he is doing ok and better off now than he was prior to IWISK being banned from EVE. The site is still thriving and makes more $$$$’s than it ever has.

So I am now with this new group ECAS / Eve Casino. The doors are closed for internal testing only and the website was pretty damn good I must say. I will not go too deep on ECAS as there really is not much to say, but the website was functioning but only to a point as it was only half finished, not ready for release. The planned release date was the week of Eve Vegas and much work was needed to get it finished.

So with that in mind that Eve Casino was not open to the public and not a single isk was moved through ECAS, the owner was banned along with myself Lenny and Eep. Here is the list of why's :

Now Eve Casino was banned because they had used the Crest API for the login to the site as part of the "Evil Network" SSO. This included EOC TV and a few other tools that was being developed. The Crest API was not used for anything else other than the player to login and this was approved by CCP for use. Adarics had spoken with several developers who had given him the greenlight to use it as it was not being used to handle wallet information or any other part of the player. But CCP security banned him for said use. So now we have a classic situation of Part A of the org not talking to Part B. When this was produced to CCP Security they just closed the ticket and ignored him.

And yes you got it, CCP Peligro. So again even with Adarics doing everything by the book, asking for permission and clearing everything prior to deploying it or using it, CCP still screwed him over, or should I say CCP Security. Now it is my understanding that he took this information to Falcon who basically dismissed him and said it did not matter as the case was closed. Now Falcon was A) not interested or B) Cant do anything...

Now you might be thinking wait there must be more to this than what Iron is telling us... Nope that is it, and the so what to that.. Around 12 bankers who were helping test the website which had not transacted a single isk and was closed to the public had all their wallets reset to zero, and Adarics was banned for a first time infraction of a rule that had no effect on the game as the casino was closed even though he had a green light from the Developers.

To this day Adaric is still banned and all those bankers who joined ECAS never got their isk back. They had done nothing wrong, not a single isk moved around, not involved in any of the coding, and CCP just took trillions of isk from these players. Soo, abuse of Power you might say? Guess who did this >>> CCP Peligro Mr Team Security.

Next we move back to IWISK.. Lenny and EEP banned for the reasons above and the rest of the bankers had their isk stripped. So again bankers in IWISK who may have been or may not have been involved in RMT was stripped of their isk and that was that. CCP took between 25 and 30 Trillion isk from both of these orgs and claimed a victory over RMT.

Now it is not hard to fathom that a lot of isk was purchased with plex. I often was intrigued if people had been playing with Plex to fund their activities on IWISK, as to me this was fascinating. Take away the human part that people may have been spiralling out of control, this can be said not just for IWISK but for EOH EVE Bet and the "others" who probably had small amounts of traffic but nothing worth boasting :P (still getting those jabs in). I do not like to reference competition as it seems like a cheap shot, but as these are now all dead, it no longer matters to a degree… But yeah the point here is that all that isk taken which no doubt the players had purchased via EVE or Markee etc has disappeared.. Not even some sent to Plex 4 Good or used to reimburse players who had their stuff stolen in game etc.. CCP talk about an isk imbalance when they restore Items from stolen looted accounts, well they have a huge sink to use. But I guess this was taken and written off as profit rather than use what they took.

Whenever people think of RMT or gambling in Eve they will always pick the most known target. One because the most popular and two because law of averages state that yes it probably exists at some point. However this can exist across all of the casino's, but given the most popular will always be the focal point, you are always going to be under suspicion.

An example of RMT existing outside of IWISK I want to share with you is a guy we caught from Germany, who was trying to use IWISK to funnel money to another player. He was using the raffle system buying 50% tickets with player 1 and using a 2nd account on another machine connected via a VPN to mask himself from us and CCP. His 2nd account would purchase the other 50% of tickets. So he was washing his isk. Yes IWISK was taking a cut as the house would normally regardless, but unknowingly being abused by some tard or tards. I asked this guy if he used any other ways of doing this...

With a bit of poking he finally opened up and said he had access to alliance funds and also a corp accounts in B0T. Not B0T holding itself ofc but some renter corps within B0t... This allowed him to funnel isk into these corp accounts and the use of these funds to build supers etc which he then 3rd partied to make RL money. This seemed like an obvious way to funnel isk and I asked him how he never got caught. His response was CCP are not clever enough or lack the resources to catch him... I was a little surprised by this but I wanted more info on this guy. I was trying to catch him out by getting any info I could, but all avenues lead me to around 50 iP's which bounced all over the world across 7 or 8 VPN services which are easily obtained online & his hardware ID's were changing all the time. This guy was the master or RMT and seemingly from what he was claiming (because that is what it is just a claim) and I wanted to know more, hell who would not be curious.

So I asked him if he had ever used any other websites to facilitate washing isk or doing RMT trades. He said the best one was using EOH Poker (Sorry guys). He said that all he had to do was set up a Head to Head and just lose to the person he was selling to... Or use 2 accounts of his and wash the money across 20 accounts over a 3 month or 6 month period of which none could be connected to Physical hardware or software ID tagging. He told me he would biomass on mass accounts, and some accounts he has had for years without being banned by Team Security. So he in private could wash isk very easily via playing poker in sealed rooms. Thus utilizing EOH's system to wash isk very easily with little to no risk of another player sniping raffles from him. I could see his point and he said that he would only use IWISK for certain methods of washing or selling isk, but he would not tell me anymore, he felt spooked by a few people dropping in and out of the channel. Once really confident talking to us then suddenly not so much. So this encounter certainly opened my eyes on how these guys were abusing sites to do these trades and he was boasting of hundreds of thousands of Euros in profit from this.

This ultimately changed how I looked for patterns in the database. For example looking for players who go head to head on raffles of a value higher than x and then expanding this to a large date range to see how long this was going on for. To be honest it was hard to figure out who was who and if it was chance or just normal activity.. So I thought I knew or had the silver bullet in identifying anyone abusing the system, but reality was, I am now more confused over the data set than ever.

So that aside, that was September done and dusted and I have now moved over to EVE Casino. Hopefully I have given a decent overview of the before the final banning and demonstrated that RMT was happening everywhere, but because IWISK was the most prominent focal point of the gambling scene in EVE, it had become the centre of all RMT claims, even though every system could be manipulated regardless of reputation.

So October the 12th and the ban wave and EULA changes announced by CCP.

I am working night shifts and had been for a few days at this point. I woke up to hundreds of messages and tweets, skype, irc everything… I laid in bed and was like sigh this again!!! So I get out of bed, put on my slippas and go to the kitchen whilst reading all of the messages and a cluster barrage of confusion. I make a cup of tea (Earl Grey to be precise + 2 sugars dash of milk) and make my way to my PC. I was not worried as this had happened several times before and I have never been banned in 12 or 13 years. To be honest at that point I assumed it was just a IWISK the website had been blacklisted and all gambling was to cease, but to my genuine surprise, my account had been banned also.

When attempting to login I got the classic “Banned pending investigation, CCP Peligro”… I laughed out loud at first and then tried every account I owned. All 30 of them but alas to no avail. So I started checking my emails and literally as I opened my client, the email popped in.. It was from guess who, you got it – CCP Peligro

CCP Peligro (EVE Online) Oct 12, 15:22 UTC
This mail is sent to inform you that your EVE Online accounts have permanently banned, in light of EULA violations. Specifically, you were found to be using your accounts "XYZ" and "XYZ1" for business purposes, in violation of the EULA, Section 2.A.
Your continued access to the System and license to play the Game is subject to proper conduct. Without limiting CCP's rights to control the Game environment, and the conduct of the players within that environment, CCP prohibits the following practices that CCP has determined detract from the overall user experience of the users playing the Game.
2.A "Accounts may not be used for business purposes. Access to the System and playing EVE is intended for your personal entertainment, enjoyment and recreation, and not for corporate, business, commercial or income-seeking activities. Business entities and anyone who is acting for or on behalf of a business or for business purposes may not establish an Account, access the System or play EVE. Accessing the System or using the Game for commercial, business or income-seeking purposes is strictly prohibited."

So I opened TS3 and those from IWISK was now back on my TS3 server and I started to understand what the damage was, and it was everyone, it was a swift attack from young Mr CCP Peligro.

So I noticed that a Petition had already been opened on my behalf by CCP, no doubt just for their tracking. So I responded saying “I have never RMT’d so I do not understand my ban”. Then as I sit there I read the email again, it was not for RMT as I had assumed... Because it came from CCP Peligro my assumption was that it must be ISK related as that is what he does right. But to my surprise it was no mention of RMT in my petition like Lenny’s. Now I had not spoken to Lenny at this point due to the TZ difference, but the guys on TS3 said his specifically stated RMT, yet mine was for a Section 2.A… So I jumped on IRC and started asking questions with some Devs at CCP, they said if it was not RMT then it should not have come from CCP Peligro, it should have come from another person at CCP. I cannot remember who the Dev is who handles violating of Section 2 of the EULA but we know that it is not CCP Peligro. So now I am confused as this info is coming from Devs and then a few days later I noticed that Nosy Gamer was talking about the same thing. (If anyone finds out who the Dev at CCP should have been let me know and I will update this to keep this accurate.)

So I respond to my petition basically saying, sorry I misread the petition, but I do not understand how I broke this section of the EULA. Can you explain to me what I did wrong…
But the classic silence now dawned upon this petition and not a single response. Few weeks later the petition is closed and not a single response nor explanation or even guidance on why and how to avoid going forward, just simply nothing.

I spoke with Falcon and we had traded a few emails. Not to go into them too much but the bottom line was that Security had concluded their investigation and as such the matter was closed. Nobody can do anything at CCP as the decision is theirs.

So no point except to maybe appeal to Internal Affairs at CCP. I did wait a while before doing this, & Not a single response.

The one good thing about going to Player events is you can meet Devs that you know or have never met. Meet people you have never met and share experiences. Even though I was super angry about what happened, I pulled up my big boy pants and put a smile on my face. I think because of my demeanour about the whole thing being happy go lucky and care free, nearly all the devs would speak openly with me about what had happened over a few shots and a giggle. Not giving too much away, but it did give away a few things that I was trying to understand. Why had I been banned as the reason given made no sense.

So take the email from CCP stating that my accounts had been banned for the reason “income seeking or for business” – Now given I know this is not RMT related as it would just say RMT and you are perma banned from EVE. Yet I am still allowed to play subject to proper conduct right? So it is not RMT as that is clear cut and nor should it be.

The only road I can go down is “Twitch” and the “Game Show” I was pixel space famous for. So I would ask these Devs when intoxicated, was I banned for the reason because of what I was doing on Twitch? The same response, sorry I cannot tell you but a smile & a wink was enough for me to know that I was on the right path.

Why all this effort and having to read between the lines, simple really, nobody at CCP would discuss any of this with me. Because they were kept out of the loop or those involved were told specifically not to discuss this with anyone at CCP or external. Drunk CCP best CCP :)

However not all employees will toe the line, so yes some expressed their disgust to me and apologised for their company & colleagues behaviours and some of the CSM contacted me saying they were appalled by this, and no I am not referring to Bobmon but “others”. It was comforting to know that despite the public flogging CCP gave me, people were still ready to call out CCP’s BS.

So now Its November and I kinda have a better understanding of the reason I was banned for. So I stream on Twitch like many others and the assumption from CCP or more specifically is that my channel is a cash grab based on massive amounts of ISK I have amassed from IWISK. (This was a comment made to me by a member of CCP GM's)

Now if you spent like 5 minutes in my channel like most critiques have in the past. You assume that I am trying to get subs and donations for the isk being given away. This could not have been further from the truth and if you have read this far congratulations…

The channel operated like this… If you are a subscriber you got “Iron” or points for every month that you were subscribed. So if you had been subbed for 1 month you got 500 Iron, and on month 2 you got 500 + 2000 for being 2 months, 3 months 500 + 3000 etc etc…

So the longer you are subbed the more points or “Iron” you got and this is known on Twitch as a loyalty system. You also got points for being idle in channel or being in channel when I was streaming.

Now if you are not subscribed you got no points at all, simply none as points are used to play in game channel games “roulette or Bank robbing” or entering Subscriber only giveaways / requesting songs etc. These giveaways were for Plex’s or other things which you could redeem via your EVE account management page.

I purchased these codes from Markee Dragons store or Greenman Gaming (Approved ETC or PLEX code retailers) and the money to buy these codes came from the sub’s money that I got from Twitch every month.

So I have been accused of Income seeking by CCP, and the reason I find this so ludicrous is that it was no secret of how this model operated. Hell every stream I would announce these code giveaways are only for subs because the subs effectively paid for them. And at this point I think nobody at CCP involved in my banning knew this, because they simply did not do their homework. I would love to be proven wrong, but that would require someone from CCP actually talking to me.

The other giveaways that was done on the channel follow’s CCP rules that everyone must have the same chance regardless of subscription type. This I followed to the letter and back story, I even asked for this to be made as a policy for streamers. The rules also state that this is for “in game items only” and Fozzie even reinforced that on Mittani’s Twitch channel days after this policy was released. He said if it is for anything out of game then do what you want with it, which reinforced the CCP policy on Streaming.

So I followed the rules to the letter and others on Twitch were still not following these rules… But hey I did not care as everyone has their own path to follow and if CCP really gave a hoot they would step in. I am no internet police vigilantly and I do not stoop to the same levels like DBRB for example. Yes DBRB I know what you tried to do and it failed.

Anyway back on track.. A little bit into the world of me and why income seeking is just utter nonsense.. I work as an IT Contractor and earn good money. Or at least I think it is good money. Approx 300 GBP a day or 380 USD a day not inc bonus etc. Not going to be a billionaire in RL, but enough to not worry financially about a mortgage or nice cars holidays etc.
So here is a rough example of what I got from Twitch every month and how those funds were spent. Sometimes it was less around 500 but it varied and at one point was as high as 720… This is puny compared to the likes of Zarvox etc but he does it full time and deserves every penny!

Twitch Income:

Monthly Expenditure:

· Server VPS - 105 USD · Deepbot 10 – USD · 1ronbot 5 – USD · Plex Codes and Aurumn Codes Monthly Avg - 200 - 250 USD · X-Split – 15

Total Monthly Expenditure - 380 USD

So I make give or take a massive:

245 USD a month

depending on how many subs I have, and this does not even include the cost of Electricity / Hardware failures or equipment purchases to improve the stream. If I was to break it down further into that. But as these additional's I have not included are for personal enjoyment as well and I cannot or won’t include them. as it would be wrong to do so.

Also any paypal money left over in paypal get's spent at the end of the Year on a Christmas and New Years special Stream. I buy as many codes as I can to give away (2015 Christmas I spent over 1100 USD on codes alone). So I run my channel almost non profit or at least as best I could. And yes I take money for Beer and Nachos cuz Beer and Nachoz amright?

So I was banned for making around 200 USD a month and some change because… NOPE NOPE NOPE I do not get it also. Other streamers make more $$$’s than me easy in the Eve Category, but yep you got it, it was all they could use to ban me. Literally they used a BS excuse to ban me from the game and publicly flog me.

So yes I got F’d over royally because some fuck wit child in CCP Security had a grudge to settle. That is truly how I feelz about this and it is disgusting. If any of my staff members behaved like this, they would be out immediately without warning. And I know I am not alone when it comes to complaints about Peligro and his conduct…

To add insult to injury he even followed me on Twitter about 2 weeks prior to nuking my account, I guess he wanted my tears…

But the funny part is, as soon as I mentioned and saw this connection I emailed CCP about his behaviour and that day he un-followed me on Twitter. Bad taste indeed sir.

Now I had tried to reach out and extend my hand with Peligro, as he followed me on Twitter prior to the first ban wave in Jan 2016. I used to feed him info on suspected people or anything else that I thought may have been an issue. See image and you will notice the dates.. << But as you can see I was trying every avenue to get these sec people to engage.

Around June he stopped following me, so I took that as a sign that CCP Security wanted nothing to do with me or to aid in catching RMT'ers. I have also emailed and raised petitions of bankers & players who I thought were dodgy. And I also captured one of the bankers via Reddit who I know got banned. That was a good day for Reddit on the anti RMT front!

Now there is the whole unassailable wealth thing.. This made my literally laugh out loud. For a start I know more people in Eve who are station traders and combined have more isk than IWISK bankers / IWISK in general. They could have funded the war against Mittens all by themselves as a small group. Station traders in major hubs selling and buying firesales or hunting forums for cheap BPO deals and reselling them etc also have unassailable wealth. The hypocrisy that it is unfair because you cannot target these people and casino’s are generally untouchable… Well if you know station trading or have half a fucking clue about this game and enough capital, you can literally steer the market in your favour. And I do believe a trader recently and a few other have been banned and they are still banned. Guess who is investigating them… CCP Peligro

@ CCP – I am disappointed with you that you even listened to the dear complaints of the overlord Mittani, But I do expect you to Nerf Market trading so you can be killed and have your stuff taken from you, or would it be better Mittens to write a letter of complaint to Ned?

I was debating and have been for the last 15 minutes whether to put this in or not but I will add these last few bits as conjecture and you make up your own mind. But all of the above is my story and I have no reason to BS. You can see it is open and honest. I have tried not to misty any part of the above except the bit with my email trades with Falcon as it contained some personal parts of my life when I was in the forces / Hospital. But I hope at the very least you can see that not everything is as it seems.

If you control the evidence that is received and you want a group or x people out of the game, you can make any evidence tell the story you want. Forget what you think about me or IWISK etc, just think about it for a while.


· Mittani is RL friends with Peligro and he is / was a Goonswarm Member… · Head of internal affairs left after this all happened. · Head of CCP Security left after this all happened.


submitted by KnabnorI to Eve [link] [comments]

August Events! August 24

Hi all, As promised here is my announcement of my next event. It’s going to be one long event made up of three smaller events. All events happen on the 24th!
When: Saturday August 24 at 9:00 AM Pacific/Noon Eastern/5 PM UTC. We will launch at that time with or without you so please be sure to online and available to join the host session up-to 15 mins prior to the event’s start time!. Invitations into the host session will be sent up to the last three minutes until we launch. If you have not received an invitation by 10 minutes prior to the events start time, please reach out to the host via PSN PM, to make the host aware of your presence. Yes this includes even those those on my friends list! Event will be canceled by 9:10 AM Pacific time if we fail to have anyone attend.
Where: We will meet at Garagedwella’s Penthouse at the casino, make sure I’ve got you added as a friend(be sure to mention you're from our crew in the invite) or that your active in any GTA Online session with our crew set as your active crew. I will be able to send you invites to bring you into my session. Doomsday heist setups are done in the open online world so you will need to be in the same session as me if we do any of them!
What’s happening: We are going to do a heist (or two)! Exact heist TBD
Event description/notes: This event is limited to a max of four, if interested please mention so in a comment below so I can know who’s coming! If I’m unable to fill all four slots with crew mates I may at my discretion open the party to allow random players to join us to fill any vacancies. Please be sure to have a working mic! Communication is key in these heists! Please be sure you have max ammo, vests and snacks prior to the event. Please make sure you have suitable transport (amour may be useful here if you can balance it with something that can do a decent speed) as heists regularly require players to traverse (or fly!) long distances across Los Santos and Blaine County! Event duration is open ended.
Car and Plane Show! Where: Devon Weston Hanger , private session (session invites required) When: 1:00 PM Pacific/4:00 PM Eastern/9:00 Eastern, event will run 1 hour! What’s happening: come show off your coolest cars and planes! Event Details/Notes: Cars will be inside the hanger against the wall, planes will be in the center of the hanger, any overflow, large planes/vehicles will be staged directly outside the hanger in manner that will allow smaller planes and cars to safely enter and depart from inside the hanger. If your aircraft or vehicle is armed with weapons, please make sure weapons are set to machine gun so we don’t have any friendly fire rockets launched during aircraft and vehicle movements!
Live ATC! When: 2:00 PM Pacific/5:00 PM Eastern/10:00 PM UTC. Canceled if no attendance by 2:10 PM Pacific time. Where: LSIA. What’s happening: Live air traffic control provided on a rotation basis by your crew mates! Event details/notes: The AiCar Show event will roll directly into this event, please try to attend both of your able to! You must have a working Mic to take part event, we are striving for realism so all Readback is required when interacting with someone playing the role of a controller! Listen to and communicate any issues with the current ATC controller, failure to do so will result in a Pilot Deviation Report which may affect your ability to participate in Live ATC future events!
IMPORTANT: We will be using a non standard chart (not the ones in the sidebar of our sub.) Please be sure to familiarize yourself with these charts prior to the start of the event in addition to having access to them via a nearby laptop or smartphone for reference during the event! Event will run up-to 90 mins with controller changes every 30 mins. If we have enough people playing we will have separate party chats set up each hosted by a current controller preforming that specific task. We may up to 5 controller working as Fort Zancudo (all functions) LSIA Tower, approach/Departure/Clearance, (May make these separate) and Ground, and General ATC for the sector (for aircraft not in the immediate controlled airspace of airport.
PLEASE NOTE: The following changes and restrictions; 1. Military aircraft may use all airports except Grapeseed. 2. Non Military aircraft are forbidden at Fort Zancudo, with the exception of true emergencies (Sandy Shores is close by so if you you should make landing there a priority over Zancudo unless extreme circumstances prevent you from safely reaching Sandy Shores, Grapeseed or LSIA. non military aircraft may not enter the Fort Zacudo No Fly Zone. This zone is defined as follows; the base side of the summit of the mountain range beyond the treatment plant adjacent to Fort Zacudo, East road following the edge of the slough from the main gate (on the base side of the slough) to the ocean. 10,000 feet from the approach end of the runway over the ocean. Aircraft may overfly the base at heights exceeding 5,000 feet provided they are not interfering with the approach or departure corridors of the bases runways. civilian aircraft/vehicles may enter Fort Zacudo to retrieve aircraft from thier Private Hanger with prior notice given to ATC/Base Command 3. Use of Grapeseed is restricted to small prop only aircraft and Helicopters. 4. Sandy Shores and Grapeseed are uncontrolled, call outs should be made as normal when approaching/departing/making ground movements. These call outs should be made on the General ATC party chat, as you will need to reach out to this controller to coordinate clearances to your destination. ATC will not aknowledge your call out unless you address them as you are at an uncontrolled airport, however should you contact/be contacted by ATC, you will required to readback instruction given to you such as a clearence. 5. ATIS Service is not provided, however you may ask your current controller for weather reports, and PIREP’s. 6. For the charts the airports listed as Jetsam, and Docks are not going to be used so disregard those pages. Also the Pier 1 RNAV will not be used so please also disregard that page! 7. The number of controllers and party chats will scale according to workload of the controllers. Fewer pilots in attendance will mean fewer ATC staff, who will cover multiple roles (All LSIA functions. Or another example is a single controller may handle the entire air traffic duties of the session if it’s just three or four people flying, and we only use game chat and no party chats.) 8. The phonetic military alphabet (alpha, bravo, charlie, etc.) will be in use, learn it now and be prepared to use it! 9. All airspace and ground movement are controlled, with the exception of Sandy Shores and Grapeseed. You should always be in contact with an ATC controller regardless of flight level if you are moving outside of these two exempted airports! Failure to do so may result in the military interception. In the event of this happening you are required to follow the direction of a Los Santos Civil Air Patrol aircraft or any military Aircraft under the active orders of the Military or ATC. The use of lethal force is authorized, when required by a clear and immanent threat that is posed by a non complaint aircraft to other aircraft or civilians in the air or on the ground. These is especially important should you violate the no fly zone surrounding Fort Zacudo!. A briefing on these procedures will be given to all in attendance at the beginning of the event. Further instructions will be given those who will rotate though as ATC or Military officials. Do not take being intercepted or being shot down lightly, it means you seriously screwed up both as a pilot and as a crew mate of Aviators of GTA! You can bank on sanctions being placed on your ability to participate in future crew events, or in the crew period!
Ground vehicles must use the marked and dedicated vehicle roadways at LSIA, don’t ever leave the aprons and enter the active runways or areas (grass) directly next to a runway without explicit permission from the tower controller at LSIA. Ground vehicles must yield to all aircraft in motion at all airfields! 10. All aircraft are welcome, except hoverbikes/cars. The host and ATC reserves the right to request you change aircraft, limit or forbid any aircraft of their choosing at any time to maintain realism. Failure to change aircraft when requested to do so in a reasonable time frame, will result in your removal from the session and repeated issues caused by a member at any event may affect their privileges to attend certain or any and all official (hosted by staff) crew events and furthermore may also jeopardize their membership in Aviators of GTA. 11. Call signs will be discussed at the beginning of the session to decide if we will use random N prefixed(serial numbers), Flight numbers, usernames or a mix of any of the three. 12. The host (Garagedwella) will act as the supervisor of all ATC, and may appoint additional people as supervisors if required just as you would in any FAA controlled tower or center outside of GTA, the Supervisor is there to be a resource to both the ATC staff and the Pilots when things go wrong or if you just feel unsure about something. If you require the Supervisor for any reason and they are out flying, please address them as "Supervisor [Username]" initially over the mic to get their attention. This will distinguish this communication as in internal consultation from an ATC staff member or pilot requiring assistance, over a routine ATC to Pilot (or the other way around) conversation. 13. Should something be destroyed in a manner where a vehicle or aircraft remains fouls a runway or taxiway with FOD (Foreign Object Debris). Notify ATC ASAP about the hazard and remove it ASAP before resuming flying activities! 14. This session will not be devoid of NPC (Non Player Controlled) Aircraft. This includes landing and taking off from airfields and taxiing. It is the player responsibility to be alert and call out any known hazards over frequency to alert controllers and pilots. NPC will not appear on Radar for controllers so if you are unable to comply with instructions given by ATC report so over frequency and advise ATC as to why.
TLDR; Listen to what we (staff and ATC) say and nobody gets hurt. There is a refresher on Session Etiquette and ATC instructions under the "Read Before Flying W/ ATC" section of the sidebar.
Hope to see you all at the events! Please comment below or reach out to me via private message if you have any questions regarding these three events!
Garagedwella Playstation Squadron Leader
submitted by Garagedwella to AviatorsOfGTA [link] [comments]

A final response to the "Tell me why Trump is a terrible businessman"

Trump shows he doesn’t know how the economy works by thinking he can fix the debt by just printing more money.

Trump wants to go back to the Gold standard despite warning from economists.

Trump proposes tanking the economy so he could renegotiate the public debt and pay discounted prices to investors of US Treasury bonds.

Trump proposes plan that would shrink the economy by 2% according to experts.

Trumps Trade War with China would increase the price of everyday goods and products up to 40% or more.

Trumps current spending plan would bankrupt the country.

Trumps Tax cuts would add $24.5 trillion to the national debt

Trump wants a $3.2 trillion tax cut for millionaires.

Trump thinks unemployment is really 40% despite the fact that would put the unemployment rate at twice the height it was during the great depression.

Trump lowers his number and thinks unemployment is 20% which is still wrong.

Trump win would tank stock market according to billionaire financial guru.

Trump ranked on the same level as ISIS in terms of causing global economy instability by Economist Intelligence Analysts.

Trumps claim about trade deficit is $200 billion dollars off.

Trump promises to decrease taxes without increasing the national deficit despite the fact that is literally impossible.

Far Right Conservative Think Tanks and Republican professors acknowledge Trumps plan would not only create an economic collapse but a breakdown of basic everyday life.

Trump declares bankruptcy… Four, Six separate times.

Trump $3 billion dollars in debt in 1991.

Trumps Entertainment Resorts are forced to declare bankruptcy. Trump lies and claims “I have nothing to do with the company,”

Trumps Casinos were failures.

Trump refuses to pay back wages to his wife's personal assistant unless he signed a non-disclosure agreement.

Trump accused of illegally withholding checks from employees.

Trump hires illegal workers and pays them below minimum wage.

Trump accused of engaging in incidents of physical assault, verbal abuse, intimidation, and threats of physical harm towards workers to suppress unions.

British Human Rights Journalist says conditions for workers at Trumps Dubai Golf course are “The worst I have ever seen”

Trump tries to start his own Mortgage company right before the housing bubble crash and fails.

Trump tries to start his own airline and in three years never turns a profit.

Trump tries to make his own monopoly ripoff, twice. Predicted 2 million units sold. It gets no where near that and fails.

Trump tries to make his own Vodka line. He promises it will beat Grey Goose and it fails.

Trump tries to make his own steak line. It’s discontinued due to poor sales and he fails.

Trump tries to start his own magazine, it fails.

Trump tries to start his own travel site, it fails.

Trump tries to make a Tour De France rival called Tour de Trump that fails.

Trump tries to make his own football league it fails, he loses $30 million dollars. Then he tries to sue the NFL for $1.7 billion.

Trump starts his own line of vitamins, consumer watchdog groups and health experts label it as a scam. It also fails.

Trump somehow thinks ISIS has become competition against him in the real estate industry after falsely believing they started building their own Hotels.

Hundreds claim Trump refused to pay bills.

When asked about his companies regularly violating the Fair Labor Standards Act Trump says, “That’s the way it should be.”

Trump defrauds students through scam university.

Trump makes racist comments about Judge in the class action lawsuit involving said scam university.

Trump takes a $40 million dollar loan from Deutsche Bank and when they ask him to repay the loan he refuses and sues them for $3 billion dollars.

Trumps daughter recalls story during her childhood when Trump pointed at a homeless man saying he was 4 billion dollars richer than him because, “that’s how much debt I’m in.”

Trump Bribes corrupt government officials to seize elderly woman’s house using eminent domain to get more Limo Parking Space.

Trump tried to use eminent domain to steal the house of a Holocaust survivor.

Trump uses slumlord tactics of hiring thugs to physically intimidate tenants.

Trump retaliates against tenant for filing complaint by drilling holes in her ceiling and filling her apartment with construction dust. (Tenant later dies of lung cancer.)

Trump picked stock fraud felon as senior adviser.

Trump brand used to swindles buyers out of life savings through fraud in failed Condo project.

Trump named in over 3,500 lawsuits.

Trump uses bribery and secret financing to circumvent state law and stop competitors.

Trump is fined 200,000$ in 1992 by the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement for not allowing blacks or women onto his casino floor while racist Mafia leader is gambling.

Trump tries to violate Antitrust regulations through purgery and identity theft to steal two separate companies.

Court case implicated Trump in fraud, money-laundering, conspiracy, perjury and the theft of trade secrets.

Trump violates federal gambling laws.

Trump outright commits tax evasion.

Trump commits felony and lies to the Securities and Exchange Commission about company earnings with the hope of cheating taxes.

Trump steals over $300,000 from worker pensions.

Trump hires Illegal Immigrants over U.S citizens.

Trump hires Illegal Immigrants again but this time defrauds them of pay.

Trumps makes majority of products in China.

Not even Trumps Make America Great Again Hats are made in America.

Trump violates immigration laws by sneaking Illegal Immigrants into the U.S for modeling jobs then refuses to pay them.

Trump hires a financial analyst to gauge his Taj Mahal Casino project, the analyst says that the project would fail by the end of that year. Trump sues the analyst demanding he says it will succeed. By the end of the year the Casino declares bankruptcy.

Trump sues small travel agency founded in 1985 for coincidentally sharing his name.

Trump sues small Georgia business for making “Trump Cards” in 1988 despite the fact they weren’t even referencing his name.

Trump sues a small Indian restaurant for sharing the name of one of his Casinos. That restaurants name? “The Taj Mahal”

Trump sues union when they reveal that Trump doesn’t even stay in his own hotels.

Trump tries to sell the Empire State Building despite not owning it. He then sues the real owner in retaliation.

Author Timothy O’Brien calls Trump a millionaire instead of a billionaire. Trump responds by suing him for $5 billion dollars. O’Brien gets to court and is able to prove Trump had been lying about his net worth and was in reality worth between $150 and $250 million.

Comedian, Bill Maher responds to Trumps demands for Obama to release his birth certificate to prove he was born in America saying Trump should release his to prove his mother had not mated with an orangutan. Trump responds by suing Bill Maher for 5 million dollars.

Later when asked if Trump knew Maher was joking and didn’t actually think Trump was the product of bestiality Trumps responds with “I don’t think he was joking. He said it with venom.”
(I just want everyone reading this to take a moment and wonder how people would react if Hillary tried to take away a comedians free speech and make them pay her millions over making a joke about her)

Trump sues employee for quitting.

Trump threatens to sue artist after his supporters find where she lives, stalks and attacks her because she made a painting of him with a small penis.

News outlet threatened with lawsuit over writing story about Trumps hair plugs.

submitted by marisam7 to EnoughTrumpSpam [link] [comments]

[Tournament Report] (Standard and Draft) A Hitchhikers Guide to 10th at Australian Nationals

Disclaimer: there’s going to be a lot of storytelling and fluff in this match report. If you’re after something more serious, that's also here too! I’ve written other match reports on other forums with a similar style, which I’ve linked to here and here.
I hope I didn't poop any reddit formatting.
Enjoy my awful writing!
Part 1 - The Prologue
There it was. The patter of feet turned into an echoing applause of hooves quickly getting closer and closer. Before I knew it, I was knocked to the ground. My last sights a rearing, victorious green horse as it trampled me underfoot.
Thursday. July 19. A cold sweat covered my body as I checked the clock. The bright light of my phone burned 05:55 into my corneas. My hands get to work feverishly to write up my midnight epiphany.
I spend the evening later that day putting cardboard and clothes into my bag, not bringing the spare parts to build anything else. This was it. Grixis was my Alamo.
Fast-forward the drive over the next day, where we all met at Strathfield for the ride over. Mostly an uneventful drive if you discount almost running out of petrol ten minutes outside of Canberra. We settled into our hotel and after some moderate play testing against Mono-Red Keld, I swapped over my basics by request to Unhinged, then cracked open my bottle of Fat Lamb dreading what was coming tomorrow.
I couldn’t sleep much.
Saturday had arrived. Shower. Brief daypack inventory. Breakfast at some fancy cafe across the road. An awkward round 0 of forgetting to bring dice, paper and a playmat, scrambling to write a decklist followed by an awkward anthem and we’re off.
Here’s what we registered: 2 Swamp 1 Island 1 Mountain 4 Aether Hub 4 Canyon Slough 4 Fetid Pools 4 Dragonskull Summit 3 Drowned Catacombs 3 Sulfur Falls (26)
4 Glint-Sleeve Siphoner 3 Champion of Wits 3 Whirler Virtutoso 3 Nicol Bolas, the Ravager 3 The Scarab God 1 Torrential Gearhulk (17)
3 Magma Spray 3 Abrade 3 Essence Scatter 2 Harnessed Lightning 1 Supreme Will 4 Vraska’s Contempt 1 Liliana, Death’s Majesty (17)
Sideboard: 3 Duress 2 Chandra’s Defeat 2 Arguel’s Bloodfast 2 Negate 1 Jace’s Defeat 1 Sweltering Suns’ 1 Glimmer of Genius 1 Yahenni’s Expertise 1 The Eldest Reborn 1 Torrential Gearhulk
I decided on Sulfur Falls over Spirebluff as untapped lands during turns 4, 5 and 6 are just as important as 1, 2, and 3. 3 Essence Scatter was an inclusion I didn’t see in most decks before the tournament, but they were amazing. In future I’d probably play two, and a second Supreme Will as the deck is a little thirsty on card selection or the fourth Champion of Wits.
Part 2 - This Is How Nationals Dies, With Thunderous Applause
Round 1 - Simon Linabury on RB Aggro (Top 8) A Canberra local and an all around nice dude that I’ve seen around a lot. I won the dieroll but shuddered as I saw t1 Bomat on the other side. I had no real response for the curve out as I had kept a pretty crappy hand for the matchup (Siphoner x 2, if i recall correctly) and saw myself die quicky as the Bomat was followed by a creature two drop and it was lights out once Unlicensed hit on my Virtuoso. Not much to do.
Sideboarding: +2 Chandra’s Defeat +2 Arguel’s Bloodfast +1 Sweltering Suns’ +1 Yahenni’s Expertise +1 Torrential Gearhulk -4 Glint-Sleeve Siphoner -3 Nicol Bolas, the Ravager
Glint-Sleeve obviously lines up extremely poorly against Chainwhirler, while I’ve found that Nicol Bolas getting slapped by a Chandra wasn’t exactly the line of play I was after. Further to that, the amount of times in test games that I saw RB players discard a Scrounger dissuaded me entirely from Bolas in the deck post board.
Game 2, I got an Arguel’s down and the draw managed to let me turn the corner with some threats. Game 3 involved another early Arguel’s, and a t4 Chandra from the opponent, but I manage to stick a Scarab God that weathers an Unlicensed and he scoops it up as Scarab start picking up permanents in the graveyard after successfully holding up Vraska’s Contempt to clear a threat. I wished him luck for the next round and slowly packed my stuff and went across the room to my team. Wins across the board (and a points bye, sack) mostly. Nice.
2-1 1-0
After the usual bad beats talk that happens between rounds, I flick through my phone’s browser for pairings, and head straight for the table.
Round 2 - Jesse Stewart on RB Aggro (30th) One lost die roll later and suddenly we’re off with a seven. Bomat Courier again reminds me that the red decks draw way more cards than I do, and if I recall correctly, we trade cards back and forth, and I try to flip a Bolas on an empty board while on 5. He plays Hazoret for the maximum punish.
Sideboarding: Same as Round 1
I keep a seven and we start taking tonnes of damage on board, followed by a Chandra. I try to stem the bleeding with two Whirler Virtuosos, but they don’t do enough as I extend the hand.
0-2 (2-3) 1-1
Bottle of water count hits one. I Taylor Swift it off and go to the next round.
Round 3 - David Huang on Mono-Red Keld (Top 8) Phones in the modern era tend to deliver a ton of unwanted news, and this is no exception. Having a teamkill in round 3 of a 12 round tournament sucks, especially when you’re both down a match and looking to stay afloat. Since we spent a decent amount of time yesterday playing the matchup, I safely keep a removal dense hand and take over the game accordingly after he bricks on his draws from Flame of Keld.
Sideboard: +2 Chandra’s Defeat +2 Arguel’s Bloodfast +1 Negate +1 Sweltering Suns +1 Yahenni’s Expertise -4 Glint-Sleeve Siphoner -3 Nicol Bolas, the Ravager
I knew he was gonna have a lot of Chandras that clap Nicol Bolas post board, and overall while Nicol Bolas was decent to stabilize on T4, I found that spending my T4 deleting their T4 was a more efficient trade in tempo. Game 2 involves me getting buried under the red tide, with me flailing about with my Negate catching a Chandra - but outside of that it was mostly drowning.
Sideboarding (Game 3): -1 Torrential Gearhulk +1 Negate
I thought the second Negate would be excellent on the play in order to smother his card draw sources, and it worked out in a back and forth game where I dipped down to four to flip my Arguel’s, and Liliana came down to give me a stream of 2 life a turn to get me across the line. Negate caught a Flame of Keld at a critical juncture where it would have let him completely decimate my life total. I aptly bad mannered him, took a photo of the match slip and headed up to the judges table before applying more rub ins.
2-1 (4-4) 2-1
Everyone else at this point had caught up to 2-1, with David being the exception. Good shit. I grabbed a second bottle of water (now, down $6) and chilled out with the team before heading off to next round.
Round 4 - James Chen on Mono-Red Keld Another round, another Sydney snipe which always sucks considering the aim is to see Sydney players do well, but time to bash. I win the die roll and get to work. Game 1 looks like it followed the formula: kill stuff early, play a Scarab God when you can, then take over the game from there.
Sideboarding: See Games 2+3, Round 3 - second Negate included.
Game 2 involves a Chandra, but for all intents and purposes my life total doesn’t dip below 10 after several turns, and I turn the corner quite quickly. In hindsight, I dunno why I was particularly concerned about the matchup, it feels a lot better than UB simply due to Whirler Virtuoso. I go off for my third bottle of water (for those keeping up at home, that’s $9 AUD down now on water) and first bathroom trip, and go spend the hour long lunch break talking about Standard rounds, and having David accidentally order food to our hotel room as opposed to the venue. Good shit.
2-0 (6-4) 3-1
Part 3 - You Underestimate My Power
Link to Deck Picture
We pick 1, pack 1’d the foil Pelakka Wurm, and put the blinders on and saw Green the whole rest of the draft. The Luminous Bonds were passed to me pack 1 quite late in the draft, so I had to believe White was open. I had to deathstare the person looking at their previous picks before the review period despite the two warnings from judges not to do that. It was definitely a train wreck, but I think we did pretty well considering the trainwreck we were getting passed into. Psychic Symbionte (why the weird spelling Wizards?) was an incredibly greedy splash and I never cast it, with it either getting stranded before I drew a blue source, or pitched to Macabre Waltz. It would have been fine if I nabbed the second Meandering River probably? We nabbed the Murder in pack 3 and never looked back.
Round 5 - Dean Williams on RW Smorc I was pretty afraid of any RW deck going into Round 5 - my deck has some decent game with Plague Mare to sweep away some tokens, but overall I think the battle was to survive to cast a Wurm to stabilize.
The games didn’t go as planned - he was playing a removal light, dude dense version of RW and outside of a Sigiled Sword of Valeron I felt pretty comfortable throughout the match. Game 1 I suited up a Vine Mare with Knightly Valor and went to town, he Cleansing Nova’d it away and I stared at the Rise from the Grave in hand which made a fresh Zombie Horse on our next turn. That was very much the beginning of the end.
In the second game, Viashino Pyromancer drew first blood, but between its triggered ability and attacking twice it was the only thing that managed to draw blood as I took down my opponent's life total in chunks. Once again, Vine Mare appeared - but it was working for me, so it was nightmare fuel for someone else for a change.
2-0 (8-4) 4-1
Round 6 - Michael Milton on GW Smorc 4-1 is pretty far ahead of where I thought I’d be day 1. Realities came tumbling down as my opponent ends game 1 on 21, while we end up dead.
Game 2, my back’s on the wall and he manages to push for 6 damage before Pelakka Wurm takes over the game - not much else to say.
The third game is a back and forth affair where he takes me down to 3 early, and ends up with a Star-Crowned Stag and a Pegasus Courser with his life on 7. My board at this point (I believe) is a Giant Spider from the board, a Zombie token and a Skeleton Archer; land in hand. I start attacking with the Skeleton Archer because the only way I win here is if he screws up. He throws the Courser under the bus. This happens again the next turn as he plays a second Courser. After a bit of draw go I eventually hit the wurmyboi and stabilize.
I asked him about it after the game, and he was playing around Titanic Growth (which is fair - but I disagree with the mindset that comes with that decision.) I had to get a little lucky to sneak past here. Deep sigh of relief as I move off to my mates who proceed to either show me dust or diamonds in terms of draft decks.
2-1 (10-5) 5-1
Round 7 - ??? on Temur (if you’re reading this buddy, sorry I forgot your name - it doesn’t show up on pwp!)
By the looks of the scorepad, Game 1 was quite a tight race on both sides but he ended up scraping through with the UG uncommon flying over my board.
Second game was a pretty slow affair where my first life total change was the wurmyboi, only to have it be Switcharoo’d for an Omenspeaker, followed by the UG uncommon making it a flying wurmyboi. Needless to say I packed it up real quick. 5-2 aint too bad for day 1!
0-2 (10-7) 5-2
The team had mixed results as we headed back - a 6-1, two 5-2s, two 4-3s and lets not ask about the last one, but needless to say we headed off into the Canberra night. Two hours later we finally ended up with food from Happy’s, it was decent Chinese but not exactly worth a two hour wait, but the Canadian Club we dragged back to the hotel was - and with free practice of GP Hockenheim starting up we managed to drink our way to bed in preparation for the next day.
Part 4 - I have the high ground, I guess? Bright and sunny start to day 2. I’m a liar. It was -4 celcius when I woke up. It was bloody cold. I spent the first hour of my day goldfishing one of the two Tron decks we had ready to run head first into the PPTQ, asking myself regularly “why don’t I play this shit more often” and my favourite question to ask when goldfishing “how do I lose?”. Same swanky cafe for breakfast, baked eggs hit the spot on such a frigid day before we headed back out to the venue for the second draft.
Link to draft deck 2:
This one felt nuts. I picked a Lich’s Caress pick 1 pack 1 over a Lathiss (controversial, I know), then proceeded to take all the good black stuff and green stuff that came past. The Thorn Lieutenant came to me in pack 3 alongside the Prodigious Growth, just to show how wide open green was. The Druid of Horns package was a little loose, but the plan was to board it out whenever it was bad for 2 Ghastbark Twins and a Titanic Growth. Needless to say, I was hoping to run into every token based deck possible…
Round 8 - Lyndon Maher on RW splash B This match went by quickly. Game 1 I swept away 4 2/2s worth of knights with a double Plague Mare turn and that quickly closed out the game. Second game, we kept in the Oakenform/Druid package and we quickly found ourselves on the back foot as we took a big swing for 12 early. That was the only damage we took the whole game was we quickly took over on the board after we weathered the storm.
2-0 (12-7) 6-2
A quick scope around with the team still playing the main event and everyone was still live. Good shit.
Round 9 - Grant Boyanton on Mono Red I was getting pretty nervous at this point, but I also had some extremely high expectations for the deck so I got back into the zone. Now $18 AUD down on water, we went on to our next round. The first game involved went quickly into a creature bogfest, with our opponent pooping out tonnes of 1/1s and Plague Mare does the damage He smashed early with a hasted Inferno Hellion that knocked me down to 6, but I managed to stabilize and the Lich’s Caress puts us out of reach of burn spells (Guttersnipe DansGame) as we clean up the game. Oakenhorn stayed in for the next game as it did wonders in clogging the board game 1.
Viashino Pyromancer once again draws first blood, but our opponent only knocks us to 10 while we take down his lifetotals in increments of 8. Plague Mare might end up being the waifu.
2-0 (14-7) 7-2
Round 10 - Ryan Cubit on BW Lifegain (15th) For some reason, they decided to put the lunch break between rounds 2 and 3 of the draft. That one might be my only tournament complaint as I wanted to ride my momentum into the last round of draft. I saw Ryan was in my pod and quite early I identified him as the real threat of the draft - I’d hoped someone else would snipe him down to the 1-1 bracket, but there he was (at the time, he was the Australian Pro Point leader, now he’s tied for first again). Well shit.
Honestly, the first two games were a bit of a blur back and forth, so I can’t really write on them with much context as the third game took a whole lot of my memory. Game 3 was a back and forth grindfest, where I had almost ran out of cards in my library and I managed to sneak in the last points of damage necessary despite missing a Poison-Tip Archer trigger. He showed me the rest of his library and it was a plethora of 5 drop threats and removal and I had to be really lucky to get out of that match unscathed (he drew all 17 lands!). The sideboard plan finally kicked in alongside a Plummet and a Daggerback Basilisk. Everything had to come together just right and it did.
No pressure kid. Just need to win one Standard round, what could possibly go wrong?
2-1 (16-8) 8-2
Round 11 - Ben Yulli on RB Aggro (Top 4) I wished him luck and quipped:
“Blue sleeves, Flooded Strand promo playmat, must be a ruse for a red deck right?” 
A shaky 6 greeted me and before I knew it, a Bomat Courier had snuck in for the first points.
“Nailed it.” 
I then proceeded to stall out, while he was playing Ahn-Crop Crasher which proceeded to ruin my life as I tried (with little effect) to block everything with Whirler Virtuoso. Needless to say, I couldn’t stop the bleeding fast enough.
Sideboarding: +2 Chandra’s Defeat +2 Arguel’s Bloodfast +1 Glimmer of Genius +1 Sweltering Suns +1 Yahenni’s Expertise -4 Glint-Sleeve Siphoner -3 Nicol Bolas, the Ravager
I had figured in the other games at this point that the second Gearhulk was good, but Ahn-Crop made me very averse to that kind of plan (look, in hindsight I imagine the second Gearhulk woulda done work, but I was just running through my logic here). I don’t mind Glimmer in this kind of matchup as it lets you do something on turns where the plan is to hold up Vraska’s Contempt. Alongside the equity you get during those Vraska’s Contempt turns, Glimmer adds some much needed card advantage after cutting the Siphoners. If he wasn’t playing Ahn-Crop, I’d say this plan was great.
Ahh, game 2, how I wish I didn’t have to relive you. The first seven was landless, the second six was all lands, and the five did about as best as it could to keep me alive.
It wasn’t enough. I signed the match slip and sighed myself out of there. At the moment I needed it most, the luck had run out.
0-2 (16-10) 8-3
I moved slowly towards the team to find out that the other two boys still live in the main event are still live or locked for top 8. Absolutely needed to hear that news to raise my spirits about the next round. It felt so unimportant to play the next round, but I was told there was a chance I could slip in as my breakers were insane.
Only one way to find out.
Round 12 - Keiren Macdonald on the Mirror (28th) Once again, I didn’t really record this game properly but I felt in control for most of both the games. In match 1, my life total never changed while I had every correct answer to hit all his threats on time while he was land screwed, and by the time he had recovered my advantage in cards took the wheel from there. All three Champion of Wits saw their way out of my graveyard, and usually that does the damage.
Sideboarding: +2 Arguel's Bloodfast +1 Negate +1 Jace’s Defeat +1 The Eldest Reborn +1 Sploosh Hulk -3 Abrade -2 Harnessed Lightning -1 Supreme Will
Game 2 felt a lot like game 1, I always had the answer cause I’m a sack and after a long slog through some Vraska’s Contempts I finally stuck a Scarab God. He extended the hand before I started activating it.
2-0 (18-10) 9-3
After walking over to hand in my match slip, I ran quickly over to the ‘feature match tables’ to see one of my team mates bashing another Sydney player to see who makes it into top 8. On the other table, David (my round 3 opponent, team mate and all around sack) had snuck his way into the top 8 despite the 1-2 start. It was extremely awkward having to root for my boi Benaya over another Sydney player, but once he won we all were ecstatic. Two people in my room in the top 8 was what they’d call a deece plus weekend despite my choke on top 8. I stood patiently for the top 8 announcement with very little hope to make it and that feeling was validated. Was locked out from the start of the round, oh well.
The team settled in to watch their top 8 matches before heading out to the casino to celebrate with a really good 9 course meal from Natural Nine - definitely recommend for those who head out there, followed by losing my Flooded Strand promo during the credit-card game. Whoops. Just to add insult to injury, Lewis Hamilton just had to win GP Hockenheim to increase the salt count in the room.
Epilogue - Is this really podracing? The weekend was a blast. I’m out of good words. The return to Nationals as a tournament was an excellent decision by Wizards as it wholeheartedly managed to unify regions of Australia under banners. I walked away very proud of Sydney’s performance.
Grixis is great. I’m extremely glad I only saw horses either: In my draft decks and On the ride over.
Avoid drafting white, that shit sucks and is overdrafted alongside red.
Big thanks to my team for the overall support and for their own damn excellent performance. None of us could have done it on our own so thank you to you guys. Shoutout to you the reader for actually making it this far through 12 rounds of ramble.
I stream occasionally on - check it out if you want to see me flail around haplessly on Affinity (or my original love, Modern Elves) some time.
submitted by Floee to spikes [link] [comments]

Subreddit Stats: perth top posts from 2018-10-07 to 2019-10-06 03:02 PDT

Period: 363.95 days
Submissions Comments
Total 999 51960
Rate (per day) 2.74 139.74
Unique Redditors 632 5502
Combined Score 190068 329341

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

  1. 5128 points, 14 submissions: Agent641
    1. Who do you call when youre stuck? (2261 points, 346 comments)
    2. Stealing from the pharmacy (sort of a wholesome story in a round-about way) (409 points, 36 comments)
    3. This is William, my supervisor. He makes sure I rake the leaves in perfect concentric circles. Im sure it has nothing to do with all the bugs I'm uncovering (363 points, 40 comments)
    4. You may know about the swan, the duck, the meth pipe, and the soul of the late Robin Williams, but did you know we are all just a ball of yarn for this cat? (320 points, 26 comments)
    5. Way to go, Bunnings Harrisdale, I just wanted to build some cabinets but now I'm inspired to build a viking longship and invade Northumbria (301 points, 49 comments)
    6. After the storms - River mouth breached at Guilderton (261 points, 24 comments)
    7. The colour difference in my front and rear dashcams' anodized aluminium face after 2 years in the WA sun. They started out black. (239 points, 26 comments)
    8. So I finished my new counter top (224 points, 69 comments)
    9. This mild, even a little chilly at night, start to summer is nice, but it has me really suspicious... (198 points, 100 comments)
    10. A fox attacked Squeaky the duck, leaving him on the edge of death and unable to lift his head to even drink. My mum helped him drink and eat for 5 days until he recovered (Video inside) (172 points, 19 comments)
  2. 3404 points, 26 submissions: His_Holiness
    1. Cars could be banned from the heart of Northbridge on Friday and Saturday nights under a proposal from the City of Perth (246 points, 79 comments)
    2. The Court responds to calls to make the pub safer for gays by painting another rainbow (242 points, 144 comments)
    3. Euthanasia: McGowan Government to introduce assisted dying bill next year (228 points, 16 comments)
    4. Nightclub Predator Mark McGowan (220 points, 7 comments)
    5. Mark McGowan threatens to go it alone on climate, saying WA could develop its own policy (202 points, 60 comments)
    6. Media Watch: An exodus of journalists from The West Australian amid fears the paper is becoming tabloid and partisan (174 points, 167 comments)
    7. Check out the queue for cheap fuel in Baldivis (170 points, 111 comments)
    8. Is that a gun in Albo's pocket or is he just happy to see Josh Wilson? (164 points, 27 comments)
    9. Standalone LEGO store is coming to Perth (163 points, 58 comments)
    10. Mandatory meth testing on the cards for WA rental homes in Australian first (159 points, 59 comments)
  3. 3086 points, 12 submissions: flippingtimmy
    1. Took me over 20 trips to Dryandra Woodlands, but finally, I have my Numbat. (509 points, 36 comments)
    2. WA Woodlands can look pretty magical at sun up. (459 points, 33 comments)
    3. A young Numbat I met yesterday at Dryandra Woodlands. (425 points, 17 comments)
    4. Finally got around to creating this image of the bush on a foggy morning. (291 points, 16 comments)
    5. 8am Saturday at Dryandra Woodlands (266 points, 20 comments)
    6. Why do the Quokkas get all the press? Tammar Wallabies are pretty cute! (249 points, 21 comments)
    7. Look at where we get to live. Taken near Wandering, WA. (204 points, 18 comments)
    8. Some colour for the Winter days - Taken at Baigup Wetlands in Bayswater (191 points, 14 comments)
    9. Coast Road at Night. (175 points, 25 comments)
    10. How good are the winter sunrises around Narrogin? (168 points, 6 comments)
  4. 2041 points, 13 submissions: Muslim_Wookie
    1. Nice one WAPOL (340 points, 27 comments)
    3. Teachers of WA, thank you. (221 points, 68 comments)
    4. Not strictly Perth related, but shout out to our Indian and Pakistani residents, hope things calm down and your families are safe and sound. (201 points, 74 comments)
    5. Bob Hawke has passed away (177 points, 57 comments)
    6. Disgusting advertising in the Sunday Times - worthy of a complaint to Advertising Standards IMO (139 points, 70 comments)
    7. Vegan protest on Murray Street outside Forrest Place (120 points, 151 comments)
    8. Hey I dunno if anyone has noticed but holy shit is today a beautiful day out or what?!! (110 points, 61 comments)
    9. Hollywood star Bill Murray in early morning Rottnest dash to find quokkas (107 points, 26 comments)
    10. RTRFM is better than TripleJ convince me otherwise (107 points, 135 comments)
  5. 1870 points, 9 submissions: Aussierob78
    1. Good morning folks! Whatever you have planned, have a great weekend! (366 points, 25 comments)
    2. Hyde Park is looking amazing, so many autumn colours! (349 points, 23 comments)
    3. Why do two trips when this is more exciting?! Mitchell Freeway Sunday morning (318 points, 71 comments)
    4. Perth - Date Unknown (Pre 1988) from Kings Park (286 points, 27 comments)
    5. Polaroid photo of the suspended lights in Enex 100 (213 points, 2 comments)
    6. Some waste of oxygen vandalised part of the Christmas Light display last night (96 points, 26 comments)
    7. The Pink Lake, Port Gregory (91 points, 12 comments)
    8. Good morning! Looks like awesome weather this weekend. What have you got planned? (88 points, 40 comments)
    9. Historic Perth Post #3 - Possibly St Georges Terrace (63 points, 12 comments)
  6. 1807 points, 7 submissions: warmind14
    1. Bluff Knoll goodness. A nice clear day for it 🤙 (511 points, 24 comments)
    2. Yesterday's eerie fog (340 points, 5 comments)
    3. Good luck getting this to happen in Perth, let alone Australia. (289 points, 65 comments)
    4. Some Swan River goodness this morning. (197 points, 10 comments)
    5. Windan Bridge this morning. Not a breath of wind. (180 points, 8 comments)
    6. Kitty Hawk-class aircraft carrier USS Constellation CV-64, turning around in the harbour at Fremantle, Australia.[1024 × 809] (162 points, 49 comments)
    7. I'm glad that's over! (128 points, 21 comments)
  7. 1518 points, 1 submission: xSmartalec
    1. Rapture Nightclub denies drink spiking. (not my screenshot) (1518 points, 342 comments)
  8. 1425 points, 5 submissions: Kie723
    1. Perth right now (526 points, 27 comments)
    2. PerthNow, subtle as always (285 points, 24 comments)
    3. What's the forecast tomorrow Ollie? (268 points, 41 comments)
    4. Town of Cottesloe to ban smoking on all its beaches (230 points, 92 comments)
    5. Perth’s dine and dasher Lois Loder behind bars (116 points, 67 comments)
  9. 1412 points, 3 submissions: Kiaora_Aotearoa
    1. Spotted today flying over Perth. (1009 points, 70 comments)
    2. So much better than a half empty ANZ Stadium. (300 points, 24 comments)
    3. The golden view of Perth from John Forrest National Park this afternoon. 8th May 2019 (103 points, 2 comments)
  10. 1362 points, 8 submissions: craigdurkeedurk
    1. Perth city from South Perth. Looking calm. (297 points, 9 comments)
    2. Feels like such a long time since it’s rained in Perth. (286 points, 71 comments)
    3. Heading south at Easter. Good fucking luck. (257 points, 70 comments)
    4. Yalingup. What a place. #downsouth (152 points, 16 comments)
    5. Our stadium 😀 (120 points, 35 comments)
    6. With all the shit weather I thought I'd post the Narrows Bridge as the sun was going down earlier in the week. Perthect 👍 (89 points, 6 comments)
    7. Cat Haven free adoption of adult cats. Help out if you can 👍 (86 points, 38 comments)
    8. Karratha turning it on as the sun sets. (75 points, 1 comment)
  11. 1346 points, 7 submissions: Jonsmith78
    1. Sign outside an IGA. This has to be intentional.. :-) (417 points, 34 comments)
    2. Shot of Perth I took recently while flying out - not bad from a camera phone, thought I'd share (294 points, 30 comments)
    3. Spotted on the Bibbulmun Track not far from Kalamunda (cos we're doing phallic looking things around Perth now... (218 points, 29 comments)
    4. Would be cheaper to burn antique furniture i reckon.. (136 points, 29 comments)
    5. Swan Valley Explorer bus announced - $20 per person (101 points, 27 comments)
    6. $2.99 pints (98 points, 51 comments)
    7. Matsos Mango Beer $6 a pint (82 points, 48 comments)
  12. 1338 points, 4 submissions: oooweeeee
    1. Cape Naturaliste last Monday evening. Spent an hour watching a pod of dolphins trying to tame the huge swell. Managed to catch this fella going for broke! (735 points, 33 comments)
    2. Mid-day yesterday at Meelup Beach, Dunsborough (292 points, 30 comments)
    3. I've been reminiscing on the past today, scrolling through the photo archives. Here is Scarborough Beach 19th May 2012. Pre foreshore development. (162 points, 4 comments)
    4. Let's go back to 2012 again, when I didn't care about the stock market! Scarborough Beach, 23rd May 2012 (149 points, 37 comments)
  13. 1315 points, 8 submissions: sgt_bbq
    1. Unvaccinated children to be banned from WA kindies, childcare centres in disease outbreaks (474 points, 96 comments)
    2. Missing 7yo boy found safe after being taken from Perth school (175 points, 44 comments)
    3. Perth commuters to test-drive new real-time Transperth bus-tracking app (174 points, 41 comments)
    4. Suspended Perth Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi to be stripped of $60,900 pay under new laws (154 points, 22 comments)
    5. Mt Lawley 'home invader' dies after being stabbed multiple times inside house (104 points, 161 comments)
    6. National Debt Helpline calls skyrocket in Western Australia amid epidemic of financial stress (93 points, 30 comments)
    7. The First Friday Fuckwits for 2019 (75 points, 199 comments)
    8. Kwinana Freeway crowned one of Australia's worst roads as Perth congestion set to increase (66 points, 131 comments)
  14. 1313 points, 3 submissions: theeocelotbabou
    1. Sunny Sundays in Perth (521 points, 62 comments)
    2. Not one of my best photos, but finally flew my drone at City Beach! (491 points, 43 comments)
    3. Elizabeth Quay Bridge, First Photo I've Taken In Perth At Night! (301 points, 26 comments)
  15. 1238 points, 6 submissions: Buford1991
    1. The radio stations in Perth should play more music in the morning instead of making up games and and stop with the fakes laughter. (484 points, 210 comments)
    2. Well I guess they’re not getting my vote. Any one else think this is a scam to have Australia pay for his problems? (212 points, 68 comments)
    3. Give blood (202 points, 165 comments)
    4. Off the Great Northern Hwy (175 points, 11 comments)
    5. Fun night with the family. Thanks to all who made it a safe and enjoyable night. (101 points, 10 comments)
    6. June 2019 (64 points, 2 comments)
  16. 1228 points, 7 submissions: Groovesaurus
    1. It was about time (424 points, 41 comments)
    2. Quenda at Victoria Gardens (249 points, 27 comments)
    3. What is this and why it lives in the same city where I decided to live? (134 points, 42 comments)
    4. Perth meet-up (120 points, 205 comments)
    5. Friday fuckwit (117 points, 271 comments)
    6. Do you believe in life after work? perth weekday meet-up (110 points, 144 comments)
    7. Friday fuckwits cunts dickeys idiots pigs bastards porcodio (74 points, 259 comments)
  17. 1215 points, 12 submissions: Kangaroobopper
    1. Perth's trial to switch off red turning lights at night abandoned due to spike in crashes (192 points, 154 comments)
    2. Crown casino's links to Asian organised crime exposed (141 points, 48 comments)
    3. Perth Modern School increasingly out of reach for disadvantaged gifted students, experts warn (136 points, 202 comments)
    4. Photographer viciously beaten with baseball bat in random attack at Perth national park (123 points, 47 comments)
    5. Government leans on Supreme Court to stop Nine News Perth story airing (95 points, 95 comments)
    6. Physically aggressive students attacking WA teachers on the rise (90 points, 82 comments)
    7. Trainee pilot makes emergency landing at Jandakot Airport after instructor blacks out (88 points, 34 comments)
    8. Retailers join union in calling for customer abuse of staff to stop (78 points, 42 comments)
    9. Automatic suspensions for students instigating or filming school violence (71 points, 41 comments)
    10. Bibra Lake turtles pushed to brink of extinction by hungry foxes and careless drivers (68 points, 19 comments)
  18. 1215 points, 3 submissions: psuedojon
    1. Say what you want about Perth, but after a long day, this is paradise (533 points, 25 comments)
    2. Stay classy Perth (355 points, 16 comments)
    3. Nothing like a morning swim (327 points, 44 comments)
  19. 1195 points, 9 submissions: Captain-Peacock
    1. !!! (255 points, 42 comments)
    2. HITECH WORLD Roe st Northbridge...1990s dystopia in broad daylight. (187 points, 102 comments)
    3. Water bombers filling up at Tom Bateman wetlands for Cannington fire. (185 points, 40 comments)
    4. There's always one rebel! (Neil Hawkins park) (133 points, 11 comments)
    5. Even with an unblemished record of hating on Halloween, i must admit these articulated pet skeletons are freaking cool! (123 points, 80 comments)
    6. Serpent does forward moonwalk, i go home to change jox (Yellagonga regional park, Lake Joondalup) (112 points, 54 comments)
    7. While you wait for the next Perth Now article...Have a South Mole sunset! (79 points, 6 comments)
    8. I see that sunrise/sets are now passe, but my mate asked me to post this shot he took at Joon ECU thismorning. (61 points, 3 comments)
    9. Attention macadamia nut/BDSM fans! Feel free to copy my moderately successful design (No patent pending) (60 points, 43 comments)
  20. 1177 points, 7 submissions: littleblackcat
    1. Amazing vibe at the Wallabies v All Blacks game tonight (277 points, 60 comments)
    2. Happy Father's Day Dads of /perth!! (202 points, 61 comments)
    3. Art Gallery of WA toilets: a review (172 points, 56 comments)
    4. I present you a double whammy of 2016 nostalgic times. (147 points, 74 comments)
    5. PSA, if you shop at Chemist Warehouse, consider alternatives due to ongoing industrial action (138 points, 113 comments)
    6. Police to crackdown on ‘aggressive’ roadside window washers (136 points, 107 comments)
    7. Happy Mother's Day mums of /perth!! (105 points, 19 comments)
  21. 1145 points, 6 submissions: acres_at_ruin
    1. Sick of hearing businesses complaining about closing down. (442 points, 223 comments)
    2. Preparations for the 1st annual giant Christmas shooey have begun. (203 points, 10 comments)
    3. Night Noddle Markets this afternoon (188 points, 27 comments)
    4. 580 Hay Street office whiteboard asking the big questions. (122 points, 25 comments)
    5. Good advice generally really (115 points, 23 comments)
    6. Prince Lane 14/12 (75 points, 11 comments)
  22. 1144 points, 7 submissions: Midan71
    1. We are surely spoilt with our beaches. (302 points, 27 comments)
    2. Perth Today. (281 points, 25 comments)
    3. Look at these guys I saw chillin' on the grass. (166 points, 13 comments)
    4. Is this really necessary? (112 points, 34 comments)
    5. A picture I found in insta by Kaneatie.Photography. 😮 (111 points, 15 comments)
    6. Is it just me or has it been been humid the past few days? (104 points, 55 comments)
    7. What exactly happened on the Joondalup Line this morning? (68 points, 35 comments)
  23. 1091 points, 2 submissions: keepshootingfilm
    1. Found this amusing (709 points, 30 comments)
    2. Transperth ain’t so bad when this is the view (382 points, 59 comments)
  24. 1079 points, 2 submissions: michael14375
    1. Only this sub will know who this man is (931 points, 139 comments)
    2. Rolf Harris’s name got removed from the walk of fame at Hillary’s Boat Harbour. (148 points, 45 comments)
  25. 1072 points, 6 submissions: Chunkeeguy
    1. The eloquence of a retired West Aussie politician (440 points, 95 comments)
    2. Gender to stay on WA birth certificates (248 points, 190 comments)
    3. Morley-Ellenbrook Metronet route confirmed (141 points, 137 comments)
    4. Kings Park rapists Mohamad Al Maialy and Fahed Shgahy jailed for five years (89 points, 67 comments)
    5. Skybridge to link new rail station and Perth Airport (84 points, 29 comments)
    6. Calls for The Court Hotel to remove rainbow signage (70 points, 73 comments)
  26. 1028 points, 1 submission: Dannohuddo
    1. Classic (1028 points, 100 comments)
  27. 1013 points, 4 submissions: ayejay69
    1. Wes’ Straya’ (387 points, 57 comments)
    2. I’ve heard that W.A means wait awhile but this is taking the piss... (290 points, 85 comments)
    3. How can we be in a recession with such entrepreneurial spirit around? (270 points, 11 comments)
    4. A Rottnest island tattoo. Artist link in comments. (66 points, 20 comments)
  28. 971 points, 3 submissions: lawrencebillson
    1. Sunset over Perth, Western Australia (368 points, 20 comments)
    2. Sunset over East Perth, Western Australia (358 points, 9 comments)
    3. Sunset over Mt. Lawley (Perth), Western Australia (245 points, 19 comments)
  29. 970 points, 3 submissions: goat_on_boat
    1. Swan River (505 points, 25 comments)
    2. Autumn in Perth (271 points, 11 comments)
    3. Kings Park - 26th October 2018 (194 points, 7 comments)
  30. 960 points, 8 submissions: Aushiker
    1. WA unions vote to ban gas fracking | The West Australian (195 points, 38 comments)
    2. Perth's first ocean rubbish bin is sucking plenty of plastic out of the sea - ABC News (176 points, 31 comments)
    3. Hutt River micro-nation founder Prince Leonard dead aged 93 | PerthNow (169 points, 51 comments)
    4. Measles alert issued for Perth after man brings back case from Cambodia | Community News Group (111 points, 12 comments)
    5. WA man has his property seized because he refuses to pay $300,000 owing in rates - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) (92 points, 75 comments)
    6. Perth still sucks at recycling: Annual report reveals 'long way to go' (86 points, 67 comments)
    7. Mount Lawley’s Stanbridges Hobby Shop to close after 70 years | PerthNow (70 points, 44 comments)
    8. Fly-through provides first look at new WA museum | PerthNow (61 points, 17 comments)
  31. 954 points, 2 submissions: MarsEquinox
    1. Good morning Perth. (514 points, 11 comments)
    2. So it's winter right? (440 points, 46 comments)
  32. 890 points, 2 submissions: BossMann12
    1. Protest moving up St Georges Terrace right now (496 points, 87 comments)
    2. Had to sit across from a Cereal Killer on the way to work this morning (394 points, 59 comments)
  33. 885 points, 4 submissions: toxpoint
    1. Amazing mural at Australia Place (350 points, 68 comments)
    2. The golden view of south Perth this morning. (301 points, 15 comments)
    3. This feels weird to say. But Kwinana is in the top post on the front page. (162 points, 20 comments)
    4. Shout out to Game City Espresso Bar (72 points, 21 comments)
  34. 869 points, 3 submissions: Slaadi
    1. The gang's all here for Australia Day (569 points, 30 comments)
    2. Decent sunset after the random lightning (193 points, 19 comments)
    3. Perth and its various lights (107 points, 6 comments)
  35. 830 points, 5 submissions: WestCoastSide
    1. Took this as I left Perth on my qantas flight this this City!!! (362 points, 81 comments)
    2. Perth looks good tonight (152 points, 14 comments)
    3. Love Adventure World, and after visiting today and riding all the rides, looked up online reviews - this would be a nightmare for me!!! (137 points, 21 comments)
    4. After a run around the bridges, Love this City ! 30/7/19 (113 points, 3 comments)
    5. My $8.50 pie from Perth Airport, washed it down with a $4.95 500ml Mt Franklin... (66 points, 59 comments)
  36. 818 points, 2 submissions: Sneakiest-turtle-eva
    1. This little guy popped up to say hello whilst fishing in Cockburn Sound (486 points, 31 comments)
    2. Just found this at my train station when I tagged on (332 points, 54 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. Agent641 (5743 points, 381 comments)
  2. CyanideRemark (5533 points, 752 comments)
  3. aussiekinga (4695 points, 416 comments)
  4. Captain-Peacock (4320 points, 557 comments)
  5. Muslim_Wookie (4170 points, 1263 comments)
  6. metao (4120 points, 488 comments)
  7. Grub-37 (4014 points, 503 comments)
  8. hotphil (3423 points, 280 comments)
  9. littleblackcat (3388 points, 740 comments)
  10. Perthguv (3202 points, 571 comments)
  11. Groovesaurus (3136 points, 376 comments)
  12. leemur (3066 points, 264 comments)
  13. PerthCitizen (2900 points, 408 comments)
  14. produrp (2731 points, 275 comments)
  15. postingstuff (2590 points, 374 comments)
  16. Milo_Cough (2289 points, 160 comments)
  17. sun_tzu29 (2127 points, 237 comments)
  18. showmanic (2059 points, 417 comments)
  19. Kie723 (2028 points, 303 comments)
  20. Pants001 (1787 points, 163 comments)
  21. Stuart_Munto (1727 points, 89 comments)
  22. Kangaroobopper (1619 points, 469 comments)
  23. chosenamewhendrunk (1612 points, 315 comments)
  24. henry82 (1579 points, 217 comments)
  25. AlongCameA5P1D3R (1557 points, 262 comments)
  26. squeeowl (1406 points, 137 comments)
  27. The_Valar (1399 points, 176 comments)
  28. LAMSapprovedwheelies (1387 points, 211 comments)
  29. SquiddyFish (1366 points, 91 comments)
  30. crosstherubicon (1341 points, 207 comments)
  31. Chunkeeguy (1315 points, 110 comments)
  32. biskuit83 (1257 points, 111 comments)
  33. SquiffyRae (1226 points, 120 comments)
  34. pounds_not_dollars (1206 points, 130 comments)
  35. Jonsmith78 (1184 points, 230 comments)
  36. chadake (1161 points, 225 comments)
  37. xyrgh (1150 points, 132 comments)
  38. Razzle_Dazzle08 (1120 points, 363 comments)
  39. djskein (1113 points, 141 comments)
  40. RustyNumbat (1106 points, 114 comments)
  41. RedLeader7 (1033 points, 109 comments)
  42. broomelocal (1014 points, 154 comments)
  43. Geminii27 (1000 points, 178 comments)
  44. tommytoan (982 points, 208 comments)
  45. RozzzaLinko (980 points, 161 comments)
  46. sheeplight (933 points, 102 comments)
  47. TazocinTDS (896 points, 91 comments)
  48. Devar0 (896 points, 86 comments)
  49. UnluckyObserver15 (866 points, 59 comments)
  50. JayJonahJaymeson (858 points, 131 comments)

Top Submissions

  1. Who do you call when youre stuck? by Agent641 (2261 points, 346 comments)
  2. Rapture Nightclub denies drink spiking. (not my screenshot) by xSmartalec (1518 points, 342 comments)
  3. Classic by Dannohuddo (1028 points, 100 comments)
  4. Spotted today flying over Perth. by Kiaora_Aotearoa (1009 points, 70 comments)
  5. Only this sub will know who this man is by michael14375 (931 points, 139 comments)
  6. Cape Naturaliste last Monday evening. Spent an hour watching a pod of dolphins trying to tame the huge swell. Managed to catch this fella going for broke! by oooweeeee (735 points, 33 comments)
  7. The climate protest be poppin off by Satch- (719 points, 231 comments)
  8. Found this amusing by keepshootingfilm (709 points, 30 comments)
  9. Perth 3 day challenge by palmedace (697 points, 48 comments)
  10. Perth Train Network vs True Geography by megalomega (687 points, 46 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 344 points: Agent641's comment in Born and raised in Perth but never knew that London Court existed
  2. 338 points: jdvhunt's comment in Me and my other half are moving to Perth next week from the UK. What are some do's and donts for new arrivals in Oz, please?
  3. 338 points: mandahm's comment in Rapture Nightclub denies drink spiking. (not my screenshot)
  4. 318 points: Stuart_Munto's comment in Absolute idiocy at Forrest Chase (sorry for poor pic quality)
  5. 308 points: SquiddyFish's comment in Perth transport system is really good
  6. 279 points: Stuart_Munto's comment in Me and my other half are moving to Perth next week from the UK. What are some do's and donts for new arrivals in Oz, please?
  7. 278 points: henry82's comment in Everyone in Perth is so nice and friendly
  8. 273 points: Agent641's comment in Who do you call when youre stuck?
  9. 266 points: Milo_Cough's comment in Transperth Storytime
  10. 258 points: Chunkeeguy's comment in Australia thinks we are the racist capital of Australia.
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