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Eva Green interview, April 2020

I don't know if I can publish this article here, it might be deleted due to copyright, but here it is.
Eva Green on coping with crippling anxiety: ‘I’m very shy… I wish I was a silent movie star’
Gavanndra Hodge25 APRIL 2020 • 5:00 AM
I meet the actor Eva Green on one of those strange, early March days when we are yet to truly understand the implications of coronavirus – when people still hug each other and say, ‘Whoops, sorry!’ afterwards. Which is exactly what Green and I do when she arrives at Clifton Nurseries, a chic garden centre and café near her north London flat. She’s dressed in a black woolly hat, huge black puffer jacket and sunglasses.
‘Let me show you something so scary,’ she says, showing me a passage on her phone from Dean Koontz’s 1981 thriller The Eyes of Darkness, which seems to predict the pandemic with eerie prescience, appropriate passages circled in red.
Meanwhile, Green’s mother, who lives in Paris and to whom she speaks daily, has been telling her not to shake hands with anyone, not even to leave the house. Yet here we are, sitting perilously close, ordering fresh mint tea, ready to talk about Green’s new film, Proxima, directed by César-winning French screenwriter and director Alice Winocour.
In the film, Green plays French astronaut Sarah, who is preparing to depart for a year-long mission. But despite the hi-tech robotics and presence of Matt Dillon, Proxima is not your average space movie; it is not concerned with distant galaxies or alien life forms. The film is about Earth and the things that tether us to it. Sarah is an astronaut, but she is also a single parent; her daughter Stella played by the excellent 10-year-old actor Zélie Boulant.
‘It is a love story between a mother and a daughter,’ says Green. ‘And these people who are going to the International Space Station, all the way to Mars, they will lose sight of the Earth. It is like a self-sacrifice, like a death.’
In preparation for the role, Green undertook an arduous fitness regime with a Russian instructor in Cologne. ‘He was so harsh, treating me like a real astronaut. In the end he was so rude and mean that it became funny.’ She also spent time at astronaut-training centres, like Star City in Kazakhstan. ‘That was my favourite thing. I felt like I had entered a sacred realm.’
The film is a departure in many ways for Green. In Proxima, she is make-up-free, dressed mostly in overalls, dealing with the struggles of a working mother. It is beautiful and solemn – and her performance has been described as a career-best.
Green is probably most famous, though, for her glamorous role as Vesper Lynd in the 2006 reboot of the James Bond franchise, Casino Royale, featuring Daniel Craig as 007. At first she didn’t want to audition for the part (in retrospect, she says she was being ‘pretentious’), but when she read the script, she changed her mind. ‘I thought it was a very strong role. But I didn’t like when they said “Bond girl”. I would say, “I am not a Bond Girl, I am a character.”’
She loved making the film, though: ‘The set was joyous. Barbara Broccoli is amazing, one of the best producers I have ever worked with. I wish they were all like her: passionate, kind, caring.’ Green admits that she has had less pleasant experiences on set. ‘Of course, a lot. It is hard; it is the anti-glamour.’
Eva Green was born and raised with her non-identical twin, Joy, in Paris. Her mother, Marlène Jobert, was a successful actor who gave up her career for her family, and her Swedish father, Walter, is a dentist. It was, Green says, a very ‘Parisian bourgeois’ upbringing. She attended drama school in Paris, followed by a 10-week acting course at Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art in London. ‘It was very intense, in a good way. But because my English was not very good, when I had to do Shakespeare, it was very hard. Often I couldn’t even understand what the teachers were asking me to do,’ she says.
Back in Paris, Green won parts in a couple of plays, but had such a bleak time, getting stage fright and ‘having blanks’, that she considered giving up acting. It was, she says, the Italian film director Bernardo Bertolucci who saved her. She was in her early 20s, when she heard about a Bertolucci audition. ‘I was obsessed with him, obsessed with Last Tango [in Paris]’, she says.
The audition was relaxed, and soon afterwards she was offered the lead role in The Dreamers, an adaptation of a Gilbert Adair novel – sexy and incestuous, and suffused with the riotous politics of Paris in 1968. ‘My mother told me not to do it,’ Green says. ‘She was afraid that I was too sensitive, that he [Bertolucci] was going to be quite violent with me,’ she says, referencing the fact that the actress Maria Schneider had found the making of Last Tango in Paris emotionally challenging. ‘And that it would destroy me for life. I was like, are you kidding? It was the chance of a lifetime.’
The film, which was released in 2003, was a critical success, but did more for Green than simply launching her career. ‘Bertolucci gave me faith in myself. He was like a little angel.’ After seeing her performance, Jobert agreed that she had made the right decision; but the rest of Green’s family found the film’s explicit intimacy shocking. ‘When you are not in the business and you see something so sexual, it is too brutal. I mean, it was horrific for me when I saw it. But I hate watching myself anyway.’
She hated the ancillary elements of being an actor, too, not least the red carpet. ‘I remember my first time. The Dreamers was about to come out. It was an Armani event, and [Martin] Scorsese was at my table. I said to my agent, “I can’t go, I have nothing to tell him!” But then [Giorgio] Armani took me aside and said, ‘We are going to do the red carpet!’
Green still doesn’t enjoy ritzy events, which she says is down to a lack of confidence. ‘I am very shy. It is a handicap. I am never good when there are lots of people. It is a thing from my childhood, I can’t even explain why.’
It is something that she has learnt to deal with, though, by taking herself off to the loo to do breathing exercises to calm herself, and wearing elaborate gowns (her favourite designer is Alexander McQueen) and melodramatic make-up as a kind of armour. ‘It protects me. Because otherwise it is very violent for me,’ she says. ‘I just wish sometimes that we didn’t have to talk, that we were just silent movie stars.’
And here is the conundrum, one that Green herself has said she does not quite understand: why someone so shy (although, one-on-one, drily funny, thoughtful and open) would do a job that is so emotionally exposing, both on screen and off it.
In a 2017 radio interview, Green’s mother revealed that Harvey Weinstein had attempted to physically assault her daughter when she was a young actor in a hotel room in Paris. ‘She managed to escape, but he threatened to destroy her professionally,’ said Jobert. Green has never been keen to go into details about the event, but she is happy to say how relieved she is that Weinstein has been sentenced to 23 years in prison. ‘I am grateful that justice has been served. I praise the brave women who risked so much in coming forward, not only their careers and reputations, but the pain that they have suffered in having to relive being raped in order to put this sexual predator out of harm’s way. Their courage has changed the world.’
This change is something that Green is living through – on the Friday before we meet, she attended the French César awards where Roman Polanski, who pleaded guilty to unlawful sex with a minor in the US in 1977 but fled before sentence was passed (and with whom Green made the film Based on a True Story in 2017), was given the award for best director in absentia, resulting in many of the members of the audience walking out.
‘It was so tense,’ said Green. ‘I have never been in a situation like that before.’ She is enjoying the shift in the power dynamic in the film industry, working with female directors like Alice Winocour, making female-centric stories, like that of the astronaut Sarah, where there is not even a whiff of romance. ‘It is good, and there is still more to do,’ she says. ‘It is so radical – for men it is very hard, they take so many hits. There are very good men.’
One of the best men, as far as Green is concerned, is director Tim Burton, with whom she has collaborated on three films, most recently last year’s Dumbo. There have been rumours of romance between Green and Burton, who has two children with his former partner, actor Helena Bonham Carter, but Green has always denied this, maintaining that their relationship is purely professional. ‘My dream as a child, and later on, was always to work with him. I love his world. He is such a nice person as well.’
Green says she does not have a partner at the moment – her main companion is her miniature schnauzer, Winston. ‘Winston is so clever; very serious, very sensitive. I can’t lie to him,’ she says, showing me a picture of him, looking serious and sensitive in a tartan bow tie. ‘This is how I dress him.’
Green has lived in London since her early 20s, when she got a British agent and promptly moved into their spare bedroom in Primrose Hill. She loves London, but her circle is international – her sister, Joy, lives in Italy, on a vineyard with her Italian count husband and two children. ‘She is very different [to me], very down to earth. We are so different that it might have been a bit tense in the past, but we really get on now.’
When asked to elaborate on these sibling differences, Green considers, before saying, ‘Maybe I am a bit weird? If I mentioned tarot, things like this, she would go, “You are crazy.” So I don’t talk about any of that.’
Green became interested in tarot in 2014 when she was filming the Showtime series Penny Dreadful, a drama set in the Victorian occult underworld starring Josh Hartnett and Billie Piper. Green was nominated for a Golden Globe for her portrayal of Vanessa Ives, a young woman prone to satanic visions and demonic possessions.
‘If it [tarot] is done properly, it teaches you things about yourself. It is fast-forward therapy.’ She does not go to normal therapy, although she did a little when she was younger. ‘But if you have a few tools, you can become very connected.’
Her toolbox includes regular meditation. ‘I am very into this guru at the moment, Teal Swan, who lives in Costa Rica. She does guided meditations that really calm you.’ She also exercises every morning for 45 minutes, sometimes with a trainer, and uses the Wim Hof cold-water-therapy technique, which involves a daily 10-minute cold shower. ‘It is all about the breathing and helps you when you are stressed. It makes you get rid of all that s—t.’
These techniques are a proactive way of managing anxiety. But Green also likes a glass of red wine in the evening (‘Of course. I’m French. I have been doing that every day of my life since I was 18’), going for long walks, taking photographs, and compiling collages of black-and-white images.
She is not on social media – ‘it is very narcissistic and not in a great way’ – and her greatest pleasure is travel: trips to places like Namibia and Bhutan, long walking holidays, often alone. ‘The first day is always quite scary, but then you connect much better with your surroundings, with people as well. Your senses are more awakened.’
The opportunity to travel was just one of the reasons Green accepted a role in the upcoming adaptation of Eleanor Catton’s The Luminaries. Set in the 1860s during the New Zealand gold rush, the BBC Two series stars Eve Hewson, the actor daughter of Bono, while Green plays scheming brothel-keeper Lydia Wells. ‘I love characters like that. You think she is one thing and then you discover that she is something else. Of course she is manipulative, but she is not a baddie. She is a very strong woman.’
Lydia is also an astrologer, another of Green’s interests. ‘I am completely into that stuff.’ Her star sign is cancer, and in July she will turn 40, although there will not be a party. ‘I am not a birthday girl at all. I always want everyone else to feel so good that I cannot relax.’ The fact that it is a landmark birthday is adding to Green’s feeling of unease. We talk about how age brings maturity, wisdom and a sense of acceptance about who we are.
‘That’s true. And then there’s the immediate thing of, “I’m going to get old, what did I achieve, are people still going to desire me?” Especially as an actor, I think, because I’ve always heard that when you reach 40, it is going to be difficult to get roles. What about as a woman: can you still be attractive, do you have children? If you don’t have children, are you kind of a social failure? These are clichés, but people say, “You don’t have children?” and you feel like not a woman when you say, “No, I don’t have them.” It is hard… But then, I feel like I am 12 still and now I am about to be 40. What happened there?’
And yet, she does have a plan… ‘I want to get a farm. I know it sounds like a whim, but it is something that I have been thinking about a lot. Maybe Wales, I love Wales. The scenery is amazing. Sitting in the city, it is choking me sometimes, and there is nothing better than to connect with nature. You feel whole.’
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New Fulford

The good guys are continuing to win the secret battle for the planet earth in a big way, multiple sources confirm. As things now stand, there will be a new wave of mass arrests in August, official government disclosure about 9/11 in September, and some sort of “major economic announcement in October,” Pentagon sources claim.
Behind the scenes, meetings involving the Knights of Malta, Russian FSB officials, Asian secret societies, and others are preparing the way for an economic announcement that could well be a genuine jubilee accompanied by a new financial system, according to sources involved in the negotiations. Since the negotiations are ongoing, the details have yet to be hammered out, but a general consensus does exist, the sources say.
The key may be U.S. President Donald Trump’s imminent takeover of the Supreme Court, which would pave the way for war crimes trials and the legal recognition of a new financial system when it convenes in October, Pentagon sources say.
On that front, the “battle rages, as Trump’s super-elite stopped Bush operative Brett Kavanaugh and may succeed in getting a woman or an Indian [Native American] nominated,” the sources say.
The situation has reached the point where The New York Times has actually called for “Godfather” tactics and armed rebellion because Trump and his backers were poised to take over control of the Supreme Court.
Do not be surprised if military police soon occupy that treasonous paper’s offices. Since they have consistently, and criminally, suppressed the truth about the murder of 3,000 New Yorkers on September 11, 2001, such a move would be long overdue.
We also have former U.S. Defense Secretary (and traitor) Leon Panetta saying European leaders “are scared to death” that U.S. troops will be pulled out of Europe.
They should be scared to death, since they are mostly war criminals who would have already been jailed and possibly even executed if the U.S. military were not protecting them.
The corporate press is also now following this newsletter (remember, you read it here first) in reporting that NATO and the post-war system are in mortal danger. We have Bloomberg reporting that embattled German Chancellor Angela Merkel is resolved “to fight for the survival of post-World War II global institutions.”
We also have the Khazarian whore, court bard Bono warning hundreds of UN officials that the United Nations, the EU, NATO, and the Group of Seven are “under attack.”
They are under attack, because their leadership has been plotting to murder 90% of humanity, and their incompetence is leading to the largest destruction of life on the planet since the dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago.
Of course, as usual the Khazarian mafia is trying to murder, lie, and bribe in order to stay in power. The latest casualty was Chinese HNA Group chairman Wang Jian, who news reports claim “fell to his death after posing for a photo in France,” last week.
Mossad sources say it was “no accident” and that he was “taken out, as he was about to testify in a closed hearing regarding… …Deutsche Bank’s yet-to-be-revealed improprieties, possibly enough to have finished off the bank. It is known in certain circles that Hilton Hotels is a global laundry service for dark money. Wang’s family was given a gag order.”
“As you know, Deutsche Bank is a George H.W. Bush-Sherff Fourth Reich establishment,” a CIA source explained.
It’s likely that the death of Wang is connected to the execution in Japan last week of Tokyo subway Sarin gas attack mastermind and Aum cult guru Shoko Asahara and six of his top lieutenants, according to Japanese right-wing sources close to the Emperor.
The Japanese slave government of Shinzo Abe is terrified that the truths about the subway gas attack, as well as the Fukushima nuclear and tsunami mass-murder event, are going to be made public soon now that North Korea is cutting off its connections with the Khazarian mob, the sources say. Executing the Aum leadership prevents them from being questioned by third parties about what was really going on.
The connection with Deutsche Bank would likely have to do with the laundering of drug money. Several Japanese journalists were murdered after reporting that the Aum Shinrikyo subway gas cult was selling North Korean amphetamines to Japanese gangsters, as confirmed by sources in the Yamaguchi Gumi syndicate. Furthermore, all testimony about the Aum illegal drug business was scrapped from the decades-long Aum-related trials.
This writer was once approached by a self-described former “Aum sex slave,” who said the top hierarchy of the gas attack cult were North Korean gangsters, and that above them were “Al Qaeda-type Jews.” Aum was a front for the Unification Church of Reverend Moon that had long worked in the international narcotics and weapons business with the Nazis under Fuhrer Bush, the right-wing sources say.
Also, on the day of the subway gas attack on March 20, 1995, balloons from North Korea carrying an “unidentified liquid” landed all over Japan, bearing the message that this attack was “revenge on the 100th anniversary of the murder of Empress Myung Sung.” Myung Sung wanted close relations with Russia in order to counter Japanese attempts to colonize Korea, so the Japanese murdered her and proceeded to colonize Korea. It is also worth noting that the Aum cult had tens of thousands of Russian followers.
Overall, the situation is so complicated and involves so many people, many still in office, that a truth commission may be the only way for the world public to find out what has really been going on.
On that front, the Koreans and Japanese should note that newly elected Mexican President López Obrador is contemplating truth commissions to resolve the drug war in that country. Legalizing and regulating drugs while offering amnesty to the drug lords would deal a major blow to the Bush drug mafia. Mexico is now the latest domino to fall as the Khazarian mob loses control of country after country.
The next domino to fall could well be Brazil. There, the kleptocratic government of President Michel Temer is tottering under the weight of a 10-day trucker strike that is being supported now by oil workers. The army, for its part, has failed to follow orders to break up the strike. Anger at the looting of Brazil on behalf of foreign masters (misleadingly labeled as “privatization”) is the main reason for this strike.
“The fight is on to beat back the right, reverse economic liberalization, and open the door to the possibility of a different kind of society,” was how Alistair Farrow of the Socialist Worker News described the situation.
If the Brazilian crime regime falls, the remaining top Khazarian resistance would be the German regime of Angela Merkel, the French slave regime of President Emmanuel Macron, the slave regime of Shinzo Abe in Japan, and of course the arch-criminal and Nazi Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. Once they are taken down, it will be game over.
On this front, we need to remind readers that during his years as a businessman, every time Donald Trump went bankrupt, it was the Rothschilds who bailed him out. Last week they had a Mossad operative send this writer the following message: “Tell your friend that he is 100% spot on with his analogy pertaining to Trump and ‘The Family.’ They have been backing him not only financially but also opening difficult doors, enabling him to mingle with the elites since the Roy Cohn days. The Mossad operatives are not all evil. There are those inside who are maneuvering events in Trump’s favor and are assisting him in draining the swamp.”
They also sent the following photograph showing Trump in Tehran, Iran in 1979, where he was planning to open a casino before the Iranian revolution disrupted his plans.
What this means is that while the Khazarian oligarchy has been divided between Nazis (“war on terror” plus drug money) and the global-warmers (carbon-trading fraud), it appears a third “drain the swamp” faction is emerging. We’ll have to wait and see if they are really “the good guys.” Their actions will tell.
As things now stand, according to Pentagon sources, “The asset-backed quantum financial system is ready but awaits the Trump-Putin summit, the global currency reset, mass arrests, and geopolitical resolutions.”
The sources are also saying the quarantine on the planet earth may soon be lifted and that “Trump’s space force may have a space guard to police civilian spacefaring.” It sounds great, but only believe it when you can buy a ticket to another planet at your local travel agency.
On a final unrelated note, the following news item about spiders flying “thousands of miles using electricity” got our attention.
Years ago, a Russian researcher told me they had discovered that insects used anti-gravity. That’s why bumblebees can fly, even though current aerodynamic theory says they cannot. If insects can use anti-gravity, then we should be able to do so, too. Again, though, believe it when you can buy a flying carpet or anti-gravity scooter at your local shop.
In conclusion, all we can say for sure is that humanity is entering uncharted territory.
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