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Persona 5's Plot is based on Steely Dan's 1972 Album, 'Can't Buy A Thrill'

Ok so, from reading the title, I know this must seem just totally batshit. But bear with me, I swear there's a connection here. All of the major Story Beats in Persona 5 can be linked to at least one song on Steely Dan's seminal 1972 album, Can't Buy A Thrill.
So, where to begin - the beginning seems like a good enough place, both of the album and the story. Our protagonist's journey begins with his false imprisonment on an assault charge after protecting a woman from a powerful politician's drunken advances, and this beginning of the plot is echoed in the first verse of the first song on the album, 'Do It Again' - The lyrics go as follows:
'In the mornin' you go gunning for the man who stole your wate
And you fire till he is done in but they catch you at the borde
And the mourners are all singin' as they drag you by your feet/
But the hangman isn't hangin' and they put you on the street.'
The 'morning' here refers to the figurative morning of the story, at its beginning. The man who stole your water is Shido - not in a literal sense, but rather that he has massively affected your life. The lyric 'you fire till he is done in but they catch you at the border' refers to the Protagonist's victory over Shido in the short-term, and subsequent imprisonment. The 'mourners' are the life that the Protagonist leaves behind after his assault charge, and his being 'put on the street' is in reference to how he is turned away and forced to live in Tokyo.
Onto the next verse:
When you know she's no high climber, then you find your only friend/
In a room with your two timer, and you're sure you're near the end/
Then you love a little wild one, and she brings you only sorrow/
All the time you know she's smilin', you'll be on your knees tomorrow'
This could be interpreted to be about the early days at Shujin - The first line could be in reference to the cutscene where the protagonist and Ann first meet - that the protagonist knows she's 'no high climber' because of her kindness toward him, and then you 'find your only friend' immediately after in the form of Ryuji, who disregards all the rumours about you. 'In a room with your two timer' could, fittingly enough have multiple meanings - the 'two timer' could be Kamoshida, with his double identity between himself and his shadow, or it could be Ann, who is falsely perceived by the students to be 'two timing' Kamoshida. The 'wild one' mentioned in the next line could also be Ann, due to her costume and namesake, as Panther. Finally, the last line 'All the time you know she's smilin' references Ann's new hope after joining the Phantom thieves, and the lyric 'You'll be on your knees tomorrow' references Kamoshida's shadow after its defeat, as he sinks to his knees.
So, what's next? Well, we will come back to this song later, but for now, the plot moves along to the next song on the album, 'Dirty Work', and how it references Madarame's Arc. The song begins
'Times are hard, you're afraid to pay the fee/
so you find yourself somebody, who can do the job for free'
These introductory lyrics align closely with Madarame and Yusuke's story - the hard times Madarame falls upon are his art block, and he is 'afraid to pay the fee' of suffering for his lack of productivity, so he finds himself somebody 'who can do the job for free' - his many apprentices, whose artwork he steals. The chorus, in turn, exemplifies Yusuke's part of the story after his awakening:
'I'm a fool to do your dirty work, oh yeah/
I don't wanna do your dirty work, no more'
Yusuke realises Madarame's complicity and no longer wishes to work under him. Indeed, the line in the second verse
'I foresee terrible trouble, and I stay here just the same'
could show Yusuke's mindset - he subconsciously knows something is wrong, but continues to labour under Madarame.
Next is Kaneshiro's Palace, and a few songs on the album go with this. However, I'd argue the two most poignant are 'Brooklyn Owes The Charmer Under Me' and 'Midnite Cruiser', both of which deal with similar themes. Brooklyn Owes..., specifically uses these themes of luxury, as with the themes of Kaneshiro's palace. Check out these lyrics:
'A race of angels bound to one anothe
a dish of dollars laid out for all to see'
The angels specifically here could reference the shadows, who are themselves bound, and the dish of dollars carries with it themes of luxury, as well as echoing Kaneshiro's desire to be seen as wealthy and powerful. However, his true nature is succinctly expressed in 'Midnite Cruiser', in the lyrics:
'Tell me where are you driving, Midnite Cruiser?/
Where is your bounty of fortune and fame/
I am another gentleman lose
drive me to Harlem, or somewhere the same.'
In this chorus, one can see a reflection of Kaneshiro's true nature - his desire for 'fortune and fame' and his status as a 'Gentleman loser' show that he has already tacitly accepted his failure, and in turn highlights the vanity of his efforts in the real world. Finally, in 'Brooklyn owes...', the lyric
'A case of aces done up loose for dealing' echoes the nature of Kaneshiro's treasure, the briefcase full of fake cash - the ace itself symbolically implies value, but the fact that there is a case thereof significantly diminishes this, and shows the phony nature of Kaneshiro's wealth.
Next is Futaba, and with her palace, the song 'Fire In The Hole', which rather aptly summarises the nature of her tragedy. The first verse is as follows:
' I decline to walk the line They tell me that I'm lazy Worldly wise, I realize That everybody's crazy A woman's voice reminds me To serve and not to speak, am I myself or just another freak?'
The consistent reference to a 'they' in these lines points to a feeling of alienation from the outside world, and the specific problems mentioned, of being lazy or crazy, could easily match up with one's perceptions of what they think the people around them think of their faults. All of this corresponds to Futaba hiding herself away in her room. The 'woman's voice' would be her hallucinations of Wakaba disparaging her, and the questioning of her own identity or if she's 'just another freak' denote her feelings of low self esteem. The next verse contains the lyrics
'My life is boiling ove
it's happened once before/
I wish someone would open up the door'
which pretty aptly summarise Futaba's situation - her increased feelings of stress ('life is boiling over') and her wish that someone would 'open up the door' showing a nascent desire to no longer sequester herself - this could be the catalyst for her demand of the Phantom Thieves to change her heart.
Next is Okumura's palace, which I feel embodies best the song 'Only A Fool Would Say That'. Right from the outset, the disparaging title makes it clear that the person who would say this is prideful. Okumura's greed takes on a corporate façade of colourful advertising, but behind the curtain it is incredibly harmful. This song describes the downtrodden condition of the worker:
'The man in the street, dragging his feet/
don't wanna hear the bad news.'
as well as how the narrator, who we already know is prideful, declares that only a fool would believe in better things:
'I heard it was you/
talkin' 'bout a world where all is free/
it just couldn't be/
and only a fool would say that'
This shows the greed of taking advantage of the workers in this way, and the hypocrisy of Okumura in the diametrically opposed views of Okumura Foods that the public gets - the cheerful, outward facing façade, complete with space theming, and the horrific reality of being consistently beaten down and overworked, all the while being told that better things aren't possible.
Next is Sae's palace, which corresponds to the final verse of 'Do It Again' - in this way we can see the recursive nature of the plot, taking us back to the beginning of the album and the story through the flashbacks to Sae. This recursive nature is emphasised by the line in the bridge:
'You go back, Jack, do it again/
wheel turnin' round and round'
The final verse goes as follows:
'Now you swear and kick and beg us that you're not a gambling man/
then you find you're back in Vegas with a handle in your hand/
Your black cards can make you money, so you hide them when you're able/
in the land of milk and honey, you must put them on the table'
This verse is especially interesting to me - the casino theming is obvious, but it also denotes the Thieves' character arcs in a poignant manner. The first line deals with misconceptions, a theme for most characters in the story - each of them is misinterpreted or seen as something they're not, usually by the forces of the law or the establishment. However, this same alienation drives them to actually become the thieves that society has t out for the most - that they 'find (they're) back in Vegas' shows that they have taken in society's misconceptions and reclaimed them as their own. This makes sense in the context of the story, as the Phantom Thieves' full team has assembled, and they are striking back against the most distilled representation of the establishment thus far - Sae Niijima, a corrupt prosecutor who has been seen. up until this point, in a negative light. The hiding of the black cards represents striking back at an unjust system - if you cheat in a Casino, you're already winning against a heavily weighted house. It could also represent the deception of Akechi surrounding Joker, their ace in the hole - in the context of this line the cards would be hidden from the dealer, and as such this implies that Akechi is on the side of the house, the dealer, and the corrupt adults. The 'land of milk and honey' is what is promised for those who follow the rules, and shows Akechi's deception of the thieves - both parties end up putting their cards on the table, and it is only thanks to the Thieves' plotting that they end up beating the house, so to speak.
Finally, Shido's Palace is best suited to the song 'Kings', unsurprisingly. The song itself details the American political climate during the Vietnam War, but also acts as an effective allegory for Shido's nationalistic political aspirations. The song is from the point of view of an apathetic citizenry, in keeping with the story, and shows the tyrannical nature of being ruled, as well as the suffering of everyday people, comparing these world leaders to the Kings of old, carrying out vast campaigns while their subjects suffered. Here is the chorus:
We seen the last of Good King Richard/
Ring out the past, his name lives on, and on/
Roll out the bones, and raise up your pitche
Raise your glass for Good King John'.
The specific reference to Kings Richard and John is interesting, as they are two characters who are especially major contextually in the story of, you guessed it, Robin Hood. The same Robin Hood that Akechi's persona is based on. The song admits that:
'While he plundered far and wide/
all his starving children cried'
- this could be in reference to Akechi's tragic upbringing, or more figuratively the fate of the nation when policy is abandoned for nationalistic glory seeking. This is further exemplified in the lines
'And though we sung his fame/
we went hungry just the same.'
which reinforces this idea. The apathy of the citizenry also carries this over to the final major plot beat (excluding Royal's events, which I will leave out cause my arms are getting tired) - Yaldabaoth, and his control over the people. The overthrow of the king, both in the stealing of Shido's heart and the killing of Yaldabaoth, show the determination of the phantom thieves against the apathetic nature of the populace, and shows that the will to change society can accomplish much.
Anyway, in conclusion, listen to more Steely Dan, and play more Persona.
submitted by Qaztacho to Persona5 [link] [comments]

Ranking the P5R Party Members!

Howdhee-ho everyone!
So the other day I threw out a Ranking of all the Palaces, and before that one of all the Showtime attacks.
Today I’ll be tackling a ranking of the Phantom Thieves (except for Joker. Because that’s kind of unfair).
As usual, there are spoilers ahead. And this is all just my opinion. It’s cool if you disagree. In fact, if you disagree I’d love to hear your thoughts and reasons!
Anyway, before we begin I’m going to break down what these rankings are based on.
Story - How well are they integrated, and how good is their story.
Confidant - How good is it? Does it flow well?
Codename - Does it fit? Does it sound cool?
Attire - How cool and unique is their costume?
Usefulness - How good are they in combat?
Seems pretty straightforward. So without further ado, let us begin with number 9!
9 - Sumire Yoshizawa
And we’re already going to be controversial! Huzzah!
Look. I know a lot of people love her. But honestly she’s… not all that amazing in my opinion. Time to delve into why!
First off, her story. She is integrated into the story very poorly. She comes up for the odd scene here and there, but she never really does anything of any importance other than drop Kasumi’s pocketbook. But otherwise it REALLY feels like Atlus tried their absolute hardest to just not put her in the game. When she gets her powers she gives a lame excuse as to why she can’t join. Then when she wants to join we’re forced to turn her down with another lame excuse.
Once you get to Maruki’s Palace she becomes the focus… for about 20 minutes. The first like, tenth of the Palace is about her. But once you free her and she joins the Thieves, she unfortunately becomes a sort of background character. She doesn’t really have any motivations beyond “I want to beat Maruki” which is the same motivation everyone has.
I will say, though, that her first awakening is really good. It’s so different from all the other ones because, just like her cognition, it’s all an illusion. So her awakening has this cool illusory effect and the reason for it is basically because people keep telling her she isn’t Kasumi even though she thinks she is.
Now for her Confidant… half of it is worthless. And I mean that literally. Because the first 5 ranks are getting to know Kasumi, not Sumire. When she becomes Sumire again, she literally is the opposite of the first 5 ranks. That means you have half the time to get to know her. And it doesn’t have any real continuity to it. No real flowing, overarching story. It’s sort of just “Hang out with Sumire”. Kinda lame. Sorry.
Now, her Codename is Violet. And I get that “Sumire” in English is Violet but I don’t really see anything Violet about her. Her hair is red. Violets are… er… violet. Her clothes are black. I dunno. It’s just kinda weird. Like, it doesn’t really have anything to do with her. And I don’t feel like a translation is much of a codename.
Now for her attire. It’s cool. BUT… it’s also just fem-Joker. I know that was sort of her original concept. But I don’t really like it. I don’t like that her clothes are just Joker’s clothes but on a woman. Her mask is kinda cool though. And honestly I really like the rapier and rifle. It’s really damn sweet.
Finally; her usefulness in combat. She’s actually pretty solid, but that’s basically only because in the single Palace where she’s available almost every enemy is weak to Bless, which she has. She DOES have a heal ability and high crit though. So even if you’re using her, say, in Mementos or in the challenge battles she’s decent.
Overall; wasted potential. It’s a real shame too because I think if she were actually in this game I could end up liking her.
8 - Makoto Nijima
Hot take pt 2, Nuclear Damage Boogaloo!
Yeah listen. I’m one of the 4 people alive who doesn’t really like Makoto. I know everyone is going to yell at me and downvote this so hard I end up stuck in the chamber of the Holy Grail. But still. This is how I feel.
For story… here’s the thing. Makoto is introduced in a terrible way. As they say, first impressions are hard to erase. And her first impression is incredibly standoffish and rude. And honestly, her like second through fifteenth impressions follow suit. It’s either her being a bitch, or her being really dumb. Then she awakens to her Persona for… no real reason? I’ll get into it more later with other characters, but normally the awakening comes after a powerful realization. So, Ryuji learning that Kamoshida broke his leg on purpose, for fun. Or Ann learning Kamoshida raped Shiho. Makoto… doesn’t learn anything new. Kaneshiro just repeats that he expects to be paid his money. And after she awakens, much like Sumire is for Maruki, she’s not really relevant to the Palace. She doesn’t have some deep, backstory linked reason to take Kaneshiro down. So she just kind of falls in line with the rest of the crew. However, I will admit that she does hold down a pretty necessary place in the group. She essentially is the person forcing the plot forward when others get off track. I don’t really think this adds anything to her character, but I realize that without her it would just be “Ryuji, Ann, Yusuke, and Futaba being meme lords while Morgana and Haru laugh to themselves about who knows what.”
And I think most people agree her confidant is bad. Like 80% of it is Makoto being super nosy and poking into a random NPCs personal life while Joker… is there. Like, Joker’s presence is irrelevant here. And unlike basically everyone else, she doesn’t learn anything. She just ends up being right. Her NPC friend’s boyfriend is just trying to sell her off as a prostitute. We don’t even really know how their friendship plays out after that. It just kind of abruptly ends and is pointless.
Her Codename is Queen. Because… she doesn’t play chess. Or Shogi. Nor is she royalty. Nor does she lead the team. Nor is her attire regal. Like the name has nothing to do with her as a character. So yeah. Pretty not great name.
Her Thief attire is… Okay? It's kind of bland. It's just like a grey leather armor set. I don't dislike it, but I do think it's a little uninspired. Oh. And I do truly hate her mask. It's like… And iron slab. That's all. Like I said, it's really not noteworthy.
And now her usefulness… Makoto is weird because her best build is having her be “just okay” at everything. You can build her to be a physical attacker. And she’ll be decent but never eclipse Ryuji. You can build her as a mage but she’ll never eclipse Ann. You can build her as a healer and she’ll never eclipse Morgana. It's best to just have her with decent magic, decent phys, and decent heals. But then… There's not really a reason to use her over the BETTER phys, magics, and healers.
So yeah. Makoto is… She's there. She is a part of the team.
7 - Haru Okumura
“Who is the real criminal here, in this building? Haru Okumura!”
I doubt this one will be as controversial. Unfortunately Haru got the short end when it comes to this game. Her presence (or lack thereof) isn't as bad as Sumire but it's pretty minimal.
So Haru is unfortunately barely involved in her own arc. She is overshadowed by Morgana until he rejoins. She then gets her time to shine when she awakens and then… That's it. That's all she does. It REALLY hurts honestly because I do like Haru. But she got screwed because they gave Morgana an arc here that I don't think he needed. Her awakening scene is really good though. But I’ll be ranking those another day.
Her confidant line is awesome though. Going with Haru and trying to guide her as she stumbles through running the company her father left behind is excellent. You really get a down to Earth view of her larger than life character as she struggles with real emotions. She deals with feeling she can't trust anyone while she tries to pick up the broken fragments of her life by befriending Joker. It's so good. Seriously. I love this confidant. Also vegetables.
Her codename is Noir, which means Black in French. And it’s to remind her that the Phantom Thieves are not necessarily morally good people. It’s interesting, and I think it fits the very French style of her attire. I like it, but I wish she had something more suiting. Though it IS better than Beauty Thief.
Haru’s thief clothes are also cool. They’re one of the only sets that isn't mostly black. Sure she has some black parts, but also some pink and white. And with most of the others having drab, black clothes it really stands apart. Plus her hat is absolutely awesome and looks fantastic. Her mask is cool too. It's the only one that doesn't seem kinda outlandish. And the whole ensemble fits the motif of the femme fatale.
And Haru is pretty useful, but not overly so. I mean, her magic and physical skills are just okay. But she has the two damage reflect skills which are awesome. Really helpful in a pinch. And her gun is great for tech attacks.
6 - Morgana
“Hey! Monamona!”
Now I don’t want anyone to think I dislike Morgana. Because I love my boy. But I do think he gets outshined by everyone else.
In the story, he is essentially the main driving force of the Thieves (and not just because he’s a car). Without Morgana the Thieves wouldn’t have started, and you’d have no idea how to do anything. Plus, he’s always there to provide his take on situations, and assist.
Well, except for one part. The main part that drags him down.
The Okumura arc and Morgana have been discussed into the ground. But if you want my brief take; I think he is definitely in the wrong in the argument, and I don’t really think he grows as a character. It’s more like he shrinks as a character then reverts back to normal.
Now, Morgana doesn’t really have a confidant line. He ranks up automatically. But honestly I don’t mind. Joker spends more time with Morgana than literally everyone else. So I think you get the equivalent feel from just always having him around.
Gods above I hate Morgana’s codename. Because it isn’t a codename. It’s a shortening of Morgana. That would be like someone named Robert going “So my codename is Rob”. Like… that’s not a codename. That isn’t how codenames work. DAMMIT RYUJI WHY COULDN’T YOU HAVE PICKED SOMETHING BETTER?! ...Ah well. This one sucks. Let’s move on.
His thief attire is great too. I kinda wish his head wasn’t so… bobble-heady. But I get that Japanese games tend to do that kind of thing. I do like how it’s essentially a fuzzy onesie with a hood though.
As for his use, remember how earlier I said speccing Makoto as a healer doesn’t eclipse Morgana? That’s still true… BUT… honestly Morgana isn’t that much better. Because healing isn’t related to stats. It’s more related to the abilities they get. And the only thing Morgana gets over Makoto is resurrection spells. Plus he’s super squishy. He has like 200 HP at level 99 which is basically nothing. If he gets hit by a lightning attack it’s basically over. And because his confidant is automatic, you don’t get a lot of his good abilities until later in the game.
Sorry, kitty. I still love you. But you ARE kinda useless…
5 - Yusuke Kitagawa
“A breathtaking sight!”
I love my boy Yusuke. It helps that he’s voiced by Matt Mercer, and that one of his battle lines is “How do you want to do this?” But honestly, Yusuke is one of my favorite characters.
Let’s start off as usual. Yusuke is first introduced as a sort of antagonist… well, it actually may be more accurate to say that WE are the antagonists. Yusuke really just wants to be left alone to make art at first and the Thieves kind of push themselves onto him. It’s a really interesting way to show how some people feel about the Thieves’ ideals. Basically, he doesn’t want to be saved but we want to save him. And while he’s a bit quirky, he is the best part of this arc. And his awakening is sick. as. fuck. Unfortunately though, I do think he falls off after his arc here. He quickly becomes “the guy who is there to just be quirky and weird”. And while that’s okay, I feel like he doesn’t really DO anything after Madarame’s arc wraps up.
I absolutely love his confidant line. Essentially Yusuke is in a slump. He can’t make any art because he feels his heart is clouded. So Joker begins going around with him to try to help him out. Some of the scenes are actually hilarious, like the boat scene, and the church scene. And some are very touching. The main events, too, are fantastic. The part where he presents his painting “Desire” and all the art snobs talk about how bad it is (which I don’t get at all. I think it’s a phenomenal painting) is great because it shows a different, more pessimistic side of Yusuke. Then at the end he takes that very same painting and makes a change to it, then renames it “Desire and Hope” (and it’s still awesome) and everyone praises it because he’s realized that his friends are his “hope” which will keep him from giving into his desires and becoming distorted. This shit is great. I love it. Probably one of my favorite confidant lines.
Obviously Fox works for Yusuke. Because his mask is a fox. It’s pretty self explanatory. It’s not amazing. It’s not bad. It just fits.
And Yusuke’s Thief Attire is awesome. It’s like a leather jacket with a massive collar. And his mask is fantastic. The only thing I don’t really like about his costume is the tail. Not because of how the tail looks, but because of its placement. It’s like… weirdly along his leg instead of in the center of his back. It’s just kind of off-center and it bothers me. But that’s just a bit of a nitpick. Otherwise I love his costume. In fact I think it’s my third favorite behind Akechi and… uh… Akechi. Eh. We’ll get to that later.
Now for his combat ability. By all rights Yusuke shouldn’t be that great. I mean, Ryuji does far more physical damage than him, and Ann does a lot more magic damage. He also doesn’t have any amazing buff or debuff skills. HOWEVER… this man crits more than a weighted 20-sided die. This could just be my own personal experience, but I swear every third physical attack from Yusuke is a crit. It’s bananas. So he’s great, if a bit unreliable, for setting up big Baton Pass damage.
So yeah. I love Yusuke. I just wish he was more important in the story after his recruitment, and a little better in combat.
4 - Ryuji Sakamoto
Ryuji gets my fourth spot. I love this boy. But he has one major thing holding him back.
His confidant is ass. But we’ll get to that.
We need to first start this properly. Ryuji is one of the main focuses of this story. I know a lot of people say he stops being relevant after Kamoshida but that’s… just… false? Like. Factually incorrect. I mean, just because his “arc” is done doesn’t mean he isn’t relevant to the plot anymore. He’s more relevant than anyone I have listed before him on this list.
I mean, let’s look at this factually. Ryuji is the primary force pushing to change Madarame’s heart. This isn’t really about Yusuke. But more about how he wants to take down evil people. Without Ryuji, we give up on Madarame when Yusuke decides to kick us out.
Without Ryuji, Makoto gets sold as a sex slave. Ryuji throws himself INTO TRAFFIC to save her. None of the rest of us were going to.
Without Ryuji, Haru’s fiance drags her off and we never help her or recruit her. Because Ryuji is the only one who stands up to him. Well… except for Morgana. But he gets kicked into a brick wall because he’s a cat.
Anyways, let’s talk about him in Kamoshida’s arc. I actually think this is where he’s the weakest. Because this arc is more about Ann than him. We establish that Ryuji wants to stop Kamoshida, and is upset that Kamoshida broke his leg. But that isn’t really his reasoning behind fighting Kamoshida. He wants to take him down for the same reason he wants to take down every Palace ruler. He hates people lording their power over others. I actually like that Ryuji doesn’t really change as a character either, because he is the most pure hearted boy in this game. He doesn’t need to change.
Anyway. His confidant sucks unfortunately. It’s not quite as bad as Makoto, but like hers, Joker isn’t really needed here. This whole thing is basically Ryuji dealing with the track team, who hates him. He does come to the realization that sometimes he needs to accept a loss so other people can feel better, and that he doesn’t need to be liked by everyone so long as his friends like him. It’s nice. But like I said, the storyline is sloppy and Joker being there doesn’t matter for like 90% of it.
Now Skull makes sense. Because his mask… is a skull. And his persona is a Pirate, which are famous for skull imagery. So uh. Ya’know. It works,
I love Ryuji’s Thief garb. It’s cool as shit. A leather jacket, necktie, his awesome mask, and the badass metal spikes on his back are sweet. My only complaint is the complaint I have with a lot of these. It’s… it’s just black. Like, I wish there was more coloration for these costumes. Most of them are like 95% black.
Finally, Ryuji is awesome in combat. He’s definitely the strongest as far as physical damage, he gets Charge to make his physical STRONGER, he has a ton of HP, and he has a full party attack up. As well as some decent lightning damage to hit weaknesses and baton pass but well...everyone has that. Even so, this dude is a heavy hitting tank. He does crazy damage with physical attacks. And he never leaves my team once he’s on… in fact, that’s the case with everyone on the team from here up.
So yeah. I love my son. Stop bullying Ryuji.
3 - Futaba Sakura
Little sister gremlin gets the third spot and I love her. Futaba is one of my favorite characters in the game in general.
Firstly, her story is absolutely incredible. I think she has the most relation to her Arc because… well it's ABOUT her. Normally the arcs are about two or three people. For example, Madarame and Yusuke share and arc. Kamoshida, Ann, and Ryuji share an arc. But here this is 100% about Futaba. And I really like how it works. A girl whose mom was involved with dangerous people has her mind shut down while she’s walking with her young daughter. She collapses into the street and dies, and the daughter blames herself and shuts herself away from the world. It hurt the old heart. And even after she joins, Futaba maintains an important role. She fills the role of an informant. We need some info? Futaba’s on it. We need to get into a database? Futaba. We need to rig casino games? Futaba.
Her confidant line is also great. She’s spent years locked away and we need to help her break out of her shell by doing more and more difficult tasks. And it ends in the same location it begins, but with a totally different feeling. It’s a lot like Yusuke’s where he has a painting everyone hates, then one everyone loves. Futaba starts in Akihabara and is terrified of the crowds around her. But at the end she goes to Akihabara and spends hours there, completely on her own, because she was “having fun”. It’s awesome. The only thing I don’t like is the bit with Kana. There’s a part where, for whatever reason, she spies on a grade-school friend whose parents basically forced her into porn modeling. It’s weird, unnecessary, and barely related to the overall “plot” of her confidant.
Now as I said, Futaba plays the informant role. So Oracle works very well. It’s great too because it’s the only name besides Joker that isn’t super on the nose. Until this point we have Skull, Fox, and Panther, who are just named after their Masks, Queen whose name makes no sense, and Mona which is… just his name. Oracle is basically a metaphor for how she guides the party by examining their surroundings and working to guide them. It’s sweet.
Now, I really like her outfit. I think the cool tron looking stuff is great. It’s mostly black with these cool green lines that are fantastic. However… I hate her “mask”. Don’t get me wrong, I think the goggles fit her character. But they just looks do dumb. Like, they make her look like a frog. It kinda sucks.
And Futaba in combat is kind of weird. Because she doesn’t actually fight. Instead she offers party buffs or enemy debuffs as fights go on. She can do things like increase your attack, decrease enemy attack, heal you, give you SP, and more. She gets even more abilities in Royal which are amazing. Futaba plays a small but critical role here that can’t be filled by anyone else (Literally. Morgana tries for the first half of the game).
So Futaba is fantastic. The only things holding her back are her mask, and Kana.
2 - Ann Takamaki
“This beautiful rose has thorns!”
So this probably isn’t surprising since she’s my #2 spot on this list, but Ann is my, as the kids say, “Best girl”. She’s great. Honestly behind my #1 on this list I think she’s just outright the best character.
Time to delve in to why!
First, as I said before, the story of Kamoshida’s arc is very much about her. She is the person who has lost the most to him, and he is actively blackmailing and pressuring her the entire arc. Then, when her best friend tries to kill herself because Kamoshida is a dickhead, she goes into full on revenge mode. But she spares Kamoshida in the end. Not because she’d feel badly about killing him, but because she feels he needs to repent.
The rest of the game is spent with Ann being the kindest member of the team. However we still see that emotional volatility we saw with Kamoshida. For example, she is the person who fights to help Yusuke. Nobody else really seems to care about Yusuke one way or the other. But Ann wants to take down Madarame to help him. Even after the whole nude modeling fiasco. But when Madarame tricks them and reveals that he “killed” Yusuke’s mom, Ann gets PISSED. It’s clear she cares for other people to such an extent that seeing them being treated unfairly makes her angry. Heck, she’s the one who is pushing against Makoto the hardest at the beginning, but when Makoto gets in trouble, Ann is the first one to run after her, and then the first to befriend her and apologize. This continues for the rest of the game. Ann is fucking great. She’s seriously like the most emotional party member in the best way.
We see this more in her confidant, which I think is one of the best ones. It builds off of Kamoshida’s arc, with Shiho in the hospital. Ann is struggling because she wants to show Shiho that she has a “Strong heart” in order to inspire Shiho to get better. But she doesn’t really know how to go about this and asks Joker for help. After a run in with Mika (whose heart I am still upset we did not get to change) Ann decides she wants to be the #1 model around by trying her absolute hardest.
The rest of her confidant revolves around this. She wants to be the absolute best to inspire Shiho. At the end, she succeeds and Shiho not only recovers, but loves life again, all because of Ann.
Then, in her final rank, Ann decides that she wants to keep this drive to be the best. Not for Shiho or herself, but for anyone else who is downtrodden so she can show them that determination can get you anywhere. It’s so damn good.
Now, her Codename. Panther. Because her mask… is a cat mask. And her costume has a tail. That’s it. I dunno. It fits.
Now, I love her costume but not for the reasons you may expect. It is the ONLY costume where the primary color ISN’T. BLACK. There is NO black on her costume. And I also love the color scheme aside from that. The red looks fantastic, and the pink on her gloves is a good compliment. And honestly, I think her mask looks fantastic. It’s one of the best ones.
And finally, her combat skills. She was good in P5, but she is INCREDIBLE in P5R.
First, she is the highest magic damage dealer with a Severe multi-target attack, both fire boost and amp, and like, 85 magic at level 99. If you wanted you could throw on a charm or guard to bump that to 99.
She also gets concentrate so it’s even more ridiculous. And a FULL PARTY variant with her Tier 3 Persona.
She has sleep moves, which are the best for setting up technicals, meaning better baton passes
And she can heal if necessary.
Ann can literally destroy (everything). In my recent playthrough on hard she took out all of Yaldy’s arms during the ominous light converging phase (except the one immune to fire) in a single hit. It’s actually insane.
There is no reason not to use her. In fact, I’d argue she’s the single best party member for combat and honestly, it’s not even close.
Ann is amazing, and I wish more people realized that instead of going “LOL FANSERVICE CHARACTER”
1 - Goro Akechi
“That one got betrayed by its teammate! I wonder how THAT feels!”
Now, let me discuss the thing everyone is going to yell about. I know this is a list ranking the Thieves and he never officially joins but like… come on. He’s on the team for two full Palaces, and both of those Palaces heavily feature him. So I’m counting him. And I know people hate him. But he belongs in the #1 spot. Just follow me on this.
Firstly, the story is more about him than any character. Every single thing that happens up until Shido’s Palace begins involves Akechi. While the Thieves are slowly changing the cognition of the world to make life better, he’s off killing people like Wakaba, Okumura, and all of Shido’s political rivals. He’s involved with the Shujin Principal, who he kills. He was messing around in Madarame’s Palace, as well as Kaneshiros. He killed Futaba’s mom and set up the fake Medjed. He killed Okumura. He set the group up so he can kill Joker. This entire game is as much about him as it is Joker. Hell, Yaldy even selected him to be the anti-Joker. And in the final Palace, he’s got the most riding on it. He wants to beat Maruki KNOWING he’ll die because he doesn’t want others dictating his future.
Then we have his confidant in P5R it is AMAZING. Now, it is just a bunch of random hangouts. However what we see is him slowly coming to be friends with Joker. He sees Joker as a sort of friendly rival. Someone who can actually challenge him. But once Akechi learns that Joker is actually one of the Phantom Thieves he feels betrayed. He realizes the “friend” he made is actually his enemy, and someone he needs to kill. He grows a hate for Joker because his first and only friend turned out to be an enemy. It’s just insane. I love it.
Now his codename, Crow. It’s great because, at first, he says that it’s to disguise his true identity, but in actuality it’s to show his real identity underneath his disguise. Also, Crows are often called a “Murder” and well… you know what kind of person Akechi is.
His attire is also awesome. BOTH of them. I love his first one because it has an almost 1800’s military feel to it. It’s basically a white officer’s uniform with a badass red cape. I’m not the biggest fan of the mask here but I don’t dislike it.
His SECOND outfit, however… It’s so damn good. I don’t even care. He looks like fucking Darth Vader mixed with Spawn. It’s so cool. And the mask is amazing. It’s a black helmet that looks outright demonic. This shit is amazing.
Now for his use as a teammate.
In Sae’s Palace he’s insane. He has almighty attacks, as well as both curse and bless in the forms of normal attacks and insta-kills. And we know insta-kills are B U S T E D.
Then in Maruki’s Palace… holy hell.
So this is my experience and I’ve seen a lot of people disagree. But I’ve had him out damage Ryuji with physical attacks WITHOUT using charge. Laevetain and Riot Gun absolutely obliterate shit. And his ultimate power from his tier 3 is busted. It’s a colossal Almighty attack and it does SO. MUCH. DAMAGE.
Plus he has Debilitate which is just so good.
God. Akechi is amazing. He’s such a good anti-Hero and, I’d argue, probably the best character in the game. Though not necessarily the best *person* (That’s Ann. Fight me if you really want to).
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this, and have been enjoying these rankings. I’ve been having fun writing them and I like hearing you guys’ opinions. So throw your thoughts down below! I’d love to hear from you!
As for what comes next… I was thinking either Bosses, Awakenings, or Teammate Personas. What would you want to see? And do you guys have any ideas?
submitted by Cirkusleader to Persona5 [link] [comments]

JP Summer 2019 Story according to someone who can't read! HIMEJI-Casino IN COLOR

The following is the interpretation of a story in Japanese by a man who can't read Japanese, it merely made for comedic purposes and does not reflect the actual writing of the original story.


The chapter opens with our NEET-Princess monologing in a game of ~~PUBG~~ ~~Fortnite~~ ~~APEX Legends~~, just whatever battle royale game you guys like the most. Type-moon being type-moon I can only assume she is rambling on something about survival of the fittest or some other philosophy, also don’t mind the [kiyo in the background, she’s not actually there]( https://i.imgur.com/pjTocoL.png), I’ll get to her in a bit.

The scene switches back to our protagonists, heading towards Casino HIMEJI, we speculate that it’s probably Okki and I am thoroughly surprised that her casino isn’t the Castle JANGATM we all know and love. There is nothing out of the ordinary, there’s slots, roulette, poker but for some reason there’s hanafuda (which is basically the Japanese version of playing cards, google it). Enter, King of the Jungle, [Jaguarman (Tiger) and OG Illya]( https://i.imgur.com/PptSh4F.png), Tiger gets hyped at the sight of the hanafuda cards and challenges Illya. Illya feels obliged to see who is the better goddess and the two end up duelling, I can only assume the duel went like this, https://youtu.be/OSqkRU8V2iA?t=176. Mashu questions why there are servants who aren’t in swimsuits here but Siegfried ain’t got time to answer that so we shall promptly ignore Mashu. There we spot [a line to enter the battle royale]( https://i.imgur.com/W945KJH.png) and ask for Okki however… [You were expecting Okki but it was me KIYOHIME.]( https://i.imgur.com/k7cbLUO.jpg)

[CHOICE:]( https://i.imgur.com/TpTNr0J.png)

[Say nothing due to PTSD from first summer event/ Valentine/ just general Kiyo things.]

[Morning, any progress yet? (I can only assume that this is throwing some shade at her lack of character development)]

[Kiyohime SHOCK~.](https://i.imgur.com/HuKf6fS.png) But she recovers and calls you a tease and she likes it like that. [So, no progress.](https://i.imgur.com/xUbpA8M.png) Time to move the plot along, Kiyo askes us if we’re taking part in the event, which we are and question what Kiyo is doing here. It turns out Okki and Kiyo were running this casino together but then Okki being the NEET she is, refused to work and decided to have fun instead.

Scene switches to an on-going match, where a bunch of assorted mobs get owned by the best team at the moment. Enter ~~Team Liquid~~, Osakabehime, Anne Bonny, Black Beard and Mecha Eli MK2. They effortlessly win and [hi-fives]( https://i.imgur.com/XsSzz2G.png) and [weird handshakes]( https://i.imgur.com/bbSCkWP.png) all around, Mecha Eli complains that she didn’t even get to participate, Okki assures her by saying that she’s basically like the last boss for their team.

So long story short in exchange for bringing Okki back (dead or alive, but alive is preferable) we get the event item which lets us progress the story, however we lack the necessary member to participate and I quote, [‘Mashu and Master are a bit too heavy to carry’.]( https://i.imgur.com/6DEZfPY.png) Wow Musashi, just wow. But it’s true, we do need someone to carry this team of scrubs. Enter, [~~Fabulous~~ Mysterious Onii-san.]( https://i.imgur.com/pgXaS05.png) He comes in with a Hawaiian mood but he is a year too late, so in order to make up for lost time he has decided ‘gift’ us a free stay at GILDALAY Hotel… for free of course…

Also, [“Hello Children.”]( https://i.imgur.com/ZNSar0U.png) This man could not get any shadier, if he was in a van and was handing out candy, I would totally jump in the van, no lie.

We head over to the hotel to be greeted by, ~~gorgeous P~~ Gilgamesh (caster) and we ask him [where d’eon (DW, maid outfit, when?!?) and the queen of Sheba are.]( https://i.imgur.com/tV7XvzL.png) It appears that d’eon is working at a casino (bunny d’eon hint?) and the queen has gone into the casino business instead, leaving our casgil understaffed. He did attempt to hire some fresh hands but the results were… flashbacks to, [‘I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THIS JOB ENTAILS BUT I WANT IN!’]( https://i.imgur.com/KrMCdYK.png), [‘Heard you need a diva.’]( https://i.imgur.com/1ebQhIc.png) And [‘I charge 1 carrot an hour’]( https://i.imgur.com/poolTzY.png)……) pretty good cause he got [Lanling]( https://i.imgur.com/nLr9583.png)……) somehow… anyhow, about our free stay… which obviously [had a catch, CAUSE NOTHING IS EVER TRULY FREE!]( https://i.imgur.com/QkMBH1I.png) So we proceed to beat the keys out of Casgil.

If anyone was wondering why the battle started with Lanling stunned, [because he had to take a business call.]( https://i.imgur.com/hoBNO2h.png)

[Battle Ensures]

We get the keys and proceed to check in. [Kiyo suggests we share rooms and everyone else gets their own]( https://i.imgur.com/edHqPxJ.png), classic kiyo~. We cuck her once again and [EVERYONE is getting their own rooms.]( https://i.imgur.com/myTiwn1.png) Kiyo receives this pretty well calling us a tease and that’s just the way she likes it. We are [greeted by a nervous Charlotte]( https://i.imgur.com/vfgUVDV.png) and she throws up her entire script before we can say anything and takes her leave, Siegfried coined it, [‘Machinegun-talk’]( https://i.imgur.com/FFYSt6H.png), which seems appropriate and we all head up to drop off our stuff? Before gathering in the lobby again. Pretty sure we’re not carrying anything but sure… Hokusai is amazed at how golden the rooms are and before the plot gets derailed again, Enter,[ ~~Best Boi~~, visually updated Kotarou-kun~](https://i.imgur.com/mIP3m1i.png). I’m sure Takahashi Rie is ascending to heaven somewhere out there. Poor guy is working when it’s his day off but he argues that being of use to us is the best kind of vacation, best boi. Back to the plot, he comes back with some intel on the game area/map and explains some of the rules for us. Turns out we need teams of fours and Sexy Sumanai is going to do what mashu usually does and monitor our status screen, Kotarou is not participating for obvious reasons and mashu/master is dead weight, so we need more members. We name a few possible candidates such as, [Berserkerlot,]( https://i.imgur.com/s1FrzEf.png) honestly, he would be pretty op if he didn’t go on a rampage every second, so scratch that, [let’s just find an archer servant.]( https://i.imgur.com/leu5I60.png)

We run into our first candidate, [James fucking Moriarty]( https://i.imgur.com/eBi6BjT.png)……) Alright, what are you up to? Suspiciously [whistles]( https://i.imgur.com/paJdJHz.png). Anyways, he says he can’t help because he much too busy doing… things. With our search hitting a dead end, yes 1 servant in and we’re done… Enter, [Deus ex Machina,]( https://i.imgur.com/kFgP1z7.png) and as his name suggests he showed up to give us hints on who we should be looking for. Very convenient. The hints are;

An Archer

Someone that would spoil their grandchildren

A sweet young maiden

Drop your answers in the comment section below~

The answer was [Helena Blavatsky]( https://i.imgur.com/fQ4Puw2.png), if you got that, then congrats to you and no I ain’t got no prizes, blew all my qp in the casino alright!

Helena joins us in a heartbeat, thanks grandma~. Looks like we got all the members Hokusai, ~~musashi~~ Iori, Mashu, Master and Helena… luckily for us [Helena can count and points out that we are one member over.]( https://i.imgur.com/33yH0kc.png) Stumped by this fact we all put our thinking caps on and musashi has an epiphany, [you don’t count as a member if you’re not a person.]( https://i.imgur.com/eoHA37X.png) We lose what remaining humanity we had and resign to being someone’s equipment… while mashu is not entirely satisfied with idea, as there are no other objections we proceed with preparing for our battle. Kotarou goes to scout out the enemy team and we have a practice match with Helena to understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses.

[Battle Ensures]

[えーい、えーい、おーう!]( https://i.imgur.com/3gG7Aby.png)

[Post editing] Or not, cause if you choose to be silent it causes Helena to try EVEN HARDER to get us pumped and musashi dies of cuteness overload…

The chapter starts with all participates in the plane before the match starts, Okki notices us and is initially distressed about it but thanks to [her class change and lessons with Li Shuwen Sensei, she is pretty cocky]( https://i.imgur.com/YxUlYj6.png) and thinks she can beat us. Meanwhile Hokusai [doesn’t look too good]( https://i.imgur.com/eTrmD5e.png) and clings to us. [Musashi gives us the thumbs up]( https://i.imgur.com/8PVeNRy.png) and ]Okki gives the NTR’ed delusional look]( https://i.imgur.com/R2rrplf.png). Both teams refocus on the task at hand and it is time to jump. [Blackbeard notices us]( https://i.imgur.com/B6XLstX.png) on his way out and warns us that there’s no mercy on the battlefield. Luckily for us we’re not participants per say and we count as equipment… Blackbeard is somewhat disappointed, and Anne overhears the exchange and [licks her lips]( https://i.imgur.com/gaOg1fg.png) before jumping off. Now it is our to turn to jump off but Hokusai refuses to jump without us, but being the savage we are we tell her [it’s nothing new and it’s just like rayshifting]( https://i.imgur.com/tpdLVzq.png) and kick her out. Now on the ground we assemble, Fou included, seems like he got into Mashu’s backpack at some point and we get to enjoy [Hokusai’s sweet sweet tears]( https://i.imgur.com/5LXbAtU.png) for a bit before getting into a fight with another team.

[Battle Ensures]

After the battle we decide on our next course of action but [Hokusai high off of the win charges off]( https://i.imgur.com/5FU8POI.png) in a random direction, looks like the game plan is to just randomly wonder around and beat anyone we come across, a sound strategy. Meanwhile Okki and her MLG team clears an area and using the advance CPU capabilities of Mecha Eli MK2 they determine our location and [Anne volunteers to go ‘scout’ us out.]( https://i.imgur.com/ageCa4y.png) Okki goes a bit meta and points out that this is usually how people die in horror movies, Anne ignores the sound logic and goes off with [a skip in her step.]( https://i.imgur.com/G0KtP21.png) Blackbeard on the other hand susses us out and thinks that it could be a trap, knowing [Anne she could not resist treasure presented in front of her.]( https://i.imgur.com/kCFJYmt.png) He immediately sends Mecha Eli MK2 after Anne while [Okki is confused]( https://i.imgur.com/lHuiBOi.png) on why Blackbeard is in a frenzy. He repeats his hypothesis to Okki, saying that Anne and Mary would totally fall for a honey trap, especially if it was laced with Master. Which is exactly what is happening. The scene switches back to us and Fou aimlessly wondering around in the forest, before getting a flashback to Kotarou giving us a report on his findings. It turns out that [Okki and her team are cheating,]( https://i.imgur.com/0sa45SI.png) he then passes a VHS tape to Siegfried to insert into the VTR. [Siegfried does that stereotypical ‘pushes up glasses’ anime pose,]( https://i.imgur.com/adOakeF.png) for a spooky 4 star saber he sure is showing off his new costume… also the glasses are borrowed from Sigurd. Musashi flies into a rage at the mentioning of Sigurd, seems like Sigurd is Musashi’s type, [like how ~~ calm~~ hot he is and how ~~cool~~ hot he is.]( https://i.imgur.com/PqufH1t.png) That’s one superficial criteria. She then suggest we go ~~kidnap~~ borrow his wisdom. [Yeah, nah, that’s a hard no from me. ]( https://i.imgur.com/0iS36kY.png)

On the VHS we see Anne getting ganged up by [G-man, The last Samurai and a Nazgul.]( https://i.imgur.com/n25rR4m.png) It seems like they all got lost to their own respective universes and decide to indulge themselves and project their fantasies onto Anne. Except last Samurai, [cause what he suggested was fucked up,]( https://i.imgur.com/tKdLajZ.png) even by their standards… It all turns out to be a trap and Mary pops out gives these degenerates a beating. Before they are socially and physically killed, they point out that Mary being here is against the rules but as we all know, they are two servants in one, so fuck the rules. [With the Nazgul’s dying breath]( https://i.imgur.com/6tzuKdg.png) he askes Mary to call him ‘Onii-chan’ to which she complains that she wants to be the [older sister rather than the younger sister…](https://i.imgur.com/uC1yiS5.png) The Nazgul gathers up his [final strength to laugh at Mary… Worth.]( https://i.imgur.com/zvy70TV.png)

The tape ends and… everyone was left speechless. Then again, it’s nothing new, the two are always together however this does leave us at a disadvantage. Rather than fighting a 5 v 3 we start to devise a plan to pick off Anne and Mary, and in order to do so we must lure them away, but how can we? What do we have in our possession that could lure away those two…. [IF ONLY WE HAD SOME TREASURE/WINE or SOMETHING.]( https://i.imgur.com/uaPoAZF.png) IF ONLY WE HAD MASTER…

[What?]( https://i.imgur.com/7Mi0j2m.png)

[All three of them in agreement]( https://i.imgur.com/ydDd3NL.png)

Obviously Mashu is against the plan but we live in the land of democracy so…

Meanwhile back in present time, the plan worked flawlessly.

[What’s this? Master! What are you doing in a place like this?]( https://i.imgur.com/qdXw2SU.png)

[I’m lost…](https://i.imgur.com/rOWQefx.png)

[But wait, if you’re here does that mean that your participant?]( https://i.imgur.com/72k7DUU.png)

[What? A piece of equipment?]( https://i.imgur.com/vuq59SA.png)

[Then you’re just like me…](https://i.imgur.com/rCPDxnJ.png)

[But for a piece of equipment, to be here all by yourself…](https://i.imgur.com/yOh2Yr8.png)

[Moves in for the kill….](https://i.imgur.com/2MAKYCc.png)

[FOUND YA!]( https://i.imgur.com/tObeJ93.png)

[So close, yet so far…](https://i.imgur.com/jz7XXiM.png)

[You’re not getting a leg up on me!]( https://i.imgur.com/ZizI4Ei.png)

[I wasn’t planning to… besides aren’t you supposed to be with the team?]( https://i.imgur.com/F87VcDY.png)

[Well I heard Master might be in the area, so I went to ‘scout’ him out.]( https://i.imgur.com/WId9xcX.png)

[Well it can’t be help, let’s have a threesome.]( https://i.imgur.com/C3RmQZT.png)

[Master. Master, you count as a piece of equipment, right?]( https://i.imgur.com/0Huc0EV.png)

[Well yeah, I guess.]( https://i.imgur.com/JvHILWc.png)

[Which means we should treat you as such right?]( https://i.imgur.com/PHXMO0m.png)

[No, no. We’re not gonna treat you badly, we’re gonna give you lots of---]( https://i.imgur.com/yLlqhZc.png)

[Hugs]( https://i.imgur.com/ze1tGPE.png)

[Head bunting]( https://i.imgur.com/LnEj6Ub.png)

[Things we normally couldn’t do with you…]( https://i.imgur.com/2iOqXUv.png)

[we’re going to give you loooooooooots of love <3]( https://i.imgur.com/V55eiRd.png)

[Now, close your eyes <3]( https://i.imgur.com/91rYDsJ.png)

[MY CHASITY IS IN DANGER, HELP!]( https://i.imgur.com/WqGgMOM.png)

Assemble Thot Blockers! Although it seemed like [Mashu and Hokusai were unnerved]( https://i.imgur.com/5zpisBp.png) by what they just witnessed, to which Mary replies with [‘someone else is gonna take him otherwise~’]( https://i.imgur.com/B2m8y7O.png)

[Battle Ensures]

Anne and Mary collapse.

[1] [You two alright?]( https://i.imgur.com/pTE8Wfx.png)

[Yep, we’re still kicking <3.]( https://i.imgur.com/40OjRAh.png) Woah, that’s one quick recovery, although it seems like they have accepted their defeat and shall exit the game. Mecha Eli MK2 descends to confirm that both Anne and Mary have been knocked out and shall report this to Okki. [You ask if it’s not against the rules to fly]( https://i.imgur.com/ZChubXs.png), since that kinda seems like it would break the game, but Eli argues that she was born this way and this is a skill, better than a certain somebody summoning the ENTIRE OCEAN.

[Jeanne: Bow before our dolphin overlords.]( https://i.imgur.com/Axt1NRV.png)

Fair enough. Eli and Siegfried exchange blows for a bit before flying off back to her team. Siegfried figuring they now had the upper hand, taunts Eli, How are you gonna fight a 3 v 5? [Eli replies by calling him a noob]( https://i.imgur.com/7GZcBE1.png) for assume they didn’t have other tricks up their sleeves. Siegfried takes [critical damage to his ego.]( https://i.imgur.com/Hd1VzfA.png) For us FGO veterans we deduce their final trump card would be [Super Robot Mecha Eli MK2.]( https://i.imgur.com/F6hSX4L.png) Meanwhile back in Camp Okki, Okki [curses herself for not being along the castle,]( https://i.imgur.com/2w664d4.png) which Mecha Eli points out that it would’ve been impossible, but she does have a plan…

Back in Chaldea Camp, we also [deduce that it would be physically impossible for them to bring the whole robot]( https://i.imgur.com/dynnj2r.png) along and recall how strong her missiles were. Hokusai, unaware of the powers of technology claims, [should this ‘missile’ show up, she will cut it where it stands… ]( https://i.imgur.com/1wOXOsw.png)thethe) sentiment is also shared by Musashi… Siegfried does argue that if the missile is below A rank, they should be able to deal with it without too much hassle… reassurance everywhere…

The final chapter opens with both parties facing off and without wasting too much time Blackbeard [suggests we just start killing each other. ]( https://i.imgur.com/TKUf1JB.png)

[Battle Ensures]

The battle rages on due to [Blackbeard’s healing skill, [Gentlemanly Love]…]( https://i.imgur.com/Kvl7nZS.png) sure. Neither sides appear to be gaining the upper hand then [Mecha Eli MK2 reappears]( https://i.imgur.com/2z40d3W.png) and tells us that her missiles are now online and I assume all preparations are complete, because outta nowhere Okki summons [Prison Castle Csejte → Pyramid → Himeji Castle + Super Robot Mecha Eli-chan!]( https://i.imgur.com/IaHMBGl.png) In response, [Musashi bursts into laughter]( https://i.imgur.com/n5EtZHt.png) at the sight of Castle JENGATM, after she calms down she realises that [they are kinda fucked.]( https://i.imgur.com/lQd519C.jpg) Looks like we can only brute strength our way through, and to add pressure to Okki Blackbeard reminds her that if they lose she’s going to have visit Kiyo, and [it ain’t gonna be pleasant.]( https://i.imgur.com/4P9NFPF.png)

[Showdown Ensures]

Somewhat losing the battle, Okki and Mecha Eli retreat to the skies, since no of us can fly we gotta get creative. [By using Helena’s D-wheels we catapult Hokusai into the air, then to get further distance Musashi fires off an air strike which Hokusai rides.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbWGEbJQuBg) Okki and Mecha Eli prepare to do some sick evasive mauvers (steering slightly to the right), but not on my watch.


And thus Hokusai was transformed into a homing missile.

In the aftermath, as the victors we demanded 999,999,999 QP from the Okki but obviously she doesn’t have that kind of money so we got information instead, all while Kiyo was slowly creeping up on Okki. However Okki tries to [weasel her way out of this and says that she’s not allowed to tell them anything]( https://i.imgur.com/Valndp0.png) because she is scared of Latoria. BUT, [if we command her to give us her everything, she might consider it…]( https://i.imgur.com/yienrAq.png) Obviously Mashu does not approve, but [also Hokusai]( https://i.imgur.com/nFYBmc0.png )… Seems like she’s been making one too many rape doujins… But being the savages we are…

[I WANT ALL OF YOUr information]( https://i.imgur.com/iHklyBu.png)

[A critical blow to her maiden heart!]( https://i.imgur.com/wJvO5el.png) With the last of her defences destroyed, she decides to share with us the information… [unfortunately Kiyohime overheard and well…]( https://i.imgur.com/T2zRkoY.png) We all know how this ends…

[I’ve got a question for you.]( https://i.imgur.com/I5169ol.png)

[Do I look angry to you?]( https://i.imgur.com/xwzmEVE.png)

[Yes… very much so….]( https://i.imgur.com/lLjRgOP.png)

[Now, what does an angry Kiyohime do to Okki?]( https://i.imgur.com/SxNz6DR.png)

[Laughs wickedly while turning me into pasta?]( https://i.imgur.com/MIq9PPD.png)

[Oh heavens no.]( https://i.imgur.com/crH3Nay.png)

[A thousand stabs with her spear of fire?]( https://i.imgur.com/YYSiR0M.png)

[No, no, I wouldn’t do such a thing.]( https://i.imgur.com/6YDBtB3.png)

[Then… YOU’LL FORGIVE ME?!]( https://i.imgur.com/RDMTNA5.png)

[Yes, after I…]( https://i.imgur.com/VJIxVI1.png)

The Doujo-ji bell rings…

[trap you in Doujo ji, be sure to repent on your actions okay? <3]( https://i.imgur.com/77DwivG.png)


We tell Kiyo to go easy on Okki but apparently it’s not all that bad inside the bell because it does [have air conditioning](https://i.imgur.com/UZbBIhH.png)……) [what?]( https://i.imgur.com/UNwGM2C.png) yeah I know right… anyhow, with the first boss dealt with [we thank granny for her help]( https://i.imgur.com/t9c1MIy.png) and Blackbeard in Okki’s place, drops some expositional text with added [dramatic effect]( https://i.imgur.com/fF3rkcI.png) thanks to Tsar Ivan… as expected of the Tsar, being there when his people needs him.


And thus this chapter comes to a conclusion, damn what an event! So as mentioned above this is not accurate in any way and I’ll be aiming to release more chapters as they come out. My Motto is Speedy and Meme-y, so I’m not going to look up every single kanji I don’t know how to read, but instead provide a little glimpse of what the story is like because I absolutely loved all the jokes the writers included and thought it was a shame that us non-japanese folks couldn't fully enjoy.

If there was any jokes that I missed and wish to share, leave them in the comments below and what are your speculations on the other casinos? What kind of references do you think will appear?

With that, I’ll see you guys in the next chapter!
submitted by Duyyy to grandorder [link] [comments]

My first ever acid trip was at a Heavy Metal festival on a cruise ship

This is quite a long read, I am also not an english major or anything; so I apologize if my grammar is not 100% on point. I wrote down everything as I remembered it, most of it was written down right after my experience in early January. Hope you enjoy the read, there is a link to a spotify play list I made that displays the bands I was listening to on the boat, and some other honorable mentions who's music I feel fits the mood and attitude of what is going on.
Consuming Chaos
Before reading this, I have never once taken any psychedelics of any kind before. This day, my curiosity got the better of me, as I managed to lose my mind and regain it over the course of what felt like a million years. For those reading that do not know, this happened on 70,000 TONS OF METAL! The luxury mecca of heavy metal festivals; this is not some radio metal shit. This year contained amazing bands like Atheist, At the Gates, Candlemass, Devin Townsend, Emperor, Possessed, Wintersun among many other big hitters in the international metal scene. This particular experience happened on the last day of the boat. This day in particular on 70,000 tons of metal is an insane shit show of amazing bands, people dressing up in THE MOST RIDICULOUS costumes you can think of. Everyone is getting completely wasted, high, tripping balls, getting their hands on everything they can, and yet chaotically loving everything and everyone around them. For anyone who is interested I highly recommend going, this festival is an amazing big family of fun loving people.
(Side note: There is a playlist I made to follow the events and mood of my experience on the boat. I will post the setlist after the story, and where you can go listen to it.)
14:45 - Last day of 70k, Star Lounge
Wilderun has started playing "Far from Where Dreams Unfurl". After talking to my friend about acid, I finally give in to my own inhibitions. I start with one hit. Ask all the details, what to do, how to take it, what to expect, how long until it starts, and how long does it last. After Wilderun we head off to Soen for some Tool esque metal riffage. By the end of the set I start to feel light, almost like I'm floating. Meeting up with some friends I find myself starting to laugh uncontrollably at nothing. After eating some pizza, we head up to the pool deck for Finntroll.
16:30 - Pool Deck
I'm on the pool deck, Finntroll has started playing. The banners of the pool deck stage are down due to high winds, the sun is radiating down on the stage and crowd with a celestial warmth. They're dressed up like trolls??? With long ears, and crazy pagan style face paint. All the colors seem to be sticking out more than usual, I start to settle into my first trip, one that will be more ridiculous than I could have ever imagined. In the pit I can feel the ship moving down and dragging me with it, as the moshers jump, dance, and push each other around in joyous pandemonium. I think to myself "maybe they don't know that they will potentially push the ship right into the ocean" but my concerns are fleeting at this point, and I join in the chaos. Amongst the horde is a pink power ranger, thor, jesus with an infinity gauntlet, a Cutethulhu, (No I will not explain) Mugatu and many other ridiculous costumed metal heads. While committing myself to the heathen rituals, people's faces start to pop out more to me. Their features, eye colors, all of what seems to be their essence and auras reaching out to grab my eyes attention. At this point people start flying amongst the crowd to my amazement, I can do nothing but laugh at the madness. Halfway through the set my friends and I decided that we needed to catch November Doom's set, where I get into another laughing fit that lasts most of the way to the next concert.
17:00 - Studio B: Ice Rink
We reach the front stage, Novembers Doom starts off with this dark mix of death and doom metal that engulfs me in a sense of dread (but like fun dread). At first moving from the happy, joyful chaos of Finntrolls set, to this new black hole in the ship has me on edge; especially as this is when I find out Neil Peart is dead. But soon I find myself entranced by the melody's seeping forth from the stage. The music switches to a slow chorusy part with the dark clean vocals to match it. Accompanied by the strong waves of the ocean swaying the boat from side to side, and a beautiful woman who dressed up as some kind of spectre bounded by chains seems to be synchronized to the rhythm of this bleak dismal music. At this point I'm fully encapsulated in my trip, I find myself laughing and smiling at everything while also just swaying to the motion of this beautifully dark music. When the song ends, the singer states that he apologizes for playing "pussy shit, when this is a fucking metal cruise" another crowd member comments, and I losing all sense of keeping thoughts in my head decide that I am kind of offended that pussy isn't considered metal. So without missing a beat I yell out "I fucking love pussy". The singer taken aback by the statement responds with a " Wow man you can't say that out loud, there are women here". Offended again, though I decide to keep to myself, thinking over and over again "well duh there are women here, and they should know they are fucking metal and loved". But as I look back on it, I probably just come off as an intoxicated pervert. After another song we decide to leave so we can catch Toxik.
17:40 - Casino / Royal Theater
On our way to the next venue to see Toxik play all of "Think This" we walked through the casino and I was instantly mesmerized by the amazing colors reflecting off of every wall. Practically oozing out and reaching out to me like a visual sirens song. We keep going past it and end up watching Toxik. Though nothing special about, I heard the songs that I truly love off the album and I decided that I was too wet and filthy to be out and about. I leave the venue and walk back to my room, when I start another laughing fit that lasted the entire walk to the room. I ran into my good friend Matt and his entourage all dressed up as President Trump, Melania, and secret service escort; all of whom were definitely in character acting their part. Following up this hilarious ensemble was a group of very serious security guards looking for someone, and then and I leave this room I walk by a group of people sitting down listening to some man speaking. I was off put and confuzzled when I heard him say "sometimes partying is fun but the party has to end eventually". I thought I had just walked into an AA meeting, though I'm sure they we're just as insulted as I continually laugh my ass off at the insanity of this whole thing. I then get into an elevator where I stare at the wall mesmerized by the movement of this inanimate material. I get off on the wrong floor and walk two floors down when I go down a very dizzying hallway. End up in my room, shower, and now it is time for dinner.
18:45 - Fancy Dining Hall / Pool Deck
As I meet up with my friends, I am firmly believing I am not high enough (I was). So I take another hit of acid. At dinner we overpower the chefs with numbers. Food is taking forever to come out, and we start pounding on our tables creating a wave of people pounding on tables and slowly stopping, as it moves around the entire dining hall. My friend Nick and I get fed up waiting for food and decide to leave the dining hall after an hour ( I cannot believe these chefs put up with us). We end up on the pool deck as a nice warm wind is blowing, the moon is high in the sky, and Epica is playing their beautiful "Design your Universe" album. While never really being a fan of the band, I've been wanting to check them out. I definitely was not disappointed, as my next hit of acid started to sink in adding onto the effect of the previous one. I feel light, like I could fly. The guttural vocals set up the mood for some awesome heaviness, when out of nowhere I am brought down by this insanely beautiful voice of the female singer. I become completely enveloped by her very being. Her beauty is jaw dropping as her red hair is bleeding outwards in a sort of cloud. Her voice becomes all that I want to hear, and her dress seals the deal. Shining and reflecting light in a thousand directions, catching my eyes. I become obsessed trying to process every little atom of light beaming from her essence. Quickly though my squirrel like mind is distracted by the crazy keyboardist crowd surfing with his wacky portable keyboard. As I enjoy the music, I think to myself "I never brushed my teeth after I showered". I then run to my room, determined to clean my unholy mouth of its sins. I get there and my friends are there. I tell them "Epica is fucking killing it on the pool deck" they ask "why I am here?", I respond "to brush my teeth"... (and yet they think I'm the weird one). We then go back to Epica, where they are in fact, fucking killing it. After the show, I'm thirsty and must consume! At the bar I order a pina colada, and end up staring at the bar counter as the marble-like shapes start to morph into crazy geometric shapes. "I've entered a new world" I think to myself.
21:00 Wandering
I end up walking with friends, not really caring about conversation, or finding any of the amazing people I've been meeting on this cruise. Instead, I am looking for new shapes, new colors, new portals in which I can enter a world past the aether. We get to the shiny room (casino), a place of wonder and laughs a plenty. This is where I all of a sudden remember that my friend gave me my other friends acid. So I'm wandering with more fuel to enter the netherrealms, such endless potential being wasted in my pocket. I then carelessly give all the acid to two lovely girls I have just met. No idea why, I think I just didn't want drugs on me. I already have what I want in this world, endless laughter, and shiny things. Before Emperor goes on we decide to go back to my room for alcohol. Here we pack way too many lovely humans into the room, drinking, and enjoying each other's company. We decide to leave for the show, as my acid buddy decides to take the long way to the show by waving his hands, running, and screaming down the hallway. I was tragically left bending over against the wall, laughing my ass off to the ridiculousness.
22:00 - Pool Deck
Back on the pool deck the seductive, colorful music of Epica has long since faded. An eerie darkness has swallowed the night. Satanic magicks flow through the air, unleashing its blasphemous cacophony on the ears of feeble humans; the mighty Emperor is blasting away. The dim blue lights emanating from all around, as high winds are pushing the streams of a phantom's very being into reality, crisscrossing the crowd as the wind whips around every corner. I catch some of this ghost’s essence… oh wait this is just toilet paper. It's a toilet paper ghost. "Righteous" I think and laugh to myself. I run into the same two girls who I gave acid to in the depths of the shiny room, where I end up fiending for more. They so graciously provide me the last hit of acid, of which I quickly devour. May Satan bless these two awesome women.
23:30 - The Promenade / Studio B
I am walking to Sorrento's for endlessly alright pizza being served! I must consume before I search for alternate realities. Though I am sweating like a pig (just clammy from the acid) so I go back to my room to wash up again. Afterwards I teleport to the casino (no memory of how I got there), when one of my friends is saying that we all must see Havok and they are starting soon. Finally another quest to fulfill. I get there way before the show starts, I'm about to leave for a drink, when Havok starts playing Rush. I decide to stay, and all of a sudden President Trump and his entourage has arrived. This time taking up the center floor of the venue, not allowing anyone near him without a pat down and an ID check. The show has begun, and little did I know that reality was about to shift. A circle pit the likes of which I've never seen is forming around Donald Trump. I too join in this dance of death, not a path one walks, but a path one must stomp. After a healthy dose of killing, I stop while my friend Mugatu hands me his dog, sunglasses, and cigar. Takes an amazing picture of me and then joins in the dance. At this point I start to lose all sense of reality, my third hit is starting to take full effect. My eyes are barraged by the twisting and turning of 4th dimensional sacred geometry (or whatever you spiritual people), when a glitch in this realm forms out of the pit. The bass player is now both on the stage and in the crowd. A raver, cookie monster, Donald Trump, a clown, pink power Ranger, and more computer simulations keep forming from nowhere. I realize the fault in this simulation as it breaks down in my mind, and the crowd being visualized as other worldly fakes realizes I am aware of the break in their illusions. I then fill with anxiety realizing this was a game, I leave the venue, stuffing the fake dog in between two chairs.
00:10 Stuck between worlds
The walk back to my room is a complete blur, as I enter, my roommates are leaving. I then proceed to shower again, I get completely naked besides my shirt, and lay in bed. In total darkness, light appears from nowhere as I am being sucked into another dimension. I feel myself leave my body, unable to control the flow of shapes and colors assaulting my mind; I am gone. I start to focus and I reenter my body. Confused about what has happened, I realize I am stuck in this sick game. My fears come forth, manifested as a sick vision of colors, the sounds of deep reverberating throat singing; Ohm's of foreboding demise. I clench my fists, curl up, and feel as if my eyes are crawling into the back of my mind. Sight becomes a subconscious thought as a swirling discord of reflections within reflections twists and contorts my minds eye. I sweat profusely as the pain of existing in this unreality becomes overbearing. I lash out and scream for it to end, knowing full well that this nightmare is never ending, I look back on myself from up high and see the cosmos poor from my body as a slimy green ooze. I slowly drift down to this mortal coil and come back to this realm, never to re-enter that universe again.
00:20 till 05:00 Lost but Found
I lay melting once again, over the intercom "Alpha Alpha Alpha Deck 11, poolside". Someone must be hurt. I feel the urgent need to get up and help. But FIRST! I must shower. I get into the bathroom and decide there is no time for purifying my dreadful shell. I get dressed, and off I am to wander down this mind numbing hallway of geometric chaos, laughing at the thought of my friend Nick running and screaming down this hallway like a madman earlier. I find myself still laughing as I get off an elevator to find a man surrounded by medical personnel, he is bleeding, and all I can think is "these damn medics cannot even clean the air of his blood… Oh wait, I'm still high as fuck". I walk towards the pool deck to find Exodus is finalizing their "Bonded by Blood" set. When the almighty Andy "THA SKIPPA" (thinking in a boxing match announcers voice) comes out to greet the fans and update us on how awesome this year was, and what to expect next year. When he's done, he jumps into the crowd to surf the many waves of loyal boaters. Exodus then continues to do what they do best, thrash! They end their set with a wall of death, and the downright sinister commitment to do the TOXIC WALTZ! I skank this set away, and head down to the promenade for some late night pizza. I find my roommates and chat with them when I realize I need a god damn towel. I dry up, and continue wandering, enjoying the sites as the visions begin to fade. I am finally at the best place to end one's cruise. On the pool deck, enjoying karaoke, last minute partying and goodbyes with old and new friends. The night ends with me waiting for my brother to sing some muthatruckin Rammstein. I was supposed to film it, but as it is obvious by the lack of video online… I did not. I decide I am too tired, I must go back to my room and discover how such primitive non celestial magic wielding humans sleep again. I take a long walk back to my room, hoping to see some faces that I did not get a chance to say goodbye to. Maybe I'll see someone who gets to enjoy one of my overbearing hugs of death, but alas that was not the case. I head to bed, I lay my head and realize once again, that even though this whole reality is a sham, I fucking love all these people.

14:45 Star Lounge -
  1. Wilderun - Far from Where Dreams Unfurl
  2. Soen - Lascivious
16:30 Pool Deck -
  1. Finntroll - Trollhammeren
  2. Finntroll - Blodsvept
17:00 Studio B -
  1. Novembers Doom - Ghost
  2. Novembers Doom - Ever After
17:40 Casino / Royal Theater -
  1. Toxik - Think This
  2. Toxik - Greed
18:45 Fancy Dining Hall -
  1. Wintersun - Starchild
  2. Epica - Our Destiny
  3. Epica - Burn to a Cinder
21:00 Wandering -
  1. At the Gates - The Colours of the Beast
  2. At the Gates - World of Lies
  3. Devin Townsend - Love?
22:00 Pool Deck -
  1. Emperor - Into the Infinity of Thoughts
  2. Emperor - Curse You All Men!
23:30 The Promenade / Studio B
  1. Ihsahn - Celestial Violence
  2. Havok - F.P.C
  3. Havok - Hang Em’ High
  4. Havok - Ingsoc
00:10 Stuck Between Worlds
  1. Atheist - Piece of Time
  2. Vio-lence - Phobophobia
  3. Wintersun - Beautiful Death
  4. Wintersun - Death and the Healing
00:20 Lost but Found -
  1. Havok - Wake Up
  2. Exodus - Bonded by Blood
  3. Exodus - The Toxic Waltz
Sometime before 05:00 on the Pool Deck - Karaoke songs
  1. Molotov - Puto
  2. Queen - Don’t Stop Me Now!
  3. Rammstein - Mein Herz Brennt
submitted by pfunkdabomb to Acid [link] [comments]

Wrestling Observer Rewind • Nov. 7, 1994

Going through old issues of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter and posting highlights in my own words. For anyone interested, I highly recommend signing up for the actual site at f4wonline and checking out the full archives.
1-3-1994 1-10-1994 1-17-1994 1-24-1994
1-31-1994 2-7-1994 2-14-1994 2-21-1994
2-28-1994 3-7-1994 3-21-1994 3-28-1994
4-4-1994 4-11-1994 4-18-1994 4-25-1994
5-2-1994 5-9-1994 5-16-1994 5-26-1994
5-30-1994 6-6-1994 6-10-1994 6-20-1994
6-27-1994 7-4-1994 7-11-1994 7-18-1994
8-1-1994 8-8-1994 8-14-1994 8-22-1994
8-29-1994 9-5-1994 9-12-1994 9-19-1994
9-26-1994 10-3-1994 10-10-1994 10-17-1994
10-24-1994 10-31-1994
Just want to brag for a second if that's okay. My favorite part about doing all these Observer posts is how much I've learned from reading them. Last night, it paid off as I participated in a Royal Rumble-style wrestling trivia competition at a bar here in Memphis and ended up beating 34 other people to win. And I owe it all to His Holiness, Lord Meltzer, praise be to the most high. Thanks Dave! (Also, shouts out to the guy at trivia who chose "Hepatitis O'Neil" as his gimmick name. Oh, how I laughed...)
  • Preliminary numbers for Halloween Havoc show the PPV buyrate to be around 0.95 which is absolutely disastrous. WCW had been openly predicting that the show would do nearly double of what Bash at the Beach did and instead, it actually did less. Considering all the money they put into promoting this show, plus retiring Ric Flair, it's bad news all around.
  • Hogan is currently negotiating extending his WCW contract but it's thought that he's angling for full, complete control of the company to stay, and at the very least, he won't settle for anything less than what he already has, which is complete creative control over his and his friends characters and storylines. The booking committee was also recently restructured, with Hogan and Jimmy Hart added so he has a say in everything in the company already. Hogan is obviously still a draw but he's not as big a draw as they hoped and now that the dream match storyline with Flair is done, the real test of how well Hogan can draw begins. Dave wonders if he's worth the money. They've built so much of the company around him and they're paying him truckloads of money, but he rarely works house shows and many of WCW's core fans resent him (as evidenced by him regularly getting booed). On the same hand, if WCW lets Hogan go, the company likely deflates like a balloon without him. Sting is the only other possible candidate and he's repeatedly proven to not be a significant draw, yet he's the best they've got. WCW doesn't have a star that can carry the company without Hogan but it might end up hurting them more to try to keep him.
  • The AAA When Worlds Collide PPV next week is by far the most important Lucha Libre event ever in the U.S. and the success or failure of it will likely determine whether AAA can truly cross the border and become a legitimate promotion in America. Dave gives a long history of Lucha Libre's successes in America, dating back to the 60s and 70s with guys like El Santo, Mil Mascaras, Gory Guerrero and others and how it died off in the 80s and wasn't revived until AAA shocked the wrestling world in 1992 when they sold out several huge shows in California. Including selling out the same Los Angeles Sports Arena that WWF failed to sell out for 2 different Wrestlemanias. But crowds have fallen since then every time after. Now, WCW has financed this upcoming PPV, with English and Spanish commentary to try and cross it over to American audiences, but in typical WCW fashion, they totally dropped the ball by not promoting it at all. Dave spends over a page describing how WCW has screwed this up to the point of nearly sabotage and thinks it will likely flop on PPV because both sides failed to promote it properly.
  • From here, Dave spends several pages explaining the differences in Mexican wrestling and then gives the background and storylines behind each match at the PPV. Dave seems to really want this PPV to succeed while resigning himself to the fact that it probably won't. He calls Rey Mistero Jr. the heart and soul of AAA and says he's the most incredible and creative high flyer in the world aside from maybe Great Sasuke. He notes that La Parka "wears a Skeletor costume" so it might be hard to take him as a serious worker at first glance, but don't make that mistake, he's awesome. Love Machine and Eddie Guerrero "are probably the best tag team in the world right now."
  • New details on Missy Hyatt's lawsuit against WCW. During her employment, Missy alleges she was the victim of sexual harassment, discrimination, or retaliation by a number of people. The names included are Ric Flair, Jim Ross, Eric Bischoff, Mike Graham, Greg Gagne, Ole Anderson, Gene Okerlund and several backstage and office employees and range from people grabbing her breasts, continually asking her out for dates or sexual favors, making unwanted sexual advances, and threatening or intimidating her for reporting harassment. She also claims a full color photo of her, with her breast exposed when it popped out at Starrcade 93 was printed out and displayed around the office. Hyatt says she complained to Eric Bischoff, who did nothing, so she went above his head to Bob Dhue to report it. When Bischoff learned she went to Dhue, he fired her and Bob Dhue upheld her termination. She also alleges wage discrimination, saying she was paid less than men who did the same jobs and that WCW hasn't paid her for merchandising income. And finally, she claims that after breaking up with Eric Bischoff's friend Jason Hervey, he sent Missy's belongings to Bischoff. However, Bischoff refused to return the items to her until she signed over to Hervey the titles to 3 expensive cars she had in her name.
  • UWA and AAA have restarted their working relationship, at least for now, which led to a couple of AAA stars working a UWA show last week and another joint show scheduled next week. Might be a little too late for UWA though.
  • NJPW came close to getting a TV deal here in the U.S. but it fell through. They were negotiating with TNT to air a weekly show because TNT wants to break into the Asian market. However, TV-Asahi in Japan, which owns 50% of NJPW, is also trying to expand into Asia and they saw TNT as competition for that, so they refused to sign off on the deal.
  • Atsushi Onita held a major party to celebrate passing the 1,000 stitches mark on his body. He's trying to get into the Guinness World Records book for person who has had the most stitches. Everyone needs to have a goal, I guess.
  • Terry Funk recently cut ties with Onita's FMW and is planning to work for IWA, which is a smaller but similar deathmatch promotion in Japan. Funk challenged Onita to a winner-take-all $1 million dollar match. Onita responded saying that he has no animosity towards Funk for jumping ship and that he'd love to come over to Funk's house and eat a steak with him. Funk responded by making the challenge again and saying Onita lied to him because he promised Funk a rematch after Funk put him over in 1993 but never gave him one. Funk then said if Onita came over for steak, he'd make sure he poisoned the steak.
  • Vince McMahon filmed another promo as a heel for USWA this week, but it was mostly just to hype a benefit softball game that Lawler is involved in. Vince strongly hinted that he would be in Memphis for the game, but never outright said it. Although Vince was great as a heel in promos he filmed last year, Dave says he was really over-acting in this one (can't find this one).
  • Dave has finally seen enough SMW footage to declare that The Gangstas gimmick isn't working. Most times when a company tries to cross a line and be controversial, it usually turns off more fans than it turns on and that seems to be the case here. The crowds have dwindled and the Gangstas matches are mostly greeted with silence from the fans. New Jack cuts good promos, but nothing that sells tickets and in the ring, the team is awful, with Mustafa in particular not even being ready to work opening matches, much less main events.
  • WCW settled the "When Worlds Collide" PPV name issue with ECW and as a result of the settlement, a couple of WCW wrestlers will work on an upcoming ECW show. No word on who it will be yet, although ECW has been desperately trying to get a Brian Pillman vs. Sabu match, but WCW has repeatedly refused to let them use Pillman. After this agreement is done, WCW has made it clear that they will no longer have any relationship with ECW.
  • In a recent issue of Sports Illustrated, they listed "Muhammad Ali handing Hulk Hogan the belt at Halloween Havoc" as that week's Sign of the Apocalypse (a weekly feature in the magazine). In the same issue, someone wrote in to the letters section about SI's recent article about the 40 most annoying people in sports and wrote, "No list would be complete without including all pro wrestlers who dare to call their chosen profession a sport."
  • Jim Crockett ran his first NWA show at the Dallas Sportatorium, with mixed results. Some people said it was better than the GWF shows ("what praise, huh?") but others said it was worse. It's expected that former GWF star Moadib (Ahmed Johnson) is going to be pushed as the promotion's top star.
  • Cactus Jack and Sabu had a crazy match at a casino in Las Vegas, including a spot where they did a piledriver on a blackjack table in the casino in the middle of an ongoing game (this appears to be the match and at about the 8:50 mark, you see them heading into the casino, but then the video cuts back to the ring, so whatever happened on the floor of the casino apparently wasn't filmed).
WATCH: Cactus Jack vs. Sabu - Las Vegas, 1994
  • Indie wrestling promoter Cliff Bartz was arrested by the FBI in Florida this week where he was living under a fake name. Bartz had a reputation as a snake indie promoter and was on the run from charges that he masterminded armed robberies and intimidated witnesses.
  • Movie director Steven Spielberg is refusing to allow his new movie Schindler's List to air on PPV because he says he doesn't want it to be associated with things like pro wrestling.
  • Vader was scheduled to face Hogan at Starrcade, but Hogan nixed the idea. Vader then filmed promos teasing challenging Hogan down the road at some later date, but somehow, those interviews got scrubbed from TV also and never aired.
  • Speaking of Hogan politics, after Steve Austin lost the U.S. title to Jim Duggan in 28 seconds, Austin was reportedly promised that he would get the belt back at Halloween Havoc. But Hogan overruled the booking committee, so his friend Jim Duggan is still champion.
  • On TV this weekend, Eric Bischoff was doing commentary and claimed the last PPV proves WCW is the #1 company. He then told fans to "check out the competition and when you're done laughing at the clowns, come back, we'll still be here." Dave mentions the rocks and glass houses saying.
  • Brian Blair and Warlord, two more of Hogan's friends, may be headed in to WCW soon.
  • Dave is hearing that Bob Backlund will be winning the title from Bret Hart at Survivor Series, "for better or worse," he says.
  • Bull Nakano is expected to win the WWF women's title from Alundra Blayze at the All Japan Women's Tokyo Dome show later this month.
  • Dave gives 4.5 stars to a Diesel/Shawn Michaels vs. 1-2-3 Kid/Razor Ramon match that aired on Action Zone and says it's the best WWF TV match in more than a year (yeah I think this match is kind of famous for being the first time the Kliq all got to work together on TV and they tore the house down on a throwaway Saturday morning show).
WATCH: Diesel/Shawn Michaels vs. 1-2-3 Kid/Razor Ramon
MONDAY: Randy Savage leaves WWF, Chris Benoit breaks Sabu's neck, AAA PPV fallout, and more...
submitted by daprice82 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

banditti has been created

By Thomas Mann Translation by H. T. Lowe-Porter I love to call up the picture of my father as he presided at the head of the table, with his white imperial, and his belly con- fined in a white silk waistcoat. His voice was weak and sometimes he would be seized by self-consciousness and look down at his plate. Yet his enjoyment was to be read in his eyes and in his shining red face. "C'est épatant," he would say. "Parfaitement" ——and with his fingers, which curved backwards at the tips, he would give delicate touches to the table-service. My mother and sister meanwhile were abandoned to a gross and soulless gluttony, between courses flirting with their table-mates behind their fans. After dinner, when the gas-chandeliers began to be wreathed in smoke, came dancing and forfeit-playing. When the evening was advanced I used to be sent to bed; but as sleep, in that din, was out of the question, I would wrap myself in my red woollen cover- let and in this becoming disguise return to the feast, where I was received with cries of joy from all the females. Refreshments such as wine jellies, lemonade, punch, herring salad, were served in relays until the morning coffee. The dance was free and untram- melled, the games of forfeits were pretext for much kissing and caressing; the ladies bent over the backs of their chairs to give the gentlemen stimulating glimpses into the bosoms of their frocks; and the climax of the evening arrived when some humorist turned out the gas and there was a general scramble in the dark. These parties were undoubtedly the cause of the unfavourable criticism which spread about the town; but according to the reports which came to my ears it was their economic aspect that was the target for gossip. For it was only too well known that my father's business was at a desperate pass and that the dining and wining and fireworks must give it the coup de grâce. I was sensi- tive enough to feel the hostile atmosphere when I was still very young; it united, as I have said, with certain peculiarities of my own character to give me on the whole a great deal of pain. The more cordially, then, did I appreciate an incident which took place at about this time; I set it down here with peculiar pleasure. I was eight years old when my family and I spent some weeks one summer at the famous and neighbouring resort of Langen- schwalbach. My father took mud baths for his gout, and my mother and sister made themselves talked about for the size and shape of their hats. Of the society we frequented there is little good to be said. The residential class, as usual, avoided us. The better-class guests kept themselves to themselves as they usually do; and such society as we could get had not much to recommend it. Yet I like Langenschwalbach and later on often made such resorts the scene of my operations. The tranquil, well-regulated existence and the the sight of aristocratic and well-groomed people in the gardens and on the tennis courts satisfied an inward craving of my soul. But the strongest attraction of all was the daily con- cert given by a well-trained orchestra to the guests of the cure. Though I have never attained to any skill in any branch of the art I was a fanatical lover of music; even as a child I could not tear myself away from the pretty little pavilion where a becomingly uniformed band played selections and potpourris under the direc- tion of their gypsy leader. Hours on end I would crouch on the steps of that little temple of art, enchanted to my very marrow by the ordered succession of sweet sounds and watching with rap- ture every motion of the musicians as they attacked their instru- ments. In particular I was thrilled by the gestures of the violinists and when I went home I delighted my parents with an imitation performed on two sticks, one long and one short. The swinging movement of the left arm in producing a soulful tone, the soft gliding motion from one position to the next, the dexterity of the fingering in virtuoso passages and cadenzas, the fine and supple bowing of the right wrist, the cheek cuddled in such utter aban- donment to the violin——all this I succeeded in reproducing so faithfully that the family, especially my father, burst into enthu- siastic applause. And being in good spirits due to the beneficial effect of the baths, he conceived the following little joke, with the connivance of the long-haired and almost speechless little bandmaster. They bought a small cheap violin and plentifully smeared the bow with vaseline. As a rule not much attention was paid to my appearance; but now I was arrayed in a pretty sailor suit with gilt buttons and lanyard all complete, also silk stockings and shiny patent-leather shoes. And one Sunday I took my place at the side of the little conductor during the afternoon promenade concert and assisted in the performance of a Hungarian dance, doing with my violin and my vaselined bow what I had done with my two sticks. My success was tremendous. The public, gentle and simple, streamed up from all sides and assembled before the pa- vilion to look at the infant prodigy. My pale face, my utter absorp- tion in my task, the lock of hair falling over my brow, my childish hands and wrists in the full, tapering sleeves of the pretty blue sailor suit——in short, my whole touching and astonishing little figure captured all hearts. When I finished with a full sweep of the bow across all the fiddle-strings, the garden resounded with applause and delighted cries from male and female throats. The bandmaster stowed my bow and fiddle safely away and I was set down on the ground, where I was overwhelmed with praises and caresses. The most aristocratic ladies and gentlemen stroked my hair, patted my cheeks and hands, called me an angel child and an amazing little devil. An old Russian princess in violet silk and white side-curls took my head between her beringed hands and kissed my brow, all beaded as it was with perspiration. Then in a pitch of enthusiasm she snatched a lyre-shaped diamond brooch from her throat and with a perfect torrent of ecstatic French pinned it on the front of my blouse. My family approached and my father made excuses for the defects of my playing on the score of my tender years. I was escorted to the confectioner's, where at three different tables I was regaled with chocolate and cream cakes. The scions of the noble family of Siebenklingen, whom I had admired from afar while they regarded me with cold disdain, came up and asked me to play croquet, and while our parents drank coffee together I went off with the children in the seventh heaven of delight, my diamond brooch upon my blouse. That was one of the happiest days of my life, perhaps quite the happiest. The cry was set up that I should play again; actually the management of the Casino approached my father and asked for an encore; but he refused, saying that he had only permitted me to play by way of exception and that repeated public appearances were not con- sistent with my social position. And besides our stay in Bad Langenschwalbach was drawing to a close. I wish now to speak of my godfather Maggotson, by no means an ordinary man. He was short and thickset in build, with thin and prematurely grey hair, which he wore parted over one ear and brushed across his crown. He was clean-shaven, with a hooked nose and thin, compressed lips, and wore large round glasses with celluloid rims. His face was further remarkable for the fact that it was bald above the eyes, having no brows to speak of; also for the somewhat acidulous disposition it betrayed——to which, indeed, he was wont to give expression in words, as for instance in his cynical explanation of the name he bore. "Nature," he would say, "is full of corruption and blow-flies, and I am her offspring. Therefore I am called Maggotson. But as for why I am called Felix, that God alone knows." He came from Cologne, where he had once moved in the best social circles and often acted as carnival steward. But for reasons which remained obscure he had been obliged to leave Cologne; he had gone into retirement in our little town, where he very soon——a considerable time before my birth——became an intimate of our household. At all our eve- ning companies he was a regular and indispensable guest and in high favour with young and old. He would purse his lips and fix the ladies through his round glasses, with appraising eyes, until they would screech for mercy, putting their hands before their faces and begging him to turn away his gaze. Apparently they feared the penetrating artist eye; but he, it would seem, did not share in their awe of his calling, and not infrequently made ironic allusions to the nature of artists. "Phidias," he would say, "also called Pheidias, was a man of more than average gifts——as might perhaps be gathered from the fact that he was convicted for theft and put in jail at Athens for having appropriated to his own use the gold and ivory entrusted to him for his statue of Athena. But Pericles, who had discovered him, had him set free, thereby prov- ing himself to be a connoisseur not only of art but of artists as well; and Phidias——or Pheidias——went to Olympia, where he was commissioned to make the great chryselephantine stature of the Olympian Zeus. But what did he do? He stole the gold and ivory again——and there in the prison at Olympia he died. An extraordi- nary combination, my friends. But that is the way people are. They want people to be talented——which is already something out of the ordinary. But when it comes to the other qualities which go with the talents——and perhaps are essential to them—— oh, no, they don't care for these at all, they refuse to have any understanding of them." Thus my godfather. I have set down his remarks verbatim because he repeats them so often that I know them by heart. I have said that we live on terms of mutual regard; yes, I be- lieve that I enjoyed his especial favour, and often as I grew older it was my especial delight to serve as his model, dressing up in all sorts of costumes, of which he possessed a large and varied collec- tion. His studio was a sort of lumber-room with a large window under the roof of a little house standing by itself down on the Rhine. He rented this house and lived in it with an old serving- woman, and there I would pose for him hours at a time, perched on a rude model-throne while he brushed and scraped and painted away. Several times I sat for him in the nude for a large picture with a Greek mythological subject, destined to adorn the dining- room of a wine-dealer in Mainz. When I did this my godfather was not chary of his praise; and indeed I was a little like a young god, slender, graceful, yet powerful in build, with a golden skin and proportions that lacked little of perfection. If there was a fault it lay in that my legs were a little too short; but my god- father consoled me for this defect by saying the Goethe, that prince of the intellect, had been short-legged too and certainly had never been hampered thereby. The hours devoted to these sittings form an especial chapter in my memory. Yet I enjoy even more, I think, the "dressing up" itself; and that took place not only in the studio but at our house as well. Often when my godfather was to sup with us he would send up a large bundle of costumes, wigs, and accessories and try them all on me after the meal, sketching any particularly good effect on the lid of a pasteboard box. "He has a head for costumes," he would say, meaning that everything became me, and that in each disguise which I assumed I looked better and more natural than in the last. I might appear as a Roman flute-player in a short smock, a wreath of roses twined in my black locks; as an English page in snug-fitting satin with lace collar and plumed hat; as a Spanish bullfighter in spangled jacket and large round sombrero; as a youthful abbé of the Watteau period, with cap and bands, mantle and buckled shoes; as an Austrian officer in white military tunic with sash and agger; or as a German mountaineer in leather shorts and hob- nailed boots, with the bock's-beard stuck in his green felt hat—— whatever the costume, the mirror assured me that I was born to wear it, and my audience declared that I looked to the life exactly the person whom I aimed to represent. My godfather even as- serted that with the aid of costume and wig I seemed able to put on not only whatever social rank or national characteristics I chose, but I could actually adapt myself to any given period or century. For each age, my godfather would say, imparts to its children its own physiognomical stamp; whereas I, in the costume of a Florentine dandy of the end of the Middle Ages, could look as though I had stepped from a contemporary portrait, and yet be no less convincing in the full-bottomed wig which was the fashionable ideal of a later century.——Ah, those were glorious hours! But when they were over and I resumed my dull and ordinary dress, how stale, flat, and unprofitable seemed all the world by contrast, in what deep dejection did I spend the rest of the evening! Of my godfather I shall say no more in this place. Later on, at the end of my strenuous career, this extraordinary man inter- vened decisively in my destiny and saved me from despair. I search my mind for further impressions of my youth, and am reminded at once of the day when I first attended the theatre, at Wiesbaden, with my parents. I should interpolate here that in what I have so far set down I have not too anxiously adhered to the chronological order but have treated my younger days as a whole and moved freely within them from episode to episode. When I posed to my godfather as a Greek god I was sixteen or seventeen year old and thus no longer a child, though very back- wards at school. But my first visit to the theatre fell in my four- teenth year——though even so my physical and mental maturity, as will presently be seen, was well advanced and my sensitive- ness to certain classes of impressions much keener than is or- dinarily the case. What I saw that evening made the strongest impression on me and gave me food for perennial reflection. We had first visited a Viennese café, where I drank sweet punch and my father imbibed absinthe through a straw——and this al- ready was calculated to stir me to my depths. But how put into words the fever which possessed me when we drove in a droshky to the theatre and entered the lighted auditorium with its tiers of boxes? The women fanning their bosoms in the bal- cony, the men leaning over their chairs to chat; the hum and buzz of conversation in the stalls where we presently took our seats; the odours which streamed from hair and clothing to mingle with that of the illuminating gas; the confusion of sounds as the orchestra tuned up; the voluptuous frescoes displaying whole cascade of rosy foreshortenings——certainly all this could not but spur my youthful senses and prepare my mind for all the extraordinary scenes to follow. I had never before save in church seen so many people gathered together; and this playhouse, with its impressively complex seating-arrangements and its elevated stage where the elect, in brilliant costumes and to musical accom- paniment, performed their dialogues and dances and developed the activities required by the plot——certainly all that was in my eyes a church where pleasure was the god; where men in need of edification gathered in the darkness to gaze upwards open- mouthed at a sphere of bright perfection where each saw em- bodied the desire of his heart. The piece was an unpretentious offering to the comic muse—— I have even forgotten its name. Its scene was laid in Paris, which delighted my poor father's heart, and it centred round the figure of and idle young attaché, the traditional fascinator and lady- killer, played by the highly popular leading man, whose name was Müller-Rosé. I heard his real name from my father, who rejoiced in his personal acquaintance, and the picture of this man will remain forever in my memory. He is probably old and worn- out by now, like me, but at that time his power to dazzle all the world, myself included, made upon me so strong an impression that it belongs to the decisive experiences of my life. I say to dazzle, and it will be seen hereafter how much meaning I would convey by that word. But first I will essay to set down from my still very lively recollections the impression which Müller-Rosé made upon me. On his first entrance he was dressed all in black—— yet he radiated brilliance. He was supposed to come from some resort of the gay world and to be slightly intoxicated——a state which he knew how to counterfeit to perfection, yet without any suggestion of grossness. He wore a black cloak with a satin lining, patent-leather shoes, evening dress, white kid gloves, and a top hat which sat far back on his glistening locks, arranged in the then fashionable military parting, which ran all the way to the back of the neck. And every article of all this was so irre- proachable, so well-pressed, and sat with a flawless perfection such as in real life could not endure above a quarter of an hour and made him seem like a being from another world. In particular the top hat, light-heartedly askew on his head, was the very pat- tern and mirror of what a top hat should be, without one grain of dust and with the most beautiful reflections, exactly as though they had been painted on. And this superb figure had a face to match, of a rosy fineness like wax, with almond-shaped, black- rimmed yes, a small, short, straight nose and an extremely clear- cut, coral-red mouth and a little black moustache, even as though it were drawn with a paint-brush, following the outline of his arched upper lip. Reeling with a supple poise such as drunken men in everyday life do not possess, he gave his hat and stick to an attendant, slipped out of his cloak, and stood there in full evening fig, with diamond studs in his pleated shirt-front. As he drew off his gloves, laughing and rattling on in a silvery voice, you could see that his hands were white as milk outside and adorned with diamond rings, but inside pink like his face. He stood before the footlights at one side of the stage and trilled the first verse of a song all about what a wonderful life it was to be an attaché and a favourite with the ladies. Then he spread out his arms and snapped his fingers and waltzed apparently delirious with bliss over to the other side of the stage, where he sang the second verse and made his exit. Being recalled by loud applause, he sang the third and last verse in front of the prompter's box. And then with easy grace he began unfolding his rôle as called for by the plot. He was supposed to be very rich, which in itself lent his figure an almost magical charm. He appeared in a suc- cession of "changes": immaculate white sports clothes with a red belt; a full-dress, slightly outré uniform——yes, in one delicate and hair-raising situation, pale-blue silk underdrawers. The com- plications of the plot were audacious, adventurous, and risqué by turns. One saw him at the feet of a countess, at a champagne supper with two predatory daughters of joy, and standing with raised pistol confronting his fatuous rival in a duel. And not one of those elegant but strenuous occupations had power to derange one fold of his shirt-front, extinguish any of the brilliance of his top hat, or deepen the delicate tint of his complexion. He moved so easily within the frame of the musical and dramatic conven- tions that they seemed, so far from restricting him, to release him from the limitations of everyday life. He seemed pervaded to the finger-tips by a magic which we know how to express only by the vague and inadequate word "talent"——the exercise of which obviously gave him as much pleasure as it did us. He would fit his fingers round the silver crook of his cane, would let his hands glide into his trouser pockets, and these actions, even his getting out of a chair, his very exits and entrances, had a quality of con- scious gratification which filled the heart of the beholder with joy. Yes, that was it: Müller-Rosé heightened our joy of life—— if the phrase is adequate to express that feeling, mingled of pain and pleasure, envy, yearning, hope, and irresistible love which the sight of the consummately charming can kindle in the human soul. The public in the stalls was composed of middle-class citizens and their wives, clerks, one-year service men, and little girls in blouses; and despite the rapture of my own sensations I was able and eager to look about me and interpret the feelings of the audi- ence. On all these faces sat a look of almost silly bliss. They were rapt in self-forgetful absorption, a smile played about their lips, sweeter and more lively in the little shop-girls, more brooding and dreamy in the grown-up women, while on the faces of the men it expressed the benevolent admiration which simple fathers feel in the presence of sons who have passed beyond their own sphere and realized the dreams of their youth. As for clerks and the young soldiers, everything stood wide open in their upturned faces——eyes, mouths, nostrils, everything. And their smiles seemed to be saying: "Suppose it was us, standing up there in our under- drawers——how should we be making out? And look how he knows how to behave with those shameless hussies, just as though he were no better than they!"——When Müller-Rosé left the stage a power seemed to have gone out of the audience, all their shoul- ders sagged. When he stormed triumphantly from the back-stage to the footlights, holding a note with arms outspread, every bosom seemed to heave in his direction and the ladies' satin bodices creaked at the seams. Yes, as we sat there in the darkness we were like a swarm of night-flying insects rushing blind, dumb, and drunken into the flame. My father was royally entertained. He had followed the French custom and carried hat and stick into the theatre with him. When the curtain fell he put on the one and with the other banged on the floor loud and long. "C'est épatant," said he several times, quite weak with enthusiasm. At last it was all over and we were outside in the lobby, among a crowd of clerks who were quite up- lifted and trying to walk, talk, and hold their canes like the hero of the evening. My father said to me: "Come along, let's go and shake hands with him. Good Lord, weren't we on pretty good terms once, Müller and I? He will be delighted to see me again." So we instructed our ladies to wait for us in the vestibule and went off to pay our respects. We passed through the director's box, next the stage and already dark, then through a little door and behind the scenes. Stage-hands were clearing away in the eerie darkness. A little creature in red livery, who had been a lift-boy in the play, stood leaning against the wall sunk in reverie. My poor father pinched her playfully where her figure was amplest and asked her the way to the dressing-rooms, which she pointed out with rather an ill grace. We went through a whitewashed corridor, where uncovered gas-jets flared in the confined air. From behind several doors issued loud laughter or angry voices, and my father gestured with his thumb to call my attention to them as we went on. At the end of the narrow passage he knocked on the last door, laying his ear to his knuckle. From within came a gruff shout: "Who's there?" or "What the devil do you want?" or words to that effect. "May I come in?" asked my father in reply, where upon the voice instructed him to do something else with which I would not sully the pages of my narrative. My father smiled his deprecating little smile and called through the door: "Müller, it's Krull, Englebert Krull. I suppose I may shake you by the hand, after all these years?" There was a laugh from inside and the voice said: " kjhkh, so it's you, old horse! Always on the hunt for some sport, eh?" And as we opened the door it went on: "I sup- pose you won't take any harm from my nakedness!" We went in. I shall never forget the disgusting sight that offered itself to my boyish eyes. Müller-Rosé was seated at a grubby dressing-table in front of a dusty and speckled mirror with side wings. He had nothing on but a pair of grey tricot drawers, and a man in shirt-sleeves was mas- saging his back, the sweat running down his own face. The actor's visage glistened with salve and he was busy wiping it off with a towel already stiff with rouge and grease paint. Half of his coun- tenance still had the rosy coating which had made him radiant on the stage but now he looked merely pink and silly beside the cheesy pallor of the man's natural complexion. He had taken off the chestnut-brown wig and I saw that he was red-haired. One of his eyes still had deep black shadows beneath it and metallic dust clung to the lashes; the other was inflamed and watery and leered up at us with an indescribably gamin expression. All this I might have borne. But not the pimples with which Müller-Rosé's back, chest, shoulders, and upper arms were thickly strewn. They were horrible pimples, red-rimmed, suppurating, some of them even bleeding; even today I cannot repress a shudder at the thought of them. I find that our capacity for disgust is in direct proportion to our capacity for enjoyment, to our eagerness for the pleasures which this world can give. A cool and indifferent nature could never be so shake by disgust as I was at that moment. Worst of all was the air of the room, compounded of sweat and exhalations from the pots and jars and sticks of grease paint which strewed the table. At first I thought I could not stand it above a minute without being sick. However, I stood and looked——but I can add nothing to this description of Müller-Rosé's dressing-room. Perhaps I should re- proach myself for having so little that is objective to report of my first visit to a theatre——if I were not writing primarily for my own amusement and only secondarily for any public I may have. I am not bent on sustaining any dramatic suspense, leaving such ef- fects to the writers of imaginative tales, who must contrive to give their inventions the beautiful and symmetrical proportions of a work of art——whereas my material is derived from my own expe- riences alone and I feel I may dispose it as seems to me good. Thus I shall linger upon such events as were of especial value or signifi- cance to me, neglecting no necessary detail to bring them out; passing over more lightly those of less personal moment. I have well-nigh forgotten what passed between my father and Müller- Rosé on that occasion——probably because other matters took my attention. For it is undoubtedly true that we receive stronger im- pressions through the senses than through the mind. I recall that the singer——though surely the applause which had greeted him that evening must have left him in no great doubt as to his tri- umph——kept asking my father whether it had "gone over" or how well it had "gone over." I perfectly understood how he felt. I have even a vague memory of some rather ordinary turns of phrase which he wove into the conversation, as for instance, in reply to some insinuation of my father's: "Shut your jaw——" then adding in the same breath: "over a quid of tobacco, there's some on the stand." But, as I said, I lent but half an ear to this or other specimens of his mental quality, being altogether taken up by my own sense impressions. "So this, then"——ran my thoughts——" this pimpled and smeary individual is the charmer at whom the indistinguished masses were just now gazing up blissful-eyed! This repulsive worm is the reality of the glorious butterfly in whom all those deluded on- lookers thought to see realized all their own secret dreams of beauty, grace, and perfection! He is just like one of those disgust- ing little creatures which have the power of being phosphorescent in the evening." But the grown-up people in the audience, who on the whole must know about life and who yet were so frightfully eager to be deceived, must they not have been aware of the decep- tion? Or did they just privately not consider it one? And that is quite possible. For when you come to think about it, which is the "real" shape of the glow-worm: the insignificant little creature crawling about on the flat of your hand, or the poetic spark that swims through the summer night? Who would presume to say? Rather call up the picture you saw before: the swarms of moths and gnats, rushing blindly and irresistibly into the flame. With what unanimity in the work of self-delusion! What can it be, then, but such an instinctive need as this is implanted by God Him- self in the heart of man, to satisfy which the Müller-Rosés are cre- ated? Here beyond a doubt is operative in life a wise and indis- pensible economy, in the service of which such men are kept and rewarded. How much admiration is his due for the success which he achieved tonight and achieves every night! Let us then smother what disgust we feel, in the realization that he knows all about his frightful pimples and yet——with the help of grease paint, lighting, music, and distance——can move before his audience with such complete assurance as to make them see in him their heart's ideal and thereby endlessly to enliven and edifying them. And more: let us ask ourselves what it was that urged this miserable mountebank to learn the art of transfiguring himself nightly. What are the secret sources of the charm which possessed him and radiated from his finger-tips? The question needs but to be asked to be an- swered: who does not know the magic, the ineffable sweetness—— to which any words we have are all too pale——of the power which teaches the glow-worm to light the night? This man could not hear too often nor too emphatically that his performance gave pleasure, pleasure beyond the ordinary. It was the yearning of all his being towards that host of yearning souls, it was that inspired and winged his art. He gave us joy of life, we in our turn sated his craving for applause; and was this not a mutual satisfaction, a true marriage of desires? The above lines indicate the main current of the thoughts which surged through my eager and overheated brain as I sat there in Müller-Rosé's dressing-room, yes, and for days and weeks after- wards possessed my musings and my dreams. And always they were accompanied by emotions so profound and shattering, such a drunkenness of yearning, hope, and joy, that even today, despite my great fatigue, the memory of them makes my heart beat faster. In those days my feelings were of such violence that they threat- ened to burst my frame; often they made me somewhat ailing and thus served me as a pretext for stopping away from school. It would be superfluous to dwell upon the reasons for my grow- ing aversion to this odious institution. I am only able to live when my mind and my fancy are completely free; and thus it is that the memory of my years in prison is actually less hateful to me than those of the ostensibly more honourable bond of slavery and fear which chafed my sensitive boyish soul when I was forced to at- tend at the ugly little white box of a school-building down in the town. Add to these feelings the isolation from which I suffered, the grounds of which I have set forth above, and it will surprise nobody that I early had the idea of taking more holidays than the law allowed. 
From Thomas Mann: Stories of Three Decades, Translated from the German by H. T. Lowe-Porter. Copyright, 1930, 1931, 1934, 1935, 1936, by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. The Modern Library edition, Random House, Inc. pp. 349—360.
submitted by MarleyEngvall to banditti [link] [comments]

[SPOILERS ALERT]Super Smash Bros skin ideas for characters.

First of all WARNING THIS IS NOT A DRILL, there will be SPOILERS for most of the games that the characters originate from. There's also some NSFW since Bayonetta's here. I want more variety in what kind of skins do you want to see in Smash, so i'll help. Some skins will either be lame, be unrealistic because they add something the character din't originally have(like wings) or some as jokes cause i feel like it. Also some skins will be fan skins. Some will be characters that resemble them, have the same moveset as them or has blood ties with them. Some skins are already in the game, but since they are good, i'll use them anyway. Finally done, all the links should work.
Dark Pit and Dr.Mario are not here because there's really not much for them and i'd rather see them as skins. Squirtle, Ivisaur, Pichu, and Young Link are not there because i don't believe that they'll come back.
Super Mario Power Ups, i don't want to use most of them since i don't think they'll make great skins and it's a pain to list them all.
Mario: Dr.Mario, Paper Mario, Rapper Mario, Mario Sunshine Outfit, Shadow Mario, Super Mario Strikers, Mario Strikers Concept Art/2, Mario Spikers/2, Mario Tennis Aces, Mario Party the Top 100, Rabbid Mario, and Cosmic Clone. Super Mario Odyssey costumes: Aviator, Black Suit, Black Tuxedo, Builder, Caveman, Chef, Clown, Cowboy, Hat Shop Employee, Explorer, Fashionable, Football, Golf, Happi, Hakama, Mechanic, Painter, Pirate, Resort, Sailor, Swim Wear, Samurai, Scientist, Snow Suit, Sombrero, Space Suit, Skeleton, King, Diddy Kong,Wedding Mario, Wedding Peach, Wedding Bowser, Musician, Knight, Baseball, Santa and Conductor. Last 2 are datamined, but they are real old costumes unlike the others.
Luigi: Famicom Grand Prix II, NES Open Tournament Golf, Dr. Luigi, Paper Luigi, Parade Paper Luigi, Mr.L, Super Mario All Stars Commercial, Kyaru Pamyu Pamyu 3DS commercial, Rabbid, Casino Luigi, Super Mario Strikers, Mario Tennis Aces and Luigi's Balloon World.
Peach: Nurse Toadstool, Sunshine, Peach Luigi, Sports Dress, Mario Kart Suit, Mario & Sonic Rhytmic Gymnastics&Swimming, Winter Sports outfit, Sports Shorts, Super Mario Strikers concept art, Super Princess Peach Perry Parasol, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu 3DS commercial, Rabbids, Super Mario All Stars Commercial, Nightgown, Super Mario Odyssey costumes, Paper Peach, Shadow Queen, Princess Eclair, Princess Shroob, Princess Daisy and White Mage Mario Hoops 3 on 3.
Bowser: Super Mario Strikers Charged, Paper Bowser, Black Bowser, King Koopa, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu 3DS Commercial, Super Mario All Stars commercial, Skylanders/concept/Molten, Dry Bowser, Rookie, Bowletta, Dark Bowser, Meowser, Dreamy Bowser, Mega Dragon Bowser, Wedding Bowser and Mario Bowser.
Yoshi: Mini-Yoshi, Paper Yoshi, Yarn Yoshi, Mario Yoshi, Super Mario Strikers, Kyaru Pamyu Pamyu 3DS commercial, Yoob, Rabbid, Plessie/Dorrie, Birdo and Boshi.
Rosalina: Sports Dress, Sports Shorts, Mario & Sonic Gymnastics&Swimming, Mario Kart Suit, Concept art and Cosmic Spirit.
Bowser Jr.: Koopalings, Boom Boom&Pom Pom, Mario Sunshine/Shadow Bowser Jr., Paper Bowser Jr., Super Mario Strikers Charged.
Wario: Biker, Rabbid, Zombie, Vampire, Tiny Wario, Masters of Disguise, Space Suit, Artist, Genius, Sparky, Captain, Dragon, Wicked, Pajama, Tennis Aces, Super Mario Strikers, Shake King clothes, Wario Ware Snapped, Wario Ware DIY and Super Mario RPG Booster.
Donkey Kong: Super Kong, Rabbid, Skylanders/Concept art/Super DK, Punch Out, Super Mario Strikers, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu 3DS commercial, Arcade DK, Donkey Kong Jr., Swanky Kong, Dread Kong, Ninja Kong, Ghastly King, Bink, Chunky Kong/Disco and Funky Kong.
Diddy Kong: Super Diddy Kong, Helper Monkey, Common Kong, Ninjape, Ukiki, The Chimp, Super Mario Strikers Charged, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu 3DS commercial and Boombox.
Link: Modern Link, Metroid Link, Blue Ring/Red Ring, Ordonian clothes, Skyloft Clothes, Hero's Shade, Dark Link, Classic Link, Zora Armor, Magic Armor, Hyrule Warriors Trainee Tunic, Hero's Clothes, Postman Uniform and Linkle. BOTW outfits, Teleporting, Royal Guard, Phantom Ganon, Tingle, Salvager, Dersert Voe, Climber, Barbarian, Ancient, Worn Armor, Stealth, Soldier, Rubber, Rito Armor, Radiant, Hylian, Gerudo, Flamebreaker, Phantom and Armorless.
Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Young Zelda, A Link to The Past, 4 Swords, Twilight Princess/Hooded/Possessed, Skyward Sword, Spirit Maiden, BOTW Royalty, BOTW, BOTW Ceremony, BOTW Warm clothes, Hyrule Warriors, Concept art, Dark Zelda, Nightgown, Ghost, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu 3DS commercial, Malladus, Ilia, Marin, Twili Midna, Princess Styla and Hilda.
Sheik: Ocarina of Time, Dark Sheik, Hyrule Warriors, Concept art, Yiga, Paya and Tetra.
Ganondorf: Dark Ganondorf,Oracle, Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, Concept art/Another one, Wind Waker, Hyrule Warriors, Concept Art, Phantom Ganon/Ghost, Yuga and Demise.
Toon Link: Dark Toon Link,Blue Red and Green, Outset clothes with Hero's Charm and Magic Armor, Tri Force Heroes costumes/DLC, Doppel, Faux Hero, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu 3DS commercial, Engineer and Ravio.
Samus: Dark Suit/Concept, Light Suit/Concept, Fusion Suits, Phazon Suit, Gravity Suit, PED Suit, Corruption, Lightning Armor, Fully Powered, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu 3DS commercial, SA-X and Dark Samus.
Zero Suit Samus: Female Wire Frame, Corrupted, ZSS has a couple of ending outfits, Metroid Justin Bailey/Best Ending, Metroid 2, Super Metroid, Metroid Zero Mission, Metroid Fusion, Under 2 hours 100% normal mode, Under 2 hours 100% hard mode, Metroid Samus Returns Justin Bailey, fusion mode, Metroid Other M young Samus, Civilian clothes and Galactic Federation Uniform.
Pit: Sacred Treasures, Light Fighter, Dark Fighter, Dark Pit, Younger Pit, Chariot Master, Girl, Magnus clothes, Hades clothes, Power of Flight of different gods, Eggplant, Tempura, Status effects, SSBM trophy, Kid Icarus endings, Farmer, Basic Guard, Guard Captain and Buff Boi.
Palutena: Kid Icarus, Of Myths and Monsters, Glasses, Pseudo Palutena, Phosphora clothes, Viridi clothes, Medusa and Amazon Pandora.
submitted by SaviorSatan to smashbros [link] [comments]

(LONG) The Ultimate Trip Report: 7.5 Action-Packed Days in Mid-October. Lots of Budget-Friendly Activities!

Just returned from the most epic week in Las Vegas with my husband! We budgeted about $1000 per person for the week, all expenses included. We went over by a couple hundred in the end. We planned a lot of activities and sightseeing in advance to avoid gambling too much out of boredom. We weren't very lucky at anything except blackjack, but we were able to leave Vegas at only $40 in the hole between the two us, which I consider a moderate success! And we weren't bored for a minute!
Day 1 (Wed 10/19)
Day 2 (Thurs 10/20)
Day 3 (Fri 10/21)
Day 4 (10/22)
Day 5 (Sun 10/23)
Day 6 (Mon 10/24)
Day 7 (Tues 10/25)
Day 8 (Wed 10/26)
Thanks for reading! I might try to come back and add some pictures and links here as I get the chance. Feel free to ask me about anything we did!
submitted by happenedinvegas2 to vegas [link] [comments]

casino royale party costume ideas video

Las Vegas Outfit Ideas. Any casino-themed party is not complete without the appropriate outfits, and while there are tons of different ideas for casino parties of every shape and size, it’s always good to back to the roots of what made casinos what they are today: Las Vegas. The city of Las Vegas changed the face of both North America and the world, introducing us to all the entertainment ... Oct 11, 2014 - Explore Gaming Guide's board "Casino Party", followed by 9713 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about casino party, casino, casino theme parties. - Erkunde Sylwi_phrs Pinnwand „Outfit Casino Royale“ auf Pinterest. Weitere Ideen zu casino royale, mottoparty, kleider. Feelin' Groovy Adult Costume. Get ready to groove to the sounds of the 60s in this mod inspired costume! This costume. Apr 4, - Explore Marlene Bayley's board "casino royale dress" on Pinterest. See more ideas about evening dresses, gowns, pretty dresses. Casino Party - Get ready to put on an epic casino night round at your house with our perfect Casino Party guide. Find everything you need here! Jul 13, 2020 - Explore Carol Behrens's board "casino party ideas", followed by 461 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about casino party, casino, party. Aug 14, 2015 - Explore Reilly Whitlock's board "Casino Royale Dress" on Pinterest. See more ideas about Evening dresses, Prom dresses, Dresses. Feb 1, 2018 - Fun ideas for a creative Halloween costume with a casino or gambling theme. . See more ideas about costumes, casino, creative halloween costumes. I wore this vegas showgirl costume to local casino costume night. I was asked for lots photos and ppl said it looked like the real thing. I took silver fabric made simple skirt. took a bra with sequins added a belly dancer necklace to it. took tiara hot glued ostrich feathers for the head … Read more A Casino Royale casino theme party lets you recreate James Bond’s famous casino scenes. This is a party with class! Your guests are all dressed to the nines, chandeliers light up the room, and a bartender mixes drinks behind an old oak bar. Waiters make rounds of the room to offer champagne and canapes. Maybe you’ve even invited your frenemies for some 007-style scandal and intrigue! These Casino Royale party ideas are a gala way to entertain large groups, and this makes a great corporate event or FUNd-raiser, too! If you play your cards right, your guests will be treated royally and you'll be the talk of the town! Look out Las Vegas! Move over Monte Carlo! Casino Royale, here we come…

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